Hello everyone.

First off, this is my first post here, as I normally just lurk and read.  As of late, I've been contemplating putting my own opinion out here of how the chopper should be used in battle, what the role of the pilot should be, and how the gunner should perform.  Let me first preface this as just what it is, my opinion.  I do not claim to be the "all knowing" when it comes to the chopper and all of its tactics.  This is just a conversation starter.

My all time favorite map is Wake Island, so I'll be referencing that map while I formulate my thoughts here.

First and foremost, the attack chopper is a very deadly weapon, as you all know.  If a well informed, intelligent pilot is flying, with a skilled gunner, you can pretty much keep the opposition's advancement to a minimum.  The design of the modern day attack chopper is meant for the gunner to be the most important person, not the pilot.  The pilot is there mainly to keep the chopper out of harms way, and position the chopper for adequate and constant barrage of offense for the gunner.  I'm pretty sure that EA meant to keep the same intent for the game, as the intent for the real life choppers.  The reason I say this, is because of the driver assist points that a pilot gets when the gunner makes a kill.  It's enough motivation for the pilot to play his role correctly, and still get the points for doing his job.  In a nutshell, the pilot is not there for the offense, but is there to place the chopper in a position for the gunner to wreak havoc on the opposition.

When you jump in a chopper as a pilot, do not fly low all over the place.  Unless you are in a defensive mode, where your radar is actively going off, you should be giving your gunner the opportunity to scan the map for potential victims.  If you're flying low through the trees, trying to show off your "mad skillz", you are taking your gunner completely out of the game.  Keep a mid altitude level flight, and watch for your gunner to mark targets. 

Air to Air Defense against a Fast mover: 
If there's an opposing fighter plane in the air, keep an eye out for where he is, as they often sweep you for radar lock.  Do not; I repeat, DO NOT, prematurely ejaculate the flares.  Wait until the radar lock stops beeping and goes into full tone.  Give it a fraction of a second AFTER full tone to eject the flares.  By this time, the fighter will be too close for a good shot on you, and any shots previous will follow the flares.  By the time he comes back around, your flares will be reloaded and ready for use again.

After a few passes from the fighter like this, he'll try to change tactics and turn off his air to air radar, and try sneaking up on you with guns a'blazin.  Utilize your altitude and side to side motion as soon as you see the first tracers.  Unless the fighter pilot is top notch, he won't be able to hit you with the first few shots.  By this time, you'll see what's going on and be able to deviate and dodge.

If the pilot spends more than 4 or 5 passes trying to shoot you down, it's pretty safe to say that he's not paying much attention to his 6 o'clock.  If your team has a decent fighter pilot, then he should be maneuvering in for the kill, or at least have seen the opposing fighter pilot not paying attention. 

Ground to Air Missiles:
These are pretty easy to decipher from air to air or ground to air.  Any air to air lock you get on you will not last very long.  If you have a steady tone on you, and it lasts for more than a few seconds, then there's a strong chance that it will be ground to air.  If you know the map you’re playing on pretty well, then you should already know where the ground to air missile launchers are located.  Scan the close vicinity to you and find out which launcher is occupied.  Keep the chopper moving in side to side defensive sweeps, and wait until you see the smoke trails from the launcher.  Once the two rockets are launched and miss, steady your chopper for the gunner to get a clean shot with the guns on the launcher.  The reload times on the ground to air launchers is pretty long, so if you're a good pilot, you should be able to steady the chopper quick enough for the gunner to get a steady bead on the culprit.  The gunner should know not to waste a valuable TV missile on the launcher, because the guns can take it out pretty quickly with a steady stream.

TV Missiles:
As far as TV missiles are concerned, the common misconception of the pilot is to keep the chopper stationary while the TV missile is in transit.  The pilot should keep the chopper steady enough for the gunner to get a good solid shot off.  Once the TV missile is launched, the gunner's perspective is now with the missile, not the chopper.  Feel free to locate the next target, dodge radar, or whatever your little heart desires.  Moving the chopper while the TV missile is in transit will not affect the gunner's perspective or aim on said target.

Air to Air combat with another Chopper:
This is the tricky one.  The one thing that is very important here is the fact that your gunner is STILL your best asset in this scenario.  If you get the prime opportunity to go up against another pilot that just sits still, the TV missile is your saving grace.  Try to approach your victim from behind so you can have the amount of time it takes for the opposition to turn around.  Any time you can get the jump on your victim you should win the battle.  Utilize your own rockets when you have the shots available.  Prepare yourself for head on crashes, though.  Most pilots do not seem to handle their choppers well in pressure situations, and results end up with head on collisions.  If you see this happening, do not sacrifice you or your gunner for one last rocket shot.  Just drop altitude and scurry out for another fight.  Try to keep to the side of your victim, as it's a much larger target of opportunity than a head on battle.  Don't waste your own rockets with head on combat, as the area of destruction is much smaller.  Work your way around to the side if possible.

Please remember that this is all opinion, and written as a tool to help pilots with their quest to dominate the air.  This is by no means a bible for chopper pilots.  All my tactics and opinions are open for discussion, and I welcome them.  If you like to discuss more chopper tactics, either BF2 or BFV, please feel free to visit our own forums at http://bf2.mercpilots.net!

If you guys have found this a useful write-up, then I won't mind in the least typing one up for the gunner.  I just don't want to go and type all of it up if it's not warranted or wanted.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

Excellent guide! I personally am a very good gunner (and rarely do I find someone better than me ) but I find that good pilots are hard to find, and I am not the best pilot (my chopper tends to want to make sweet love to the ground and trees). I think that this guide should be featured, or at least stickied ...I'll see you on the field
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
LOL prematurely ejaculate the flares!
Moderator Emeritus
+270|7088|Nova Scotia, Canada

fikraag7 wrote:

Excellent guide! I personally am a very good gunner (and rarely do I find someone better than me )
You don't even have 300 kills in a copter!

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

Prodie wrote:

fikraag7 wrote:

Excellent guide! I personally am a very good gunner (and rarely do I find someone better than me )
You don't even have 300 kills in a copter!

He probably likes to play on unranked servers. 

BTW Good guide.  I am currently a horrible pilot and need to practice.  I'm a decent gunner, although I don't do it a lot.  I'd like to see your gunner guide.

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-11-17 12:37:54)

j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

Prodie wrote:

fikraag7 wrote:

Excellent guide! I personally am a very good gunner (and rarely do I find someone better than me )
You don't even have 300 kills in a copter!

Please. I play with another account when my friend plays, and he's a pretty good pilot. The other guy I play with is also good with the chopper. Their names are CAN3S (http://bf2s.com/player/46640943/) and doip(http://bf2s.com/player/45585467/). So shut up.
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
i can get other choppers in combat with the TV like head on combat
Base Rapist
oh I love gunning, but its so difficult to find someone that can pilot worth a damn... those few times though... 50+ kills easy can happen on any map.
[MERC]William Shaf
I appreciate all the feedback, guys.

I apologize about my second account here.  I registered yesterday at work, and used my work email, and didn't bother changing the auto password, which is in my email at work.  I had to re-register from home today.

I'm going to work on a new Gunner's Guide, and I hope this helps at least someone with their tactics for piloting the chopper.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
chopper whores!!! Good guide, but not doesn't show exactly how to manipulate the guided missle. I find myself (when I can actually get into a helo/plane) flying kinda low. When you are with good pilots and gunners in BH and have the support/engys/medics in there with you, can really lay havoc.  I see people getting frustrated and can kill any other way so they kamakazi.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

nice read. I will have to buy a joystick..

on a side note, I never prematurely ejaculate anything, let alone flares...

not sure about a sticky..  any comments ?
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Good stuff!  Looking forward to the Gunner's guide as well. 
+0|7050|Louisville, KY
Well written guide, and your tactics are spot on. I'm one of those rare pilots that flies for the gunner.. one thing I will try though is higher level flying. I tend to ground hug until I approach a point and then try to rise over hills.

I just checked my stats.. I'm almost to 1000 kills in a chopper

Last edited by bait (2005-11-18 06:17:21)

[MERC]William Shaf

imdead wrote:

chopper whores!!! Good guide, but not doesn't show exactly how to manipulate the guided missle. I find myself (when I can actually get into a helo/plane) flying kinda low. When you are with good pilots and gunners in BH and have the support/engys/medics in there with you, can really lay havoc.  I see people getting frustrated and can kill any other way so they kamakazi.
The guided missile manipulation portion will be in the gunner's guide.  I contemplated putting the tactics for the gunners in this guide, but it would have made it far to lengthy of a read.  I wanted to get my thoughts out without boring the reader.  Too much info in one guide will make the reader lose focus on the intent.


Last edited by [MERC]William Shaf (2005-11-18 08:29:51)

[MERC]William Shaf

bait wrote:

I tend to ground hug until I approach a point and then try to rise over hills.
This really depends on the pilot, and the amount of air opposition.  If you're playing as USMC on Wake Island at the start of the round, than this is probably a good idea.  It's the one time that you have massive opposition in the air.  Any other time I'd suggest mid altitude for long range gunning.

Thanks for the feedback!

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

You forgot the part where you totally own planes with your chopper! gasp!

But seriously, I think you should add that in. If the pilot is taking that many runs at you (i normally dont bother with choppers when i fly) then you can take him down with 3-4 rockets.

hehe.. ejaculate flares... *chuckle*
+0|7055|San Jose California
I enjoyed reading this guide Will, i've always wanted to fly the chooper skillfully...hehe! but many players just can't live without it on the servers so i've stayed away from snatching them from other people...after reading this i've gotten inspired to become a l33t pilot :-p . I also look forward for the upcoming "gunner's guide" your writing is well organized and well explained... once again i enjoyed it.

see you around

I can Pilot & Co-Pilot well (As long as im not really tired) but finding someone who can TV guide for me rather than just take in the viw of enemy vehicles & occasionaly spray the ground is a rare occurence. Indeed good pilots & co-pilots are few & far between, if you find them... hold on to them like gold-dust
AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
I'm a pretty good gunner, provided I have a decent pilot, fortunatley one of my clanmates is a very good helo pilot, but I can't fly any chopper worth a damn, maybe with this guide and some practice I can change that.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

I can Pilot & Co-Pilot well (As long as im not really tired) but finding someone who can TV guide for me rather than just take in the viw of enemy vehicles & occasionaly spray the ground is a rare occurence. Indeed good pilots & co-pilots are few & far between, if you find them... hold on to them like gold-dust
Truth.  Good pilots are hard to find.  I'd really like to see a "find player" option, so that I could rejoin some of the past pilots I've flown with. 
Anyone who reads this post and considers themselves a good pilot might think about posting a thread called Pilot's Union or something catchy.  Then register so we/I know who to go to on the battlefield when we see you out there. 

NOTE*  I don't consider myself an elite gunner,

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Hmm. I'm going to start a flame war, but define good gunner? I find good piloting so much harder than gunning which seems so much easier. When you pilot you think for two people when you gun you think for one. Its not hard to hit armor and the like with a TV which can me manipulated relatively easily, and the MEC cannon mows down just about anything.

One thing about 'good' gunners, 1. They spot constantly for the pilotl. This is a MUST have. It cannot be the other way around.

Any other opinions on what good gunners should be like? 1337 TV Missile skillz need not apply.
Nice guide, I was thinking of writing out something like this myself. There's been about four or five times when I've had a really great pilot/gunner combo, and the results were amazing. Usually I'm either a pilot with a gunner who can't aim, or worse, doesn't know what to aim at, or gunning with a pilot who doesn't realize all those ground troops we're flying over are people I could be killing if he'd just stop for a second. When there's a chopper giving my team a hard time, they take top priority. Just following them and being locked on and having the gunner shoot them is enough to get them away from the rest of my team. I've had gunners and pilots leave them alone until it's way too late and we end up getting taken out from their TV rocket. What's with the pilots that just spin in the air in a air to air fight? We don't even have a chance then. They need their air privledges revoked. And the people that hog the chopper every time they die every two minutes? That's the worst. The odds of the team winning then are real low.
a good pilot gunner combo should, in a perfect world, be using voip to communicate because the gunners view is limited.  i fancy myself a decent gunner and i can fly a chopper well enough to get back to the pad for the pilot.  ive also found that with chopper v chopper if the gunner aims for the engines the enemy goes down quicker or you can aim for the cockpit with hopes of taking out the other gunner.  part that pisses me off when i find a good pilot is when we spawn next, someone steals the chopper and im stuck to hoofin it again.
-I4nI- Jaiden
+0|7048|Las Vegas

Kung Jew wrote:

Truth.  Good pilots are hard to find.  I'd really like to see a "find player" option, so that I could rejoin some of the past pilots I've flown with. 
Anyone who reads this post and considers themselves a good pilot might think about posting a thread called Pilot's Union or something catchy.  Then register so we/I know who to go to on the battlefield when we see you out there. 

NOTE*  I don't consider myself an elite gunner,

I agree with you, i consider myself a skilled pilot, but not elite by any means. I can be pretty lethal in the air, but sometimes those damn trees and mountains just tend to pop up out of nowhere, lol. I like your idea of a Pilots Union or something of the sort, i think it should be implemented somehow.

That guide is really nice, gave me a few usefull tips, and i will try and focus more on the gunner's arsenal than my own rockets lol. I'd like to pair up with any good gunners out there and see what kind of havoc we can cause
Hey [MERC], great post. As a dedicated chopper pilot I always try to line up my gunner for an almost straight ahead shot so they don't have to wander around with their gun.

However, if I may, i'd like to add something to your Air to Air Defense against a Fast Mover:

While using your flares may seem like the only thing you can do to shake the missiles off you when the jet has lock on you, I like to use the following manuever. Because missiles do not generally have a tight turning radius, as soon as the jet has lock on you, you can bank either left or right making a full circle or just a 180 degree turn. This requires some practice if you do not already have a general feel of the chopper. You need to have your throttle all the way up and be turning as sharply as possible for this to work. Maybe i'll try to get a working short video clip of this in action if it isn't quite clear.

Just thought I'd share a little with the community.


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