Penetrator_01 wrote:
N)i(N Herby007, its twats like you that spoil the game for the other tens of thousands of people who paid money to play honestly and fairly. Two principles I firmly doubt your clan has heard of. In fact, it wouldn't suprise me if most of your clan haven't even got leaglly purchased copies of BF2, and go around on other peoples ranked servers (also paid for) just to fuck up the game for others and increase your own stats.
IMO clans like yours spoil the game. It is for this reason why you need to advertise your server, because people get pissed off with the immature assholes on it, and don't come back. News of a bad server travels fast, and you lot seem to be helping it no end.
I have a bought copy of BF2 and Special Forces andI couldn't give a fuck if my stats was wiped (i have never stat padded except for on pure beef) and I think those who care about their stats need to get a life. However, after reading your post, I will now go and cry and rock myself to sleep.