Can we turn this into a 'Guns i've fired in real life'? Then us Eurofags can join in more.

Last edited by krazed (2010-08-07 16:04:44)
The two I can make out the calibers on are 9mm and 223krazed wrote:
reloading dies
what calibers?
find a place that is still importing the damn things and i'll buy one=NHB=Shadow wrote:
I would like to see dual model 1887's
in action
in real life
from someone on
this forum
and reload it in a X formation
Will try to get some pics tomorrow morning.west-phoenix-az wrote:
What's your setup?
Got some pics?
I'm going to use the Lee 4-hole turret. I know a few guys who run Lee products without issue so I decided to go that route since I'm going with a cheaper setup.
Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-08-07 21:12:59)
Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2010-08-08 10:28:36)
Tripod in the corner for survey equipment or chronograph?
Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-08-08 11:14:43)
I have a Chrony, but the tripod is for an aus Jena theodolite - East German and in Grads, not Degressrdx-fx wrote:
Tripod in the corner for survey equipment or chronograph?
Edit: the orange tripod, not the one in the poster
Don't even think about anything more complex than the turret press from Lee, I've never heard a good word about the 1000 etc.west-phoenix-az wrote:
9mm, 45acp and 223
What's your setup?
Got some pics?
I'm going to use the Lee 4-hole turret. I know a few guys who run Lee products without issue so I decided to go that route since I'm going with a cheaper setup.
How can that quad gatling AA gun possibly be legal even in the USwest-phoenix-az wrote:
Dillon Precision is not too far from my home. I'd like some of their equipment, but it gets expensive. One day I'll probably pick up a Dillon unit. Having them locally is nice for quickly picking up additional accessories or swapping out a warranty item. I've heard great things about their customer service, mostly from walk-ins.
The Dillon's are living!
The clip doesn't show you his plane or helicopter
Which Lee products have you owned?Dilbert_X wrote:
Don't even think about anything more complex than the turret press from Lee, I've never heard a good word about the 1000 etc.
You need to operate the turret fairly slowly, or the little plastic hexagon thing which rotates the turret gets mashed quickly, it'll wear out anyway.
I reckon my Dillon paid for itself in one afternoon, I'd buy that, or Hornadys are supposed to be good if not better.
If you have a clean record, live in the right state, and have enough time and money, a lot of things are possible.FloppY_ wrote:
How can that quad gatling AA gun possibly be legal even in the USwest-phoenix-az wrote:
Dillon Precision is not too far from my home. I'd like some of their equipment, but it gets expensive. One day I'll probably pick up a Dillon unit. Having them locally is nice for quickly picking up additional accessories or swapping out a warranty item. I've heard great things about their customer service, mostly from walk-ins.
The Dillon's are living!
The clip doesn't show you his plane or helicopter
Last edited by RAIMIUS (2010-08-09 23:29:55)