CombatRsq wrote:
RoosterCantrell wrote:
]BH[ 24/7 Dragon Valley. handed out about 10 bans in the round. I got banned for flying. I spawned into the round before anyone, got in the j10 flew for a while, and the admin wanted my jet...BANNED.
Rooster, who was it and when did it happen? This is not standard practice for an admin to ban just to have you jet. If you could let me know, I would appreciate it as one of the Sr. admins there.
Hey, sorry to shit on your server, but it happened.
I don' know who banned me, but here's the story.
Finished a round, map reloaded. I have a fast computer, so I loaded onto the PLA airfield before anyone was in the map. So, I took off in the jet, I was having a decent run, not alot kills, but NEVER shot down. I had the jet for a while after I took off alone at the beginning of the round and then I was banned
Bans were being passed out like candy for the few rounds I was on there. I was flying along and I happened to look up at the top right of the screen;
I had time to type "WTF?!"
and boom, banned.
So I'm sure you guys are a good clan, jsut a few asses that might paint a bad picture.
Actually, I spent the next few minutes looking for your website and couldn't find it, so I found another server with your tag, logged on, and saw the website scrolling in the round, empty server.
I went to your site and saw your Game monitor Server lists ( sig thing), and saved the image(
EDIT: The saved Game-tools image shows the date as Agust 3rd 6:40 Central Time, which I saved that image just after I was banned ), I can show you it if you like. Liek I said I don't know who banned me, but this is the three members that were on the server list:
{BH} Sublimeillusion
{BH} |DF|.SH|M.
{BH} pkwards
I am not saying they did it, for all I know, the admin was someone else, These are just the names on the server list on your site, a few minutes after I was banned. But one of them was prety ban happy while I was there.
Alot of reason were:
BANNING! [someplayer] OH YEAH?
BANNING! [anotherplayer] NICE TRY
and BS like that.
So, I was a little pissed and posted to vent a little. I tried to fidn a ban appeal section, but i think it required a login/password. The "bitch box" didnt allow enough characters to explain myself.
Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-08-07 19:14:23)