$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Tigg@lot wrote:

I just tried if a Split-S (inverted Immelmann) was possible and it is ^^

When you want to try it you have to be flying high as the maneuvers purpose is to loose altitude and gain speed while making a 180° turn. You start with a half barrel roll and while you´re upside down you pull your joystick/mouse back to perform a half loop.
I think if you train and get better the amount of altitude you loose during this maneuver whill decrease.

The second thing I tried today was if the Immelmann was possible for every chopper ingame. Yes, every chopper ingame can perform Immelmanns (Split-S´s too).
Sweet, I gave it a try and definatelly possible. Gonna record the video and put it up later, I'll use your description (if that's ok of course). Looks like a good tactic if you have a chopper chasing you.
noob on tour

GotMex? wrote:

Gonna record the video and put it up later, I'll use your description (if that's ok of course).
Sure thing
The Disconnected
Featured Post Request!
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Hey again, I got some new videos up, check out the main post. I added the Split-S (Reverse Immelman), a double loop video, and a video of possible applications for the Immelman. Enjoy!
+4|7033|Copenhagen, Denmark

GotMex? wrote:

Yay, videos are up and running, enjoy.
Nice flying, though the double loop video could use a better ending .

Don't use the immelman myself in helo (pointless imho) and i do have a fair ammount of hours beneath my belt (check my stats)

The barrelroll is very effective as a pilot, but as a helo u have to little speed to make good use of it.

My best advice as a pilot... go up high, make sure that ur gunner knows how to use TV and where the enemy usually are (like durca durcas on Gulf of Oman near their helo). Have him blast missiles that way every few secs to get easy frags... dodging another helo, i usually use the split S (not precicly). I head down and make a hard turn, then gain altitude... it's a good way to get above your enemy

n1nj41c l337ne55 wrote:

dshak wrote:


nice post, the chopper tactics, good stuff... but how does that video show the M95s power? you killed another sniper with it? with what looked like a head shot? I don't get it, that same shot would be easier with an M24?
Thats the whole point retard. Everyone says the M95 sux. It's not accurate enough. BLah blah blah. You just have to know how to use it(point of the video) and its an excellent alternative to the shitty MEC and China snipers.

yeah, it is. UBAR shows that it does same damage as the m24, at *about* the same ROF, and the same accuracy. yeah, the M24 is twice as accurate and just as damaging. reference above. that and it makes your day when you KO a chopper pilot with a sniper rifle. gunner really just doesnt have enough time to realize whats happening most of the time.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Update: I got a few new videos up. One is a double barrel roll, another is a Dive to Immelman against anti-air and armor. Last I added a new section of cool loops which should help you gauge when it is possibel to pul them off.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

I want to know how to circle strafe . It looks very, very cool, so would you be able to update it into your guide?
Yea, I've actually been working on this, I've seen it before and i know it's not too complicated, just that my strafing technique is a little messy these days. I'll probably get it by tomorrow. I'm also trying to see if I can get a different point of view than inside the chopper to show people that haven't seen it what it looks like, but that's probably not gonna happen soon.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Yup I've seen it done before, circling the opponent with your nose centered on him. I need to learn to do that.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
+0|6977|Sarasota, FL

GotMex? wrote:

Yea, I've actually been working on this, I've seen it before and i know it's not too complicated, just that my strafing technique is a little messy these days. I'll probably get it by tomorrow. I'm also trying to see if I can get a different point of view than inside the chopper to show people that haven't seen it what it looks like, but that's probably not gonna happen soon.
It's actually easier than you probably think. They key is that you are not on full throttle the whole time. It also invovles adjusting your nose's position to the ground. What I mean by that is that in order to keep a circle going that involves your chopper in the air and in one peice, you can not be constantly aiming down at your target. Also, you will have to aim to the left or right of your target, depending on the direction of your spin (the circling).

I will make a short video soon to show you what I am talking about.

But more on topic: some of those moves are not the most advanced, but useful nonetheless. The most I got out of this post was the barrel roll. I can see this move being very useful when trying to outrun a pursuing (sp?) chopper or maybe even dodging a jet. You are still at high speed at the end of the maneuver and the loss of altitude isn't too dramatic. Combined with trees and other environmental obstacles for cover, it could also be a good way to possibly crash your persuer if he is right on your ass.


Last edited by [TUF]Krazy (2005-11-27 15:16:19)

PKM Assasin
+0|7060|USA, IL
This task should keep you buisy FOREVER:

Do a front flip

I will also make a movie about circling and about other useful tricks with throdle..BUT, I  NEED someone to help me with hosting them online...!?!

lol,.... yea, I use many moves like this in game (Backflips to lower altitude and make tank passes and doing flips/rolls to avoid ramming noobs... I should make a video.... im a pretty fine pilot......

Last edited by MurrayP (2005-11-27 22:19:13)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

MurrayP wrote:

I will also make a movie about circling and about other useful tricks with throdle..BUT, I  NEED someone to help me with hosting them online...!?!
I'll host them on my server as long as whatever movie you want to put up is like 2-3mb in size. Let me know if you have the files and we'll work something out. The more movies the merrier!
+0|6977|Sarasota, FL

MurrayP wrote:

This task should keep you buisy FOREVER:

Do a front flip

I will also make a movie about circling and about other useful tricks with throdle..BUT, I  NEED someone to help me with hosting them online...!?!

lol,.... yea, I use many moves like this in game (Backflips to lower altitude and make tank passes and doing flips/rolls to avoid ramming noobs... I should make a video.... im a pretty fine pilot......
Actually, a front flip is quite easy. All you need is a lot of altitude and momentum. THAT is one I can explain   Get a lot of altitude, about 400m. Then nose up 45 degrees as if you are going to do a backflip. Then nose forward and hold it until you flip. The key is to gain momentum from the nose-up and then use that momentum to carry you threw a flip. It works similar to a catapult. You wont get far trying to launch something without pulling it back first. (That example is pretty bad LOL).

As far as hosting goes: filefront has a great image hosting system. Click here for the link. You can just uploaded all your movies there. It is probably faster than sending your movie to Mex via IM program or something.

EDIT: Videos Added!

Frontflip (Cockpit View)- … einfo.html

Frontflip (Outside View)- … einfo.html

Triple Frontflip- … einfo.html

Last edited by [TUF]Krazy (2005-11-28 02:08:19)

Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7032|Alabama Coast, USA
Ok, I'll ablige with the terminology.  Of course, I flew sailplanes, but I think rotor-winged craft use the same...

Aircraft: Stick Left/right; BF2: Mouse/Stick Left/Right; Roll
Aircraft: Stick Fore/Back; BF2: Mouse/Stick Fore/Back; Pitch
Aircraft: Rudder (pedals) Left/Right; BF2: StickTwist/Pedals Left/Right or KB A/D; Yaw

Chopper pilots might call Yaw something else... but unlike in BF2, aircraft turn by rolling.  If you rolled left 45 degrees, you would be turning... you wouldn't have to roll left 90 degrees and pull up, or use rudder.  In fact... most sailplane pilots put yaw strings on the canopy...  as it is an indicator for the only real use of rudder pedals: to keep you pointed straight into the wind (well... the wind relative to the craft, not relative to the ground).  That, and landing in a cross wind, etc.

Oh, finally, there is no such thing as a throttle in a chopper.  It's called the collective... and you either pull it up or push it down (as opposed to the throttles in most aircraft that are pushed forward, or pulled back).

It all has to do with the design of rotary winged aircraft.  The engines and rotor blades spin at a constant RPM, everything is done by changing the pitch of the blades.  When you push your stick forward, the blades have a the lowest pitch (least lift) when sweeping over the nose of the craft, and the most pitch (and most lift) when sweeping over the tail of the craft...  and causes it to pitch forward.  Same goes for moving the stick in any direction... whatever direction you point the stick in, is the direction where the blades will create the least amount of lift...  while making the most in the opposite direction.  Rudder pedals change the pitch in the tail rotor.  The only difference here I would imagine is with twin-rotor craft (such as a Chinook or Sea Knight), where I guess rudder pedals create an effect similar to moving the stick in one direction for the front rotor, and another direction for the back rotor, and moving the stick foreward and backward changes the ratio of lift between the fore and aft rotors.

Now to the collective.  It changes the pitch of the rotors throughout their entire path.  Pull up on the collective, and they all pitch up, push down on the collective and they all pitch down (or pitch less up... I don't know that bottoming the collective on any chopper will create negative lift).  Now... the collective is actually linked to the thottle, but only so much that the engine RPMs are not effected.  If you pulled full up on the collective without any throttle adjustment, the increased drag of the blades would slow the rotors/engines.  Also, the collective adjusts the tail rotor as well, to compensate for the increase/decrease in torque.

Also... did you know that a chopper can land after an engine failure?  You need either speed or altitude when it happens (so you can't make a controlled landing if your engine failed hovering at 50 ft)...  for the chopper that I saw a pilot do this on Discovery Wings, you needed something like 200ft, or 200kts, I think.  Basically, you bottom the collective (to preserve the momentum of the rotors), and pitch down (to preserve forward momentum).  Then when you're close to the landing spot, flare (pull up, nose above the horizon), and pull up on the collective...  the combination slows your forward momentum, and provides lift to stop you from hitting the ground too hard.

Finally... it may help you to practice and video if you go to multiplayer, then create a LAN game.  No AI bots to fire at you, although you do see the "The game will start when X more players join."  Also, you can select 64-player maps.

Last edited by Lazarus Tag'lim (2005-11-28 02:47:51)

Pope Picard II

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

I want to know how to circle strafe . It looks very, very cool, so would you be able to update it into your guide? … einfo.html

-Manage your throttle and keep a slight incline in the direction you want to rotate.

-Starting the rotation is quite hard if you do it head on like I did in that clip, its much easier if you fly tangent to the circle you want to make, and start your turn at the tangent point instead of flying right at the middle of the circle. Its just a question about momentum, flying straight on puts your momentum straight into the middle and you gotta power your momentum to the side (change it) so it took a few seconds longer then it should have as you can see in the video.

-You're gunner can see a lot more then you can so even if people are nearly under your nose, your gunner can still hit them even though you can't see where they've gone. So if you know someones down there, point your nose and your gunner will get the point that someones around there. Also with all the trees, if you see someone running, you can fly above and behind him and your gunner can still hit him while you stay above the trees. The main point is you dont need to be eye level with your enemy troops to kill them, a lot of people seem to think that and keep the helicopter too low that the gunner can't hit anything - the gun doesnt have much positive incline, but it can shoot down very well!

-You must prioritize AA, Jeeps, and AT infantry over everything else no matter how lucrative. I always put Jeeps first because if you expose your bottom or rear while circling, they will take you out suprisingly fast. Only a good AT will hit you while circling; however, if you hover motionless you are an easy target!

-Try rotating both directions instead of one constant cricle, predictability makes it really easy for infantry to hide, and people who are used to the slowness of SRAW/ERYX to launch one at you.

-If you take one SRAW/ERYX hit its time to repair! Don't be a hero, you will die suprisingly fast if you stick around after that first hit, Jets, Jeeps, AT, AA - everyone smells blood when they can see a smoking attack chopper. (Esp. juicy for jets cuz its an easy MG kill with one pass).

-This is probalby really difficult with the mouse because your mouse would have to be constantly adjusting but with the joystick you can almost hold it in a set position. Wake Island isn't really circles around those buildings though its more like ovals.

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2005-11-30 14:32:12)

Actually circle strafing is really easy with the mouse.

Well, I should preface this by saying that I learned how to fly on Desert Combat, which is a MUCH harder, more unforgiving control system, so I found BF2 controls very easy by comparison to what I learned on. Like driving an automatic after learning on a manual.

But here is my run-down on how to circle strafe. Rather than just explain how it is done I thought I would write it as "How do I teach myself to circle strafe?"

(Firstly, teach yourself high up. This is true of any kind of flying skills. Learn it high up, and when you have mastered it, then and only then do you lower it down and find your limits.)

Get yourself into a steady hover, and then bank left and right. Use just a slight movement of the mouse to do this. Move it until you tilt around 15 degrees in the direction you want to strafe, and hold it at that angle while you move, then tilt it back to level when you're done. The effect is that you slide sideways in the air.
I have my mouse sensitivity for helicopters turned up so that small movements are all I need and so I can jerk the craft around quickly when I need to. Moving the mouse left and right by small degrees without anything else is the equivalent of strafing left and right with A and D keys on the ground.

Now you do the same thing again, but this time, as you strafe, you want to kick the tail around. Press the A or D key, use the opposite one to the direction you are strafing. So if you are strafing LEFT, you are pressing the D key to turn RIGHT.
The key to controlling it is in applying even thrust to maintain altitude, and keeping the mouse movements smooth so that your circle is even, giving your gunner a stable firing platform. When you get good at it, you won't have to do complete circles. For example, strafe around the back of a set of buildings, then apply full power and spin the helicopter around and then drop it down again to put yourself on the opposite side quickly.
and they called me crazy for wanting to fly a helicopter upside down
awesome guide....I've got to try these out and listen to the terrified private who always jumps in the gunner seat.

Last edited by the_ubernoob_ (2005-12-05 09:01:38)

Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7032|Alabama Coast, USA
Bah...  CH-53's can loop... and that's one of the largest transport hilos ever built (I know it has the largest main rotor... but that's the only record I'm sure on).  Not crazy... just unconventional.
+1,230|7094|Alberta, Canada

i cant get the videos to work
how do u get fraps to record your files at smaller sizes? i mean fuck, i try to record stuff and the file sizes are like 150 gb's. how do i get them to like 20-25 gbs for like 30 seconds of recording?
+8|7008|Sacramento, CA (USA)
I think you should include the fast moving circle manuever.  Like when you hover above a spawn point in a cirle and and keep circling around and around...I hae seen many man people do it and have been praticing @ it...any idea how to fully accomplish this feat.
^^^easy. i can show but fraps records huge ass file sizes. i want to know how to get 30 seconds with at the most a file size of like 25-30 mb's. when i record, fraps records like 150 gb's file sizes for just a 30 second clip.
excellent guide, too bad people don't have faith with these moves. when i'm in the super cobra and do the flip or whatever they always bail out cuz they think i'm a moron and land in the water
The Original

ellmo wrote:

No, what GotMex meant is the proof of .50cal rounds flying pretty straight, not drop quickly as everyone has stated before. Even I was convinced it was hard to hit a distant target. Now I see I was mistaken. Thanks GotMex for the undeniable proof
Uhh... basic physics, anyone? All bullets drop at the same rate. In fact, EVERYTHING drops at the same rate. It doesn't matter what their mass is, they are all acted upon by the same gravitational force. Read on if you don't believe me.
wat idiot whud take all that tym i mean comon OMFG!!

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