i love it how people say there are no rules to war, there is btw, eg no chemical weapons, torturing prisoners etc
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Wow, I think this is one of the most coherent arguements I've seen on here in a long time. I'm glad you pointed out that there is a distinction between base-raping and base-raiding. I should have stated in my OP that the scenarios where attacking uncaps should be allowed fall under the category of base-raiding as you described it. I never attack an uncap for purposes of stat padding or spawn killing. There's always a strategic purpose. I wish I would have stated this originally. Anyway, good points. +1 for you.OpsChief wrote:
Your first para is a +1 all the way but the last sentence blurred the lines again -1. Baserape (raiding) is not the same as statpadding.SargeV1.4 wrote:
I love it how people suit their opinions to the situation: If they get their ass handed to them by a better player, they say "oh well at least I just play for fun." If they're on top of the boards it's all about how good they are. If people want more realism, they get told to fuck off because "it's just a game." and when it's about baseraping, you can all fall back on your "it's war, live with it".JeeSqwat wrote:
no rules to war...thats how it should be played..killl anyway how or be killed
Seriously, fuck off. Baseraping is nothing but a cheap, skilless way to get lots of kills. No matter how you put it.
What kills?
Usually base raids knock out the assets, steal a tank or helo and go back into the flank or rear of the enemy forces in the main battle area or take up a position to interdict the flow of enemy reinforcements to the front. Don't confuse forms of stat padding with strategic play, there is a big difference. Sometimes the enemy has played poorly and has only their uncap and maybe another flag somewhere.
The worst case is maybe something like a USMC helo in say Sharqi who goes to keep the MEC helo out of the air while the ground forces fight it out. Even that backfires if the USMC is getting pwned on the ground. His team might vote him out because he is hindering team efforts.
So why have a rule against the few rapers that keeps legit strategic players from using the Arts of War?
It sure beats sitting around with your thumb up your ass when you got all the flags. I play to WIN, if we have all the flags why would I purposely let the enemy coordinate an attack from the carrier? Screw that, I'm going in there by any means necessary, ground all their aircraft, dont let them off that f'ing boat. I'm not letting some blackhawk sneak behind everyone and cap a back flag, use the friggin turrets if you're getting air raped. Face it, some rounds your team will just suck and you're gonna get owned. It happens to me too, I dont whine about it. Spawn on the bottom and make your way to a carrier gun, dont just sit there like an idiot on the deck waiting for your f35 to spawn.SargeV1.4 wrote:
hmm yeah "it's war". Bullshit, you just want free kills.
Alright, I'll remember that the next time I see you on BF2.turkeybacon wrote:
Its also very annoying when I get killed. There should be a rule where you cant kill me, because I find it very annoying.ryan_14 wrote:
Because it's very annoying when you spawn and get killed. You can't even get out of your uncap without dying. The round ends and the camping team wins.
sarge play on that account get back on that leaderboardSargeV1.4 wrote:
Why is everyone assuming the "lets keep them in their base so we can win" scenario?
two things:
1: Barely anybody cares about winning. They care about their score and KD.
2: the majority of the time baseraping is not to keep people in their bases, it's to improve someone's score. And almost always the baserapees team do have flags.
Last edited by deadawakeing (2006-11-04 15:08:38)
I care about winningSargeV1.4 wrote:
Why is everyone assuming the "lets keep them in their base so we can win" scenario?
two things:
1: Barely anybody cares about winning. They care about their score and KD.
2: the majority of the time baseraping is not to keep people in their bases, it's to improve someone's score. And almost always the baserapees team do have flags.
rules are meant to be brokenfatherted13 wrote:
i love it how people say there are no rules to war, there is btw, eg no chemical weapons, torturing prisoners etc
Quote of the day .....:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
because there fairies.
so, nice stats you got. did you earn them in a fair competition or by spawncamping and bombing the carrier on wake and stuff? you might have a better aiming, but you lack in so many social skills...killer21 wrote:
I don't really care what people say. I will base rape and spawn camp whether the kiddies like it or not. If you don't like to be raped then go play ms. pacman and stop whining about it on a forum. I repeat, the person crying in this thread about base raping sucks with a weapon in his hand so....
patton i dont condone your use of improper grammar it is "becasue they're fairies"..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
because there fairies.
what a load of shit,if you sit back you have to wait for them to fight over that precious tank then wait another ten minutes for them to attack you. ever heard of "a good defense is a good offense"?that means attack before attacked.if the game was meant to not attack uncaps dice would have coded it that way. and i dont see how it is a spawn rape thing cause half the time you spawn then run for a vehicle,get in the vehicle then die.you doint spawn in the vehicle so if you die in the vehicle thats not your spawn.the red circle doenst meen its a "spawn point", rather a control point that cant be captured. Just because it cant be "captured doesnt mean it is of no strategic value. That is where the most valued assets of the game are, so to deprive a team of those assets holds an extrememly large STRATEGIC value. I have been kicked for bombing the uav,come on wtf. And to those that say only a spec ops can enter to blow the commander assets what about the medic to give him health or the suppoprt to give more c4,or the at to blow the pussy commander just sitting there protecting it with his teams only tank?It is lame to forbid the game to be played the way dice "MEANT" for it to be played,and if i get kicked i dont come back. I have been kicked for more annoying things then that like killing an admin,so whatever.URE_DED wrote:
Basically, ton more benefits to protecting noncaps than allowing baseraping.
so you know, how dice planned the game to be played? lol...that´s bullshit. the developer couldn´t forecast all those lame ways of playing and always had to reconsider and patch things, so that the game keeps on being enjoyable.nlsme wrote:
the game to be played the way dice "MEANT" for it to be played