Thank you Timmy and thank you Archenar. Both things I will include in the next revision.

I haven't had a lot of time to devote to BF2 (actually I've only played one game in the last week) lately because I'm just starting my Freshman year of college, so forgive me if I'm a little lax on updates.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

i finally found a nice quiet spot to play commander on any given map..imho, it is not advisable to squat and direct from the base camp, coz i noticed a lot of commanders playing it near the base camp.. it has to be far far away.. survived two rounds as commander last nite (without dying even once in the second one). especially useful if you are the last man standing (after seeing how 12 players came to get me with arti strikes, cobra choppers, T90, and they couldnt locate me).. gonna try out one more sweet spot (if no one hates me as a commander) and see if an age old sun tzu art of war advice is a good one.. after all, whether you are at the base camp or otherwise, it is immaterial to the operations of the artillery, radar or UAV unless it is taken out.

as for arti strike TKs, i make it a point to zoom in before letting off the arti rounds. sometimes, the arti rounds comes in too late, and the tanks and APCs have moved off. this wastes the rounds which might be used to "soften-up" ground targets as your squads are approaching them.
i have a question, do u get points of a squads take command of a flag but you didnt send them there? it seems that i only get points if i tell them to atk and then they get the flag ...also idk if it was a glitch but if a commander wins is everything x2? because one game i had 46 points commander and some how in the end my total was like
Please read the main post and replies before you comment. The issue of score has been gone over many times in this thread. A Commander's score is calculated by (points gained)/(team members alive). Say someone gets 4 points while 10 people are alive. That will add .4 points to the Commander's score. It has nothing to do with you sending anyone anywhere.

If your team wins, your Commander score gets multiplied by 2.
'twice cooked beef!'
was there a part one of this commander post that i missed?
no. these 3 pages are all there is so far.
Part I was just me complaining about the situation that inspired me to write this. This is where the good stuff is.
First Aid!!!
Panserbjorn what do u think about this,
A defensive tactic for commander assets
Spawn as a sniper (good Camo)
put a claymore near your assets

if a asset gets blownup by a Spec-ops drop a resuply to fix it and set a claymore near
Only 1 bad think about this is that friendlies cant use the boxes or if they do u get a TK.

I think this saves time, and de box cant be used by next spec-ops

btw. your guide rox MAAN !!

nice tip with that resuply arty       ??arty rips that box so no enemies can use it, right ?

Last edited by Rewler (2005-09-01 02:29:39)

'twice cooked beef!'
i find that i have a very soviet-like doctrine when commanding. that is, i reinforce success and leave the unsuccessful to their doom. the reasons are simple - if a squad can achieve some objective, then they likely can do it again and thus are worth resupplying or supporting in some fashion.

this isn't an absolute, of course, with battle being such a fluid situation, and i'll always try to support as many troops as possible. but with larger games your attention and resources simply aren't enough to cover everyone - you will have to prioritise. and the elite troops get priority.

the problem with this is elite troops don't necessarily need your help. they are often good enough to achieve the objective alone. hopefully, by giving them extra support, i can keep the elite troops alive longer and enable them to do more than normal. less skilled players, meanwhile, may need the support a lot more, but they are more likely to fail even after i've expended assets on them, so i tend to limit the level of support i give to them.

i wonder, do other commanders follow a similar approach? or are you more inclined to give help to those in distress and leave your best units to manage on their own?

Last edited by Krappyappy (2005-09-01 09:01:08)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

well, unit management is of course always an issue, especially if the server is somewhat large. on most public servers, commanders will send supplies and arty if requested, but won't do anything more. the main reason for that is that helping a certain part of your team is not easy and maybe even impossible if the guys don't form squads and don't act as a unit. commanding 32 lone wolfes is useless. If there are no squads, the commander can't give out orders anyway.

the more people form squads and imply teamplay and a strategy, the better the commander will be at helping them win. as soon as there are squads set up, the commander can effectively spot enemies for them, send orders specifically for certain squads, and drop supplies and arty more precisely ( which will lead to less TKs, btw.. ).

I once had an expert commander who even communicated with every squad leader through VoIP, spotted enemy snipers and vehicles and kept everyone informed on the status of every flag. he also warned of incoming arty via VoIP. playing with that guy truly was amazing. you never had to worry about anything else but the task he had assigned to you. and as soon as people realized that he knew what he was doing, they formed squads quite willingly and actually followed his orders.

I still think that there are too many lone wolfes on the public servers.

Last edited by B.Schuss (2005-09-01 09:31:55)

+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Good points all.  I have been the lone wolf on occasion, simply by forgetting to join or create a squad after applying for Commander and not getting it.  But other than those times, I'm always in one or the other.  That's what this game is about!  The VoIP feature is outstanding, the Commander mentioned before was using it exactly how it was meant to be used.  Excellent.  We should all use that example to invoke more teamplay.  I bet it would work too! Great post B.Schuss!
First Aid!!!
Yeah.... lesser lonewolfs would be good
like you dave i forget to join squads too from time to time.

argh maybe wrong topic perhaps
but a command button like "Form up ppl!!"
for all the lone wolfs would help alot....
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

one commander went "enemy infantry spotted" like some gazillion times over and over again.. and a mutiny vote started cos he didnt understand "STFU" "Can someone shut him up!!" being repeatedly appearing.. it just grates on everyone.. i went to bed with that command ringing in my head.
Sleep Deprived

mikeshw wrote:

one commander went "enemy infantry spotted" like some gazillion times over and over again.. and a mutiny vote started cos he didnt understand "STFU" "Can someone shut him up!!" being repeatedly appearing.. it just grates on everyone.. i went to bed with that command ringing in my head.
He was probably doing that because the enemy had taken out his UAV and possibly his radar so he was spotting manually until either of those came back on line.  It may have been annoying, but if he was actually spotting them for you (red icon appearing on your mini-map as opposed to just a question mark), it contributed to the success of the troops nearby to clear an area or just stay alive.

If it is a choice between hearing "enemy infantry spotted" or seeing "you have been critically injured" on screen, I will take the former.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Ronball9 wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

one commander went "enemy infantry spotted" like some gazillion times over and over again.. and a mutiny vote started cos he didnt understand "STFU" "Can someone shut him up!!" being repeatedly appearing.. it just grates on everyone.. i went to bed with that command ringing in my head.
He was probably doing that because the enemy had taken out his UAV and possibly his radar so he was spotting manually until either of those came back on line.  It may have been annoying, but if he was actually spotting them for you (red icon appearing on your mini-map as opposed to just a question mark), it contributed to the success of the troops nearby to clear an area or just stay alive.

If it is a choice between hearing "enemy infantry spotted" or seeing "you have been critically injured" on screen, I will take the former.
ron, got your point. trouble is, it was a 16 player map, and flag capping was bunched up and not spread out like the larger maps, and the UAV was working sweetly..

i sometimes do the "infantry spotted" thingy if i see a lone wolf defending a flag, but i do it just once. thats alls that is needed to alert him, provided he, like u said, took the trouble to look at the mini map. or if there is a spawn rapist on an uncappable flag, and the UAV is better off used to assist the teams elsewhere.

happy to say that i turned a team of losers last nite on a 32map Fushe Pass into winners and got my goldie..yahooo.. intelligent placing of UAVs and arti strikes to soften a target was the tactic i used. thankfully they didnt come looking for me to take me out cos their commander was just plain bad at 10points at the end of the round. my side did the mutiny vote but not enuff to kick me out, and the server kicks out players who keep initiating the mutiny or kickvotes on the same player.

but i quit the server after that, cos the language there was really abusive. i m in this for the fun of it, thats all.

This thread is so awesome it goes in the Featured Posts section. Good job!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Some stuff I just wanna add as Commander. (haha i realize I DO play a lot of commander, commandeered all the way since PFC *laughs* which explains the kick/bans i got earlier)

I realized that spotting someone only makes him appear for say 3-5 seconds? Then he disappears again. Spotting shouldn't be the be-all and end-all function of the commander. I've seen n00bish commanders just right-click and spam spots, and the mini-map ends up with question marks all over the place. That's just retarded. Every squad should help in spotting, be it infantry, sniper, armour or even jets. This spotting will: 1. Inform the Commander, 2. Chances are help some other squad.

I.e. I usually like a pure heli squad when I command, and i usually get the gunners to spot ground targets which helps teams that are converging on that position.

For Commander, i feel that VOIP is a MUST. With 6-9 squads i don't think I can even type fast enough. On a good day: with 4-5 organised squads, I already have my hands full with them constantly requesting next orders etc. And my mini-map's already so messed up with all their actions (attack here, defend there etc. etc.)
I particularly like squads that are split up into little fireteams: 2 mini-teams of 3 people, 1 to provide suppressive fire, another to flank and take out the enemy.

One question I have though, when you play Commander (besides specific operation squads) do you have the right to meddle with squad makeups? I tend to give veteran squads the right of way (to choose what kits they want etc. as they tend to complete objectives without fail). But n00bie squads tend to end up as recon under my command. Or I'll just tell them ALL to go spec ops and have my heli squad drop them off etc. etc.

And I HATE it when players spam spots (especially those who spot 'Hostile forces on the move' or 'Enemy Unit spotted') and just raise question marks all over the place.
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
Thanks for the help.  This has helped heaps.  And I love watching the little figures scambling toward the supply box just in time to be destroyed....
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Lol. We all love that. But nono no banana haha everyone demands supplies from me all the time...
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
I repeatedly remind my team in team channel to look at their MiniMap. That I am not spotting lone enemy troops heading toward or taking flags for my health. That I am not going to waste an art. strike on one guy.

Scan is there for a reason. I use it often. I must spot infantry and vehicles with that or else no one else but me knows where I am. I reserve UAV for large clusters or to supplement attacking squads or defending squads. I do not UAV for random troops.

Hence I spot quite a bit. But often my team does not care about such spotting and is not even willing to stop for a moment to defend a base that has a single guy in it. Instead they will simply drive right through the base and not stop.

This the most aggrivating part of being commander and why after 6 rounds I am done for quite a long time.

A good team is a joy to command for. A bad team is useless and might as well not have a commander at all.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Raiders of the Lost Bear

kilroy0097 wrote:

I repeatedly remind my team in team channel to look at their MiniMap. That I am not spotting lone enemy troops heading toward or taking flags for my health. That I am not going to waste an art. strike on one guy.

Scan is there for a reason. I use it often. I must spot infantry and vehicles with that or else no one else but me knows where I am. I reserve UAV for large clusters or to supplement attacking squads or defending squads. I do not UAV for random troops..
Very very true. Unless in REALLY special circumstances (Mashtuur city, Squad gets pinned down by rooftop snipers) I only use UAV when there are more than 4 people in an area, or in areas where there's a BIG threat on its way. For 1 or 2 people, I spam spots. I tend to get the closest squad to spare 1 or 2 members to wipe him out, get my heli evac squad to come in for a quick hit etc.

kilroy0097 wrote:

Hence I spot quite a bit. But often my team does not care about such spotting and is not even willing to stop for a moment to defend a base that has a single guy in it. Instead they will simply drive right through the base and not stop.

This the most aggrivating part of being commander and why after 6 rounds I am done for quite a long time..
Thus the most irritating thing being commander in a public server. I sometimes have to wipe him out MYSELF. Everyone's more interested in charging out to get points etc. etc. and the commander has to clear the backlines (and hold the fort himself).

kilroy0097 wrote:

A good team is a joy to command for. A bad team is useless and might as well not have a commander at all.
aye. I love people calling me sir over VOIP. IRL there ARE a few people calling me sir, I'm in National Service now you see, but it souonds better over the net. *grin*
i am pretty sure that you have to be a squad leader to get supplies straight from the commander, I have been in that situation many of times
+2|7109|Eastern PA

trimmer101 wrote:

i am pretty sure that you have to be a squad leader to get supplies straight from the commander, I have been in that situation many of times
If I'm not a Squad Leader, but I think I can exploit a fast-breaking tactical situation - I VoIP my Squad with the request (and to advise them of my "plan"); and ask the Squad Leader to VoIP the Commander. If he has his hands full (or he's proven himself to be a dolt), I preface a Team text message "To Commander" with the request.

However, if I've been scoring well throughout the round, I've had more than a few Commanders drop a crate to me before I even make a request; and even issue orders to the nearest available Squad to provide additional support in my area . . .
One small addition from me - as well as Ctrl and Shift while selecting squads, 'Select All' (Ctrl-A) works as well. Useful when you quickly want to let squads know an asset is available, etc.
Panser, this guide is really helpful on all the stuff it covers. The importance of spotting, the lure&blast arty technique, etc. I have learned a great deal.

I would like to see your guide expanded to include more on the 'command' in commander. I think this is the toughest part of the job.

Last night, I was Commanding US on Clean Sweep 64. All the MEC were waiting for us out on the closest flag, and I specifically ordered all squads and loners to leave the front position alone and attack the flags in the middle-left of the enemy flags. As you know, so long as we were crawling clumsily out of boats and up hills to defended positions, we were going to get spanked.

One of the four squadleaders okayed the original command, but then got sidetracked.  Some courageous idiots lept ineffectually on the closest flag, making it harder to arty the MEC massed there.
With usually one or two obedient squads, and 20 or so ungovernable boobs, I was largely reduced to supporting whatever my guys decided to do. Spotting, UAVs, Supplies...
We never managed to get a stable base of operations on the landmass, and of course were very badly beaten.

It seems to me that there are two components to 'command'ing.

1. Squad Control: There is a great deal of variability in squadleader obedience. A hateful few obey commands that are what they are already doing. A generally useful, but occasionally foolish few obey any command they are given. Most obey a reasonable command from a commander they trust.
Has anybody found any tricks for winning over the reasonable SLs?
Generally, I try to reward the obedient ones with supplies or other asset supports, but not intentionally punish the disobedient with lack of support.
Does anybody find Commending/Rebuking an effective means of getting obedience?

2. Overall Strategy: Assuming you have a majority of reasonably or blindly obedient SLs who are vaguely competent in TACTICS, you have the chance to really turn the tide and accomplish STRATEGY. Will we all hit the enemy head on? Will 1 brave squad tie them down while the rest circle behind their mass to take flags? Who is going to hit the enemy assets? Will we take out that bridge? Will the transport heli concentrate on taking flags, or killing rooftoppers? This is basic stuff, and more important on some maps than others, but I insist that weaving squad TACTICS into team STRATEGY makes the difference between good and great commanding.
Unfortunately, the most influential time for these decisions is right at the beginning, when you haven't had a chance to win squad trust (unless its the second or third game).
Strategy tips would of course be different for every map.


"...those who assume the risk of an even struggle have no assurance of victory"
-Procopius of Caesarea, History of the Wars

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