=CL=_Crusader [M95] His leg
Hey Guys!
Just wanted to hear from you what you think about this insult.

In my opinion its totaly stupid.
Although used alot i cant figure any sense of in it.

Mostly its used by a guy whos obviously playing too much to insult a beginner. But I realy cant understand
why people who started to play a game shall be insulted because the have to learn who things exactly work
in this game and figure some tricks out.

What do you think about it?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I don't like it either but It was stated to me a while back there is a difference... one being a newbie, someone that's learning the game; the other -- n00b is an asshat, doing stupid things but not necessarily a newbie. Those were the exact words someone told me. I still can't find the difference.
I never use it... As stated in a post of mine, I prefer 'cannon fodder'. I can't see it being an insult though, it's just an expression, lots of people use it.. point is, if you think it's insulting, don't rise to it, it'll only get to you

I've played several hours on BF2, I like to see lots of new gamers out there enjoying themselves, and for a while, till they get their bearings, they're fairly easy targets.... hence cannon fodder . If I see them do something stupid, that's it, it's just something stupid. I will not go out of my way to insult anyone, after all, we were all cannon fodder once
It all depends on the connotation.

1. "Hi, my friend here is a newb can you teach him how to..."
2. "Hey you F'in newb you're not supposed to C4 your own artillery."
3. "Look at this ass using the noob tube."

In 1 it's not an insult it's a stated fact.
In 2 it's bascially saying "you are so stupid you might as well have started playing this game for the first time today."
In 3 it's saying that this guy is abusing a weapon that any person, even a newbie, could rack up easy kills with.

It's like most people calling other people/things gay. It's not that they have anything against homosexuals, it's just the word has developed such a universally known negative connotation that it's easiest to get their point across that way. Is it wrong? Probaby. Are you going to change people from using it? Not likely.
i dont mind it, i never use it, it only bothers me when someone wont shut up saying it if u drive away without picking them up. once i was in a server, the dude was standing infront of the apc on karkand so i couldnt move without killing him, i managed to get it away and then he wanted pickup. then used the M203 to take the apc out! then kept spamming "U NOOB!!!" an stuff like that lol           got my revenge though, shot him with a pistol (didnt get enough for a tk) so he shot me back an i punnished for tk, simple
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

=CL=_Crusader [M95] His leg
There might be various definitions on the word nOOb, but i only have seen it as an insult.
For example, nobody has ever said something like "Oh, heres a noob, lets help him get started."

And as a matter of fact, it always gets to me when im insulted while playing a game with other people. I might be a little sensitive on this one, but i join servers to have fun, not to raise verbal war against other players.

A common raction of me, when i get insulted, is that i want to frag the person soo badly, im going berserk and run towards tanks, into artillery fire and finaly trough a claymore field just to get him.

Sounds stupid, i know, but i cant help it.
it's actually "Newb", short for Newbie...which of course..indicates someone's new at a game. Noob,Nub,Nublet,N00B and Republican would also be acceptable.

Basically.. you want to steer clear of these people as they will either kill you, get you killed or just messup your game in general.
Also, they smell.
Well put BlackJackBob!

imdead wrote:

I don't like it either but It was stated to me a while back there is a difference... one being a newbie, someone that's learning the game; the other -- n00b is an asshat, doing stupid things but not necessarily a newbie. Those were the exact words someone told me. I still can't find the difference.
newbie  = new player with no experience. they need to learn the ropes. so their quality of play is to be forgiven. and so people will give them the lable of newbie to let people know they deserve respect and help because they are willing to learn.

n00b = come from people who no matter age or experience will never be able to wrap their head around that fact that if you want respect, you have to deserve it. they will talk big. pretend to be "1337" or "leet" and use "leet speak" to have people believe that they are of somethign that is "cool" when leet went out in the 90s when all the "n00bs" came in with their AlTeRnAtInG cApItAlIzATiOn IdIoCy. then most leet speak became used in more derogatory connotation or jokingly as a reference to the new breed of people who fail to grasp a "Scene" and fail repeatedly at it. newbie->newb->noob/n00b. so now n00b is people the dont get it, dont know how to get it , and never will. you can always see the people that will never learn coming a mile away. it like all the people that fail to read around this forum for a topic, fail to use the search, and restart a topic thats been done to death.

newb = the middle ground. use for general stupidity.

so one again newbie good, n00b bad, newbs... hand them out like cookies, cuz theres always someone deserving of a cookie. and of course usually hilarity ensues.

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