i lol'dpaper_pieon wrote:
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- Worlds best - Infantry?
No, a good infantry player will find a way to get to a control point, kill tanks, shoot down helo's with AT rockets, cap a main flag, defend an airbase, know there going to be bombed and find cover.Marinejuana wrote:
i wanted to include a sample of your writings.bobroonie.bda wrote:
Every map is "easy" when playing against an easy team. But this what I'm saying. Taking out the "skill factor" because every map is "harder" with better players. But the maps itself and what the maps intail by itself are harder then karkand. So if you look at every map as if there is "equal" skill on both teams, which map is harder then the other?Marinejuana wrote:
well then talk shit. but karkand is only an easy map if u are playing against an easy team. against good players, karkand can take more discipline than many maps. u make one small mistake on karkand and its instant death. other, less played, maps are far more forgiving against skilled 5 v 5 players. as much as it bothers everybody on this website, karkand and medic are pretty much bf2's central arena of competition.
ok bobroonie, so the big maps are the only ones that take skill? maybe because it is literally impossible to cross many of the big maps open spaces without non-retarded people on the other team picking you off? didnt u ever think that huge vehicle maps are completely unblanced for infantry combat? maybe because the vehicles were all designed with the ability to be immediately invinceable against infantry and instantly able to kill? wouldnt it be impossible to judge infantry-to-infantry combat if you have these rock-paper-scissor machines rolling through the map dominating to their full (usual) potential? maybe thats why IO exists and why CAL and TWL have always had 5 v 5 infantry competitions. oh look, you just learned something!s()mtingwong is the kind of player to embarrass an ego like bobroonie. hes one of the best pubbers i encounter (he is also a fastloading, low ping, good hitreg, teamstacking son of a bitch). and he is entirely correct. the team you are playing for and against are going to determine a lot about how the match fares. great players can easily lose rounds if their team is simply being capped out by a coordianted horde.JET_G raidensen wrote:
Indeed, if your fucking awesome, you dont need no stinking squad. Like me......:p lol.aLi3nZ wrote:
Bull Shit.
thats part of why small compact maps have a lot of skill potential for infantry. infantry fighting in a small area play a larger role in determining the fate of each battle and the outcome of the match.
A game of 5 v 5 is a different game then pubbing, FACT. 5 v 5 is not 32 vs 32 or 16 vs 16. 5 v 5 you have 5 guys using VOIP, working togethor very well going against another team working togethor very well. Pubbing you are thrown in with a shit load of people, you might have no idea how they play, or who they are.
again that is a different type of game. You cannot judge how well a good pubber would do in a clan match, and you cannot judge how well a good cal player would do in pubs.
And yes my opinion is that real infantry skill is based on how well you do on every map, as well as large maps with vehicles and where everything goes. This is hard for infantry to do well, most infantry any way. Smaller maps with no jets or helo's are easier for infantry. So why should skill be based on something that makes the game easier?
Being the "best" infantry player IMO is more then just how good you are at 1 map, and how good you are vs only infantry. This game is more then that. And IMO it takes more skill to shoot a helo with AT rockets down then it is to kill infantry with an AK. It takes more skill to 1 v 1 an attack chopper while your an AT guy or in a tank. then it does for going against infantry. It takes more skill to cross a big ass map on foot or in a jeep caping flags, dodging jet fire, shooting down helo's, then it does playing karkand 24 / 7 going against only infantry.
"maybe because it is literally impossible to cross many of the big maps open spaces without non-retarded people on the other team picking you off".
1. What is wrong with getting picked off? It is your lack in knowledge of the map, and your lack of skill that killed you. There is nothing the enemy can do that should stop you from completing an objective. If they did, then they did there job and you did not do yours.
2. Literally impossible? wrong, very possible, The only thing literally impossible is shoting down a fully healthed jet with an assault rifle as it does a fly by. But getting to one side or another in a jeep / or on foot is nothing close to impossible. But hey maybe it is for you...
Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-02-09 07:52:56)
Well said.
ok so bob would prefer if this thread about the worlds best infantry focused less on 5 v 5 competitive infantry and more on pubstars.
its unfortunate that u dont grasp the concept of an "infantry map" and how such maps are well suited for competition between skilled infantry.
YES. I understand that its difficult to survive against vehicles. yes it takes skill. and YES more than anything else it takes LUCK. this is because all of the vehicles were specifically designed to have massive advantages over infantry.
on a good infantry map, all you need is skill. on a vehicle map, no amount of skill will save you from a noob with a decent grasp of artillery and bombing. if u dont know this bob, then u suck at arty and bombing.
hiding from jets on gulf of oman can be called a skill. but it is nothing compared to headshotting 3 people in a row on karkand. the former is kinda neat, the latter is mastery of bf2 infantry weapons. the former is something anybody can do if they are paying attention, and latter is something that takes perfect movement, regardless of your ideas.
but i realize that bob wants to redefine bf2 skill so that we can all be impressed by the discipline he put into playing all of bf2's bad maps.
i hope u realize that in IO, despite all the time uve put into hiding from vehicles, you would still lose on ANY map to the best infantry because they will kill you faster, in fewer shots, from farther away.
but you will never find the best infantry playing these maps because anybody that likes IO knows that huge maps slow down the game, encourage sniping, and introduce significant randomness.
dont worry bob, these forums are about learning. you'll be caught up in no time. we're all rooting for u.
its unfortunate that u dont grasp the concept of an "infantry map" and how such maps are well suited for competition between skilled infantry.
YES. I understand that its difficult to survive against vehicles. yes it takes skill. and YES more than anything else it takes LUCK. this is because all of the vehicles were specifically designed to have massive advantages over infantry.
on a good infantry map, all you need is skill. on a vehicle map, no amount of skill will save you from a noob with a decent grasp of artillery and bombing. if u dont know this bob, then u suck at arty and bombing.
hiding from jets on gulf of oman can be called a skill. but it is nothing compared to headshotting 3 people in a row on karkand. the former is kinda neat, the latter is mastery of bf2 infantry weapons. the former is something anybody can do if they are paying attention, and latter is something that takes perfect movement, regardless of your ideas.
but i realize that bob wants to redefine bf2 skill so that we can all be impressed by the discipline he put into playing all of bf2's bad maps.
i hope u realize that in IO, despite all the time uve put into hiding from vehicles, you would still lose on ANY map to the best infantry because they will kill you faster, in fewer shots, from farther away.
but you will never find the best infantry playing these maps because anybody that likes IO knows that huge maps slow down the game, encourage sniping, and introduce significant randomness.
dont worry bob, these forums are about learning. you'll be caught up in no time. we're all rooting for u.
Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-02-09 15:30:14)
Noob server? Chances areSgt.Gene wrote:
My assault rifle KD > Everyones
That is your opinion and I have mine.
What you call luck, I call skill.
And to say that karkand is the only good map in BF2 is a horrible opinion.
IO = easy mode.
a one dementional infantry player is not the best infantry player.
Why dont we just settle this in a friendly game there marine. Your a west coast player, pick a server, winner is right.
What you call luck, I call skill.
And to say that karkand is the only good map in BF2 is a horrible opinion.
IO = easy mode.
a one dementional infantry player is not the best infantry player.
Why dont we just settle this in a friendly game there marine. Your a west coast player, pick a server, winner is right.
Luck, but I love your userbar.Sgt.Gene wrote:
My assault rifle KD > Everyones
LOL, if you call pubbing an act of skill, go try a pug or something. Btw, a guy that rapes in IO or bfpro usually owns everyone in pubs, rarely have I seen CAL players get owned in pubs.
i will play with you any time bob.
but no matter how well u do in 64 man pubs, u wont be redeeming the incorrect points u make here, or establishing your skill in this game, because those maps are vehicle rape fests that are entertaining but poor quality FPS. your so called skills simply reduce the frequency with which you can use FPS skill to take out infantry. they are distractions to the infantry action, not skills. hiding from jets is a boring joke and anybody can do it. the question is if people have the patience to play a game that involves hiding from people in vehicles that are invinceable. i dont have that patience. i play where the playing field is somewhat level because fair competition is more fun. if i see another playing, i have the same potential to kill them as they do me. in that mode, bf2 approaches fair, balanced, competition (hitreg aside).
the mere fact that u want to "compete" against me in a pub just shows that u have no concept for comparing bf2 players. if any of this thread penetrated your mind at all, ud recall where s()mtingWong mentions how teamstacking can overcome absolutely any player. chances are if we pubbed, i would encounter you max 8 times in the whole match. u would call that a fair competition? ur lucky i dont just show up in a teamstacked pub, pound you, and then talk a bunch of bullshit like u do on this forum about the serious business that transpired in the pub.
heres a better idea. rather than coming here nominating yourself as the greatest infantry player based on your ability to own noobs in pubs, why dont u join an infantry team, and scrim influx. This way we would at least be competing against eachother somewhat directly and not, instead, against the 8 potential nade spammers on either team.
but no matter how well u do in 64 man pubs, u wont be redeeming the incorrect points u make here, or establishing your skill in this game, because those maps are vehicle rape fests that are entertaining but poor quality FPS. your so called skills simply reduce the frequency with which you can use FPS skill to take out infantry. they are distractions to the infantry action, not skills. hiding from jets is a boring joke and anybody can do it. the question is if people have the patience to play a game that involves hiding from people in vehicles that are invinceable. i dont have that patience. i play where the playing field is somewhat level because fair competition is more fun. if i see another playing, i have the same potential to kill them as they do me. in that mode, bf2 approaches fair, balanced, competition (hitreg aside).
the mere fact that u want to "compete" against me in a pub just shows that u have no concept for comparing bf2 players. if any of this thread penetrated your mind at all, ud recall where s()mtingWong mentions how teamstacking can overcome absolutely any player. chances are if we pubbed, i would encounter you max 8 times in the whole match. u would call that a fair competition? ur lucky i dont just show up in a teamstacked pub, pound you, and then talk a bunch of bullshit like u do on this forum about the serious business that transpired in the pub.
heres a better idea. rather than coming here nominating yourself as the greatest infantry player based on your ability to own noobs in pubs, why dont u join an infantry team, and scrim influx. This way we would at least be competing against eachother somewhat directly and not, instead, against the 8 potential nade spammers on either team.
Not once did I say I was the best or that I even thought I was the best. Not once, did I say I was in the top _# infantry in this game.
And if you even looked at my stats you would see I am an infantry player, I dont use vehicles or helo's that often at all.
Pubs, and scrim matches are completly different.
scrims you have your team with solid players backing you up.
pubs is you and most likely you alone. You dont get rez's as often you dont get ammo when you need it, your lucky to have a commander.
scrims everyone is there working as a team.
How is that the same game? How is that even similar?
I have played cal on other FPS games, (natural selection) I did not like many things about it, all the bullshit you have to do besides playing the actual match sucks ass.
You have agreed that playing against jets and helo's is harder as infantry. So how can you not agree that it takes more skill to play against them.
I said,
Anyone can do good as a karkand IO medic. but how many medics will do good on kubra dam, or gulf of Oman, and end up with a 7-1 kdr.
Ever since I started playing IO servers I've been getting insane KDR's. Nothing compared to playing on a standard server. that is not boasting, thats fact. IO is way easier, takes less skill to play.
You can act all 1337 because your in a top clan, that dont mean shit to me. Do you really need good players backing your every move.
And if you even looked at my stats you would see I am an infantry player, I dont use vehicles or helo's that often at all.
Pubs, and scrim matches are completly different.
scrims you have your team with solid players backing you up.
pubs is you and most likely you alone. You dont get rez's as often you dont get ammo when you need it, your lucky to have a commander.
scrims everyone is there working as a team.
How is that the same game? How is that even similar?
I have played cal on other FPS games, (natural selection) I did not like many things about it, all the bullshit you have to do besides playing the actual match sucks ass.
You have agreed that playing against jets and helo's is harder as infantry. So how can you not agree that it takes more skill to play against them.
I said,
Anyone can do good as a karkand IO medic. but how many medics will do good on kubra dam, or gulf of Oman, and end up with a 7-1 kdr.
Ever since I started playing IO servers I've been getting insane KDR's. Nothing compared to playing on a standard server. that is not boasting, thats fact. IO is way easier, takes less skill to play.
You can act all 1337 because your in a top clan, that dont mean shit to me. Do you really need good players backing your every move.
Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2007-02-09 19:29:03)
engageo is a hacking noob and he sucks even with hacksjrockyourdome wrote:
Get 1000 kills at least. Only then will that mean something.Sgt.Gene wrote:
My assault rifle KD > Everyones
Edit: Only then will it start to mean something
Last edited by MetalChont (2007-02-09 19:14:55)
Omg u guys are forgetting Ssandstorm the best claymore spammer and c4 rammer in the whole world.
You would say that your whole clan bunny hops. Also tell me when someone joins your clan do you give them a vid on bunny hopping?.-[Silver.Inc* wrote:
Movement is one of the skills you need to be good at inf.Ice Cold Killa wrote:
LMAO ZOLTANIUM HAHAHAHAHHAH!!!.... sorry but zoltanium is a bunny hopping fucker no one respects that faggot
Most good inf players 'bunny hop', live with it.
umm... dude when i accuse people of being haxors im joking around this aint counter strike noob.XRogerMellieX wrote:
Heyyyy, you're the guy who accuses someone of hacking at least once a round! In fact, you have such a name for it that on two entirely different clan forums you're name is singularly linked to this type of behaviour.Ice Cold Killa wrote:
LMAO ZOLTANIUM HAHAHAHAHHAH!!!.... sorry but zoltanium is a bunny hopping fucker no one respects that faggot
yeah its pretty sad he made an account here just to say that....pers0nah wrote:
LMAO!Zoltanium wrote:
Still crying champ ?Ice Cold Killa wrote:
LMAO ZOLTANIUM HAHAHAHAHHAH!!!.... sorry but zoltanium is a bunny hopping fucker no one respects that faggot
Never seen you around here before
lol at all the "omfg im more 1337 than you hahahahah i have a bigger dick" little CAL children in this thread. "STFU NOOB I PRAWN j00r F4c3!" " You call me a faggot? Lets settle this on a 2v2 chopper?" LOL at all of you, so full of yourselves.

My list would be
ali3nz (the only Kiwi worth mentioning)
People like gene and silver, from what I've seen, win close range fights not necessarily because they are more skilled than their opponent(s) but rather with their superior rego. No offence intended. When rego is shit for me (which is at least half the time), I can still beat these people by simply outsmarting them.
ali3nz (the only Kiwi worth mentioning)
People like gene and silver, from what I've seen, win close range fights not necessarily because they are more skilled than their opponent(s) but rather with their superior rego. No offence intended. When rego is shit for me (which is at least half the time), I can still beat these people by simply outsmarting them.
ahahahahahapaper_pieon wrote:
+ Matador, + Akuma.unit
ummm minus.elmo is pretty good!
cloud-walker is good (IB clan)
who else?? ahh lets see, i hear that paper_pigeon goes off
holy fucking mega quotebobroonie.bda wrote:
No, a good infantry player will find a way to get to a control point, kill tanks, shoot down helo's with AT rockets, cap a main flag, defend an airbase, know there going to be bombed and find cover.Marinejuana wrote:
i wanted to include a sample of your writings.bobroonie.bda wrote:
Every map is "easy" when playing against an easy team. But this what I'm saying. Taking out the "skill factor" because every map is "harder" with better players. But the maps itself and what the maps intail by itself are harder then karkand. So if you look at every map as if there is "equal" skill on both teams, which map is harder then the other?Marinejuana wrote:
well then talk shit. but karkand is only an easy map if u are playing against an easy team. against good players, karkand can take more discipline than many maps. u make one small mistake on karkand and its instant death. other, less played, maps are far more forgiving against skilled 5 v 5 players. as much as it bothers everybody on this website, karkand and medic are pretty much bf2's central arena of competition.
ok bobroonie, so the big maps are the only ones that take skill? maybe because it is literally impossible to cross many of the big maps open spaces without non-retarded people on the other team picking you off? didnt u ever think that huge vehicle maps are completely unblanced for infantry combat? maybe because the vehicles were all designed with the ability to be immediately invinceable against infantry and instantly able to kill? wouldnt it be impossible to judge infantry-to-infantry combat if you have these rock-paper-scissor machines rolling through the map dominating to their full (usual) potential? maybe thats why IO exists and why CAL and TWL have always had 5 v 5 infantry competitions. oh look, you just learned something!s()mtingwong is the kind of player to embarrass an ego like bobroonie. hes one of the best pubbers i encounter (he is also a fastloading, low ping, good hitreg, teamstacking son of a bitch). and he is entirely correct. the team you are playing for and against are going to determine a lot about how the match fares. great players can easily lose rounds if their team is simply being capped out by a coordianted horde.JET_G raidensen wrote:
Indeed, if your fucking awesome, you dont need no stinking squad. Like me......:p lol.
thats part of why small compact maps have a lot of skill potential for infantry. infantry fighting in a small area play a larger role in determining the fate of each battle and the outcome of the match.
A game of 5 v 5 is a different game then pubbing, FACT. 5 v 5 is not 32 vs 32 or 16 vs 16. 5 v 5 you have 5 guys using VOIP, working togethor very well going against another team working togethor very well. Pubbing you are thrown in with a shit load of people, you might have no idea how they play, or who they are.
again that is a different type of game. You cannot judge how well a good pubber would do in a clan match, and you cannot judge how well a good cal player would do in pubs.
And yes my opinion is that real infantry skill is based on how well you do on every map, as well as large maps with vehicles and where everything goes. This is hard for infantry to do well, most infantry any way. Smaller maps with no jets or helo's are easier for infantry. So why should skill be based on something that makes the game easier?
Being the "best" infantry player IMO is more then just how good you are at 1 map, and how good you are vs only infantry. This game is more then that. And IMO it takes more skill to shoot a helo with AT rockets down then it is to kill infantry with an AK. It takes more skill to 1 v 1 an attack chopper while your an AT guy or in a tank. then it does for going against infantry. It takes more skill to cross a big ass map on foot or in a jeep caping flags, dodging jet fire, shooting down helo's, then it does playing karkand 24 / 7 going against only infantry.
"maybe because it is literally impossible to cross many of the big maps open spaces without non-retarded people on the other team picking you off".
1. What is wrong with getting picked off? It is your lack in knowledge of the map, and your lack of skill that killed you. There is nothing the enemy can do that should stop you from completing an objective. If they did, then they did there job and you did not do yours.
2. Literally impossible? wrong, very possible, The only thing literally impossible is shoting down a fully healthed jet with an assault rifle as it does a fly by. But getting to one side or another in a jeep / or on foot is nothing close to impossible. But hey maybe it is for you...
Yeah, i hate that.
Best inf players of the time.
Best inf players of the time.
oops i forgot Ingo
This was a thread about the best infantry players. So im guessing IO servers are alot more relevant. They are not "easier". Its only easier if you play worse players. Or to be precise teams with no medics.bobroonie.bda wrote:
Not once did I say I was the best or that I even thought I was the best. Not once, did I say I was in the top _# infantry in this game.
And if you even looked at my stats you would see I am an infantry player, I dont use vehicles or helo's that often at all.
Pubs, and scrim matches are completly different.
scrims you have your team with solid players backing you up.
pubs is you and most likely you alone. You dont get rez's as often you dont get ammo when you need it, your lucky to have a commander.
scrims everyone is there working as a team.
How is that the same game? How is that even similar?
I have played cal on other FPS games, (natural selection) I did not like many things about it, all the bullshit you have to do besides playing the actual match sucks ass.
You have agreed that playing against jets and helo's is harder as infantry. So how can you not agree that it takes more skill to play against them.
I said,
Anyone can do good as a karkand IO medic. but how many medics will do good on kubra dam, or gulf of Oman, and end up with a 7-1 kdr.
Ever since I started playing IO servers I've been getting insane KDR's. Nothing compared to playing on a standard server. that is not boasting, thats fact. IO is way easier, takes less skill to play.
You can act all 1337 because your in a top clan, that dont mean shit to me. Do you really need good players backing your every move.
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