Fail.topthrill05 wrote:
Didn't think this was a competition. If it is you will see that you still lose. May I remind you that I know that people still play BF2, all I am saying is that it is past its prime.URE_DED wrote:
Win.adam1503 wrote:
How can saying that bf2 has "passed it's best" be a fact? That's just your personal opinion, there are plenty of people out there who would beg to differ, myself being one of them.
Just how is bf2 past it's best anyway? My clan's bf2 server is rarely anything less than full, while our 2142 server is often lucky to reach half-capacity. That alone just goes to show that many people would still rather play bf2 than move on to something new.
Because it has passed it's best. BF2 was screwed over by terrible patches that look like they were never even tested. There are not nearly as many players on BF2 as there used too be and that is mainly because people gave up on BF2.
What does your clan server being full have anything too do with BF2 being at it's best, I know of a full BHD demo server that is full.....
Who knows why your 2142 server is half full that is your problem.
Basically your argument is based around how full your server is..... That as you might now see has nothing to do with the fact that BF2 is past it's prime.
I think BF2 is past it's prime in that a lot of good players have started playing 2142. So the quality of opponents has dropped off a bit. But I know some BF2 players that have 2142 and still prefer BF2.
meowness, if you format your HDD you won't lose your stats, but you will lose any in-game screen shots you have taken. Also you will have to sit through the tutorial voice-over again Probably the most important thing is to make sure you remember your profile name and password. If you don't you won't be able to find your profile and log back in. When you reinstall the game you will have to get it to look up your profile from the EA account server.meowness wrote:
Hey, I'm fairly new to this game and I was wondering how this game saves your ranks,stats,medals,etc. Is it saved on your computer? Because I want to wipe my computer and I don't want to lose all my stuff. Thanks!
I PM'ed you.URE_DED wrote:
Fail.topthrill05 wrote:
Didn't think this was a competition. If it is you will see that you still lose. May I remind you that I know that people still play BF2, all I am saying is that it is past its prime.URE_DED wrote:
Because it has passed it's best. BF2 was screwed over by terrible patches that look like they were never even tested. There are not nearly as many players on BF2 as there used too be and that is mainly because people gave up on BF2.
What does your clan server being full have anything too do with BF2 being at it's best, I know of a full BHD demo server that is full.....
Who knows why your 2142 server is half full that is your problem.
Basically your argument is based around how full your server is..... That as you might now see has nothing to do with the fact that BF2 is past it's prime.