Missing, Presumed Dead

Well....they got many things wrong to be fair.

But im talking about the scout helis.
Ive just started up AF again and have started to use them now since im now flying choppers in the game. They are brilliant, and very useful for taking out attack helis! But for a booster pack thats mainly focussed on armour battles....why would you need helis with miniguns that are designed for raping Infantry?
None of the maps really provide ample targets for the scout helis unless youve got 64players on RR or Harvest but even then - there are very few foot soldiers.

Personally, I think they should have put them in SF or even on Mashtuur or Jalalalabad where they could actually prove to be very useful since they are for taking out Infantry and light vehicles - not armoured convoys.
teh m0nsta
I thought about that too. They definatley got it wrong on this one. They could have also put them in karkand.
But i like them, providing UAV for your troops, small amount of personal carrying, spying out flags.
In a good three man squad: 2 Engineers on the sides and a good pilot as a medic your are almost unbeatable except mobile AA gets grip of you.
If also seen few pilots that raped flags with them choppers and got a kill amount of 60-70.
Actually if one team overruns the other team and the loosing have like 1 or 2 flags left on a occupied server it's a fiesta for the chopper team. Other than that get in, take the flag and get out quickly. Most likely flags that are far beyond the enemy lines.

My favorite characteristic about them is the way they act completely different from gunships, and do the flippetyflopupsiedaisiekaboomski when you land them.. YAY!
I need around tree fiddy.
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6684|Pittsburgh, PA USA
I got a new worst enemy from one of those damn things. Guy killed me some crazy amount of times IAR on Midnight Sun so in certain situations they really can do alot of damage. I never thought about it before but def see what you mean now.
When I fly them I try to zip around just mainly spotting tanks & things & hovering over flags while my team captures them. I don't think I've gotten too many kills with it though...
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|7052|Comber, Northern Ireland
yeah the most kills i have ever got with one is 6....on RR they were a full squad of snipers on top of the water tower....muhahaha nowhere to run. but yeah they should have hydra rockets on them as well
Teh strogg!
+205|6792|Trondheim, Norway
Me wants Little Bird on warlord!!
never tried it but...
It would be one nasty rape on vinilla
Missing, Presumed Dead

bmb|danCer wrote:

Actually if one team overruns the other team and the loosing have like 1 or 2 flags left on a occupied server it's a fiesta for the chopper team. Other than that get in, take the flag and get out quickly. Most likely flags that are far beyond the enemy lines.
QFT. Just been playing some more and racked up 39/3 with a littlebird on Harvest
All they had left was their main outpost, so I just raped the helipad (rest of the team was raping the rest of the base so why not...).
Im starting to see the point of them now, and coupled with a good chopper team, you can fly around with your uav, spot tanks, inform your chopper who moves around and takes it out. Did this to devastating effect on Midnight Sun just now.
Although they are fun to fly and very useful....I do think that they put them in the wrong expansion and maybe they should have been in it from the start.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|7052|Comber, Northern Ireland
but in all honesty, did dice ever get it RIGHT?
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
Actually the scout choppers are very useful. There not for just taking out infantry and attack choppers, they also handle FAV's nicely. Theres only a few armor vehicles on the maps, that means everyone else is either walking or in an FAV, lots of easy targets there. I think the scout choppers are pretty decent. What did u expect? it's just a weak little helo, it's not going to destroy the world.

Hell i went 55-4 in the scout on Op Harvest, i had 2 squad members with me as engy repairing. We were frickin unstopable.

The scout choppers are just that, scouts. They aren't meant to be attack helicopters, and the name doesn't imply that at all. Scout choppers are meant to fly really fast and have the uav so they can scout ahead and check out a CP or some other area. The uav is extremely helpful. I think DICE got this one right.

DonFck wrote:

I Hate Claymores
Little bird is one of my fave choppers in BF2. In midnight sun watch out for me in a lil bird since there is plenty of cover from AA and plenty of infantry ready to chew bullets.
+45|6898|Bristol, UK
I actually find them really irritating, especially when trying to fly the normal attack choppers. They're really hard to tv, and if they get on your tail, they can kill you in like a second. Do we really need more stuff that can kill choppers?

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