Was it an official EA server? There are occasionally instances where things don't work right, and some servers where it doesn't work at all... even if it says it's ranked. Getting Good Conduct same server, same day makes it less likely the server's problem, but that doesn't mean a round or two doesn't just get lost in the shuffle. Of course, EA's own servers get special treatment, and are in general more reliable. But, 24 hours is too long... if EA doesn't have it by now, that round just isn't gonna get it done.
Have you played 34 minutes IAR since? I would suggest trying it. If the badges just didn't get to EA, you'll have them awarded again, it goes into BFHQ, end of story. If you do so and it's not awarded, then you'll have to e-mail EA. It's a rather stupid IAR requirement though... in fact probably one of the stupidest in the game. "play for 34 minutes" only means that you played on a map that was too big for the number of players, and neither side dominated. In fact, it encourages you to try not to kill anyone, and only take flags, but only if the other team has a lead... and in fact, if your team has a lead, try to sabotage the effort (perhaps even blowing your own commander's assets... or taking commander and not using them, and directing people to defend flags not in jeopardy, etc).
I know it's not what you were looking for, but it's the best I got (and probably the best anyone here has... and it's likely about the same EA would tell you right now).