I thought when the 1.12 patch/BF2SF  came out it would inclued the rest of, or more Officer Ranks.    I was looking forward at possibley having a chance to reach officer,  but if they dont lower the requierments then I will end up a sergent major for ever.

Any Ideas on this subject??
+0|7040|Hannover, Germany

Crypto_420 wrote:

I will end up a sergent major for ever.
Better than ending up like a WoW-Junkie!

Aren't you working for the police if you are an officer?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
First when 1.12 release patch details came out there was no mention of any sort of Rank expansion.
In the pre-release details of Special Forces there was nothing said about expansion office rankings.
In an interview with a DICE person a while back before September they said they were looking into expanding the Ranking system. That was before 1.03 came out and they added 2nd LT.

If I were to expect an expanded Rank again then I would look for it in an upcoming major patch whenever it will come out. Probably sometime next year.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+5|7088|Westeren Australia
i recon they will include the ranks up to cheif in commander like they did 4 generals
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

aren't some of the ranks, albeit missing a few, already in the game in the zips, just not implemented?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Yes and it does seem to give the impression that they will be used in the future. However until EA/DICE actually puts them into the game they aren't worth a whole hell of a lot sitting in the file format.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

The Space between Sergeant Major and 2nd LT. is just to big (my opinion) the could at ranks you know at : 70,000/100,000/130,000  ( i think that would be more fun then)
+0|7040|Hannover, Germany
No, it would not.
30,000 points for the next rank and no unlock or some equal stuff is still way too much!
Only for total retards who got no life (my opinion).
+0|7039|NH USA
IMO it takes many many years for people to become those ranks in RL, yes I know, this isnt RL but I still think it should take some considerable dedication to the game to obtain the higher ranks. I know I myself will never reach those higher ranks but thats not a bad thing, just means the people that do achieve them  have that much more experience and are more distinguished. If you set the ranking system low we will have millions of generals and no grunts. Just one man's opinion.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7069|The Netherlands
sure they will add more ranks. in fact they are allready there.
compare yourself to a 2nd lieutenant in BFHQ and look at his stats.
you will see that the rank grow meter shows a rank named rankname2.
so those ranks are not avaible yet but there are certainly plans to add them soon
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

Hidden&Aiming wrote:

No, it would not.
30,000 points for the next rank and no unlock or some equal stuff is still way too much!
Only for total retards who got no life (my opinion).
i mean with the 70,000/100,000/130,000 filling the space m8, (doesn't have to be these numbers) but when you've got 50,000 thats it i gues. and then for al looooooooooooooooooooooooong time nothing

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2005-11-27 09:26:55)
+1|7158|Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The higher ranks need to look foward to something so don't take it away by requesting them to lower ranks. You already made it that far, you got all unlocks "...Mommy but I want more Ice cream!!..."

Hidden&Aiming wrote:

Crypto_420 wrote:

I will end up a sergent major for ever.
Better than ending up like a WoW-Junkie!

Aren't you working for the police if you are an officer?

In this context, Officers are command/commissioned-ranks in the army.

We address cops as "officer"s out of respect, so to speak. In the Commonwealth Countries, there exist this problem of need to relate police ranks to army ranks... mostly due to pay-scales and benefits of government employees, etc. So, in Singapore, for example, they call non-commissioned police officers "Junior Officers", and the commissioned ones, "Senior Officers". In the American armed forces, they'd be called "Enlisted/Enlistees" and "Officers" respectively.

A Sergeant Major is a special class of enlistees... they're known as Warrant Officers. They are usually respected; if you are a Sergeant Major, you'd been around for a while.

In most countries, if you are a sergeant and above, you'd be classified as a Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO). The Sergeant Major class is the most senior of the NCOs. An NCO is one that can carry out the order of an Commissioned Officer.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Also I think that the Officer term came about in the ranks of the Military as once you reach that stage you do less actual field work as office work, or so to speak. You're not just a soldier in battle anymore, you have power over people and have responsibilities.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

[offtopic]I believe everyone who has a rifle has responsibilities...[/offtopic]

btw, at my current speed, I won't reach 2nd Lt. before August 2008. So I personally wouldn't mind EA lowering the rank requirements. If that doesn't happen, I hope I can play BF3 with my current account. Would be a cool feature. They are not planning to give up the ranks anyway, I suppose. Might as well continue in BF3...
+1|7076|The Netherlands
Progress towards 2nd Lieutenant 1%
Play time to 2nd Lieutenant 1249:05:04
Date estimate 2007-07-08

So it will take some time before my next rank,,,
Killroy I htink your quote is wrong I believe its " The Point of war isn't to die for your country, its to make the other bastard die for his"

kilroy0097 wrote:

If I were to expect an expanded Rank again then I would look for it in an upcoming major patch whenever it will come out. Probably sometime next year.
yeah totally: next major patch is already on the cards. its called Battlefield 3, and it will cost you $100.
Personally i think the ranks should go up as fair as 5 star general. And their should be a second special one person only rank. The marines have their Sargent major of the Core we should i think also have a GOA. (general of the army.) this would be a special rank granted every 24 hours to whoever was in the number 1 spot. Wouldn't give any special unlocks or anything. but would be good for bragging rights by saying i have held GOA for X amount of time.

and ofcourse they will add more ranks otherswise people don't have anything else to go for once they have all the badges, medals and 200 K points. That and I would be surprised if they did not come out with another expansion that would require higher ranks to unlock all those weapons.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI
EA uses USMC ranks, it would only go to a 4 star general since the USMC cant ever have a 5 star and it is called the "Commadant of the Marine Corps" or (chief of staff for the Marine Corps)
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7069|The Netherlands
I don't think they would add generals since they sit on a table far from the front thinking about strategy's
true dobbs i was thinking more of total possible ranks not just the mc ranks.

Anyway elmo they should becaue eventually people will have gotten the highest possible rank and their points will meen jack.
Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't
+24|7044|Fort Bragg, NC
yeah they should just go in order like 2lt, 1lt, cpt, major, LTC, colonel, brigadier gen, major gen, lt gen, gen, then like general of the marines or something cool like that
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster

paratrooper307 wrote:

yeah they should just go in order like 2lt, 1lt, cpt, major, LTC, colonel, brigadier gen, major gen, lt gen, gen, then like general of the marines or something cool like that
Yes agree with ya Para
If your to go threw the files in the game folder you will come across some high officer ranks,  O-6 - O -10.  And they do have plans for a 5 star general. They have the insignia already made.  they are missing O-2 - O-5 I hope they will add more ranks soon.  I cant wait to kill an officer!!!

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