BF2 Knife Fest! Below are the events! UNRANKED!!!
Date: Jan 20th (Saturday) for the 1v1, and Jan 21st (Sunday) for the 2v2.
Time: 9:30 PM GMT: 1:30 PM Pacific, 2:30 PM Mountain, 3:30 PM Central, 4:30 PM Eastern.
Team Speak: Password: knifefest
1v1 main event..
*Best out of 5 and you win, and the other guy is eliminated.
2v2 second event.
*Best out of 5, and your team wins and the other team is eliminated.
*No reviving a fallen teammate. Once they are down, they are down, and you have to survive the rest of the round by yourself.
Just to make things clear.
What counts as a win.
*Knifing the other guy or all of the enemy team counts as a win for the round.
*Other person/team forfeiting; you or your team wins the match.
What counts as a lose.
*You or the rest of your team getting knifed counts as a lose for the round.
*Forfeiting; the other person/team wins the match.
*Reviving a teammate. That's an automatic loss for the round on your side.
*Using shock paddles. It's a loss for you or your team.
*Killing with other weapons or before the round has begun. It's a loss for you or your side, and anyone caught doing it multiple times will be asked to leave. There will be a time to mess around, but act professional please.
What counts as a draw.
*Both players, from 1v1 or two remaining players from the other team events, knifing each other simultaneously, and both killing each other. It's not a loss, nor a win, it's a draw. Just knife again next round.
*If someone is killed by a spectator. Anyone caught doing this will be asked to leave.
We will all knife, as of now, in the pool near the construction site on Gulf of Oman.
Sorry, only have MS Paint.
Your xfire will be next to your name in blue if you wish to have it put up.
Players who have signed up for 1v1 (32)
1v1 is closed!
Hellogoodsir aka. Phrozenbot Phrozenbot
MT_Androo androo755
>TSC< {XpLiCiTxX} xplicitxx
SnIpErOwNzYoU aka. X_RuneWarrior_X
The_Killer aka. ^Ownage^.:888
ReddHedd Reddhedd
MagikTrik aka. IrishMagik MagikTrik
Andoura Andoura
=NHB=Shadow aka. aznshadowdragon
justice aka. justice_4eva
MagiCandy aka. MagiCandyBar
aTiLLa_NL aka. [dHdS]^Atilla_NL
norge aka. G0d1s3n3rgy
التعريفات aka. Zolow Ferdinard
-Gunsmoke- aka =SOF=Mgysgt.GUNSMOKE gunsmoke839
voodoosniper7 con1789vsp
1v1 is closed!
Teams/Tags | Players | Number of players (32) Number of teams(16)
2v2 is closed!
? demois411 and knifevsface
LOL Phrozenbot and MagiCandyBar
? Lt.Victim and Knightnifer
PAP DjPhetal and Cryptofcolumbus
? switch2k6 switchblade23 and kmal1
WOoKie Tushers and dont_be_ss
(BMP) Hama-Raptor-UK matthiggins7 and MeMnOcK_UK
[SyD] Dwit and Tim-nizzle
? ^Ownage^.:888 and stryyker
? Entertayner aka. EntertaineR_06 and BiR3L
? LostFate and =ST6=Sewermaster
? Zolow and ..teddy..Jimmy
{NeK} MagikTrik and Flex
? haffeysucks and -=]DeatH1337[=-
? >TSC< {XpLiCiTxX} and Norge aka. G0d1s3n3rgy
? Reddhedd and Paco_the_insane
2v2 is closed!
Edit: =ST6=SewerMaster convinced me to make this thread. Either way, give him karma.
Date: Jan 20th (Saturday) for the 1v1, and Jan 21st (Sunday) for the 2v2.
Time: 9:30 PM GMT: 1:30 PM Pacific, 2:30 PM Mountain, 3:30 PM Central, 4:30 PM Eastern.
Team Speak: Password: knifefest
1v1 main event..
*Best out of 5 and you win, and the other guy is eliminated.
2v2 second event.
*Best out of 5, and your team wins and the other team is eliminated.
*No reviving a fallen teammate. Once they are down, they are down, and you have to survive the rest of the round by yourself.
Just to make things clear.
What counts as a win.
*Knifing the other guy or all of the enemy team counts as a win for the round.
*Other person/team forfeiting; you or your team wins the match.
What counts as a lose.
*You or the rest of your team getting knifed counts as a lose for the round.
*Forfeiting; the other person/team wins the match.
*Reviving a teammate. That's an automatic loss for the round on your side.
*Using shock paddles. It's a loss for you or your team.
*Killing with other weapons or before the round has begun. It's a loss for you or your side, and anyone caught doing it multiple times will be asked to leave. There will be a time to mess around, but act professional please.
What counts as a draw.
*Both players, from 1v1 or two remaining players from the other team events, knifing each other simultaneously, and both killing each other. It's not a loss, nor a win, it's a draw. Just knife again next round.
*If someone is killed by a spectator. Anyone caught doing this will be asked to leave.
We will all knife, as of now, in the pool near the construction site on Gulf of Oman.
Sorry, only have MS Paint.
Your xfire will be next to your name in blue if you wish to have it put up.
Players who have signed up for 1v1 (32)
1v1 is closed!
Hellogoodsir aka. Phrozenbot Phrozenbot
MT_Androo androo755
>TSC< {XpLiCiTxX} xplicitxx
SnIpErOwNzYoU aka. X_RuneWarrior_X
The_Killer aka. ^Ownage^.:888
ReddHedd Reddhedd
MagikTrik aka. IrishMagik MagikTrik
Andoura Andoura
=NHB=Shadow aka. aznshadowdragon
justice aka. justice_4eva
MagiCandy aka. MagiCandyBar
aTiLLa_NL aka. [dHdS]^Atilla_NL
norge aka. G0d1s3n3rgy
التعريفات aka. Zolow Ferdinard
-Gunsmoke- aka =SOF=Mgysgt.GUNSMOKE gunsmoke839
voodoosniper7 con1789vsp
1v1 is closed!
Teams/Tags | Players | Number of players (32) Number of teams(16)
2v2 is closed!
? demois411 and knifevsface
LOL Phrozenbot and MagiCandyBar
? Lt.Victim and Knightnifer
PAP DjPhetal and Cryptofcolumbus
? switch2k6 switchblade23 and kmal1
WOoKie Tushers and dont_be_ss
(BMP) Hama-Raptor-UK matthiggins7 and MeMnOcK_UK
[SyD] Dwit and Tim-nizzle
? ^Ownage^.:888 and stryyker
? Entertayner aka. EntertaineR_06 and BiR3L
? LostFate and =ST6=Sewermaster
? Zolow and ..teddy..Jimmy
{NeK} MagikTrik and Flex
? haffeysucks and -=]DeatH1337[=-
? >TSC< {XpLiCiTxX} and Norge aka. G0d1s3n3rgy
? Reddhedd and Paco_the_insane
2v2 is closed!
Edit: =ST6=SewerMaster convinced me to make this thread. Either way, give him karma.
Last edited by Hellogoodsir (2007-01-18 10:23:20)