I find it funny that the silenced pistols seem to be more accurate that the svd or chinese equivilant. (can't complain about m24 or m95 accuracy though.) Anyway if nothing else their should have been some kind of silence rifle maybe something like
this In SF it would have to be for the SF instead of the m24 and in BF2 vanilla would be another unlock. I would have to go do some math but i don't think there would be enough unlocks to cover it under the current way the new sf unlcoks are done.
Anyway I've fired the unsilenced version of the above rifle and found it to be quite accurate. Not as accurate as my experience with the m24. but from what i hear carriers a slightly larger punch. Though silenced would lower both it's accuracy and punch at range it would not at close. Basically you would have a sniper rifle where anyone in the world wont hear you. Honostly i can understand hearing the m95 across the map. A 50 cal of any sort is VERY loud. but the m24 is actually relatively quite. I've never heard and sv or the chinese one so can't comment on those. But this would add an actual SF sniper type weapon. I meen hell why give the sniper a guille suit if any pilot can see him and any infnatry can hear the sniper acorss the map.