+250|6685|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Its an interesting read peyrac. You bring up very valid points about the issues in BF2. I enjoyed reading it because I often think of those things myself, and how ridiculous they are. Keep it up.

PS: To RealestKilla: Don't ever insult using mental or physical disabilities(autism or down, as you said). Firstly, it's cruel to those who have friends like that. Secondly, it's ignorant.

PPS: To all of the people who bash his thread by saying it's stupid, he has no life, with insults or any other forms of degredation should see that it's an opinion. Were all entitled to one, but if you want to bash someone's opinion, make a valid argument.
That's how I roll, BITCH!

Peyrac  ur stats got reset, ur meant to be 2 stars general wtf happened dude........ rofl?. Is this y ur angry?

Last edited by rabee2789b (2006-12-31 09:53:53)

K stop lying about volx. Rd volx has the least of hours out of any of those top 10's so he doesnt have prople playing 24/7. I hear all this junk about Lord of Weed getting paid to kill. Nonsense he doesnt get paid to kill so stop listening to 12 year old boys who dress up to play bf2. YA Ya Ya i know your freinds, father's friend who works at EA told you. I agree on a few things though.

Medics, if you want to medic go ahead its a great kit.

Snipers/campers, go ahead its your game. However, i hate when the entire server is snipers and all they do is run around and plant claymores.

Not everyone cares about points alot of people just like the game so camp away if u want to you're the easy target not me.

I do find it funny when people call other people noobs when they are clearly getting owned by them.

Owned, i dont think you can classify owned as 4 kills in a row lol. but to each his own (no pun intended)

Karkand, is a great map IMO. People complain about it because if your not playing it 24/7 your probably not going to be getting as much points as someone who is. The battles on karkand are awesome usually. so what you get killed by armour a few times in a row. Pick up AT or Engineer, or Spec ops and go deal with it.

retarded, alot of people are bad at the game. It doesnt make them retarded because they cant snipe properly or use other kits amazingly. It just makes them bad at the game. I mean if you really think about it. The people who are bad at games probably have more of a life than the high point freaks with 3000 hours.


Well, I really did not bother reading past paragraph three. You mind want to consider that people would like some grammar in long stories.

Also: stop whining this is the Internet. Someone, somewhere will always have something to cry/be pissed about.
+2|6736|Oshkosh Wi.
i agree with u 100%,
i have to ask, what side of the bed did you get up on? lol
I think the L85 is one of the few guns that doesn't deserve the unlock whore insult. The L85 takes mastery to use  efficiently and the learning curve is far steeper than the AK or m16 I would say.
be nice
+2,646|6727|The Twilight Zone

Marinejuana wrote:

keep it up peyrac, dont let those upper middle class 13 year olds get you down. their ability to type seemingly intelligent and gramatically correct paragraphs is the only thing they have received any education in at this age so they are going to attempt to harass anybody like you that comes along simply trying to make a point. I agree with about 90% of the things you say. Sure you write with basically no polish at all, but i really wouldnt criticize the way a person communicates provided that i can understand it.

nevertheless we know there are a lot of users on these forums that are not intelligent enough to read a piece of writing that wasnt carefully edited for them.

To anybody that harasses people about the way the type in online forums:

Think about how much of a douche you are. In a real life conversation, would you ever attack the way somebody talks before addressing the ideas they present? Maybe you like getting into barfights or something. OH wait, your probably 13.
+1 for u. u are the smartest guy here
+1,153|6904|Washington, DC

their ability to type seemingly intelligent and gramatically correct paragraphs is the only thing they have received any education in at this age so they are going to attempt to harass anybody like you that comes along simply trying to make a point.
That's because when I'm older and have a job, I want to appear half-intelligent to my employer so I can get a decent pay.

That being said, I don't see how you can say claymore spamming is nooby and then say you can't call the G36E nubbish. The claymore kills you right? That's what the G36E does too according to your logic. Yet somehow the G36E, despite its laser-like accuracy and total lack of any skill needed to do well with it, is superior? Please.

Second, anybody that's played hundreds upon hundreds of hours on Karkand and very few, if any hours on other maps is not uber-skilled in my book. Maybe in infantry, but you say you "hate" the jets? Maybe if you were more skilled the jets would be hating you! BushViper is an example of a very well-rounded, skilled player. Deadly on foot, in air, in armor, whatever. Guys in clans like nextLevel are good, no doubt about that. I might be misinformed, but they play mostly infantry... I'd like to see them do as well in jets and whatnot.

You can be skilled on foot by playing tons of Karkand. But the mark of the skilled man is being able to do well in any vehicle, any map, any kit.
Ok i wouldnt call it "skill". Its a video game lol but i do agree that playing 24/7 karkand obviously means you cant use the attack choppers and jets that well. However you cant say karkand is shit. You may be sick of it but most people arent hence karkand is the most played map.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7026|Toronto, ON
"Owned" is when the odds are against you and you beat it.

Like me beating 5 assault players at the same time.

Or me ejecting two pilots out of a helicopter.

Or me C4ing a fully loaded black hawk because they won't kick someone out to give me a ride.

That's called "owned".  And the "ownees" are called "noobs".
Alpha as fuck.
Russell Crowe's Loin Cloth
+49|6987|Philadelphia, PA
this gave me a good laugh.
+1,153|6904|Washington, DC

im_in_heaven wrote:

Ok i wouldnt call it "skill". Its a video game lol but i do agree that playing 24/7 karkand obviously means you cant use the attack choppers and jets that well. However you cant say karkand is shit. You may be sick of it but most people arent hence karkand is the most played map.
I find it hard to believe that ECR.RC, Volx, Blazin, Firestorm, and all these other people aren't at least a LITTLE sick of it. It's a pretty good map, but all the point-hungry morons ruin it.
be nice
+2,646|6727|The Twilight Zone

Hurricane wrote:

im_in_heaven wrote:

Ok i wouldnt call it "skill". Its a video game lol but i do agree that playing 24/7 karkand obviously means you cant use the attack choppers and jets that well. However you cant say karkand is shit. You may be sick of it but most people arent hence karkand is the most played map.
I find it hard to believe that ECR.RC, Volx, Blazin, Firestorm, and all these other people aren't at least a LITTLE sick of it. It's a pretty good map, but all the point-hungry morons ruin it.
the players u have mentioned ARE point-hungry morons
Go Ducks.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Its an interesting read peyrac. You bring up very valid points about the issues in BF2. I enjoyed reading it because I often think of those things myself, and how ridiculous they are. Keep it up.

PS: To RealestKilla: Don't ever insult using mental or physical disabilities(autism or down, as you said). Firstly, it's cruel to those who have friends like that. Secondly, it's ignorant.

PPS: To all of the people who bash his thread by saying it's stupid, he has no life, with insults or any other forms of degredation should see that it's an opinion. Were all entitled to one, but if you want to bash someone's opinion, make a valid argument.
Thank you SplinterStrike...

If you couldn't read it, then there are ways to politely say so, as some did, but peyrac addressed that he has poor english.

It's a very well thought out post, and I agree with most of what he had to say, but of course, everyone will have different opinions...
Online Poker Anyone!?
+2|6618|Melbourne, Australia
Im not reading that.
Go Ducks.

RealestKilla wrote:

Let me just start off by saying that 'hey peyrac - you are one mother fucking big cry baby son of a bitch'

If i have ever seen or heard of anyone cry so much, i am so sure it is you.

If i shoot you and you die - i wtfpwned you
If i run you over in a tank while your spamming messages - i wtfpwned you
If i manage to knife you when you got rezzed and you didnt even have a kit - guess what? i wtfpwned you!

all of the above is worthy of a tea-bag might i also add... in fact if someone else kills your autistic ass i am more then welcome to share in his glory and tea-bag jour salty face. When ever i read posts like your essay (which amazes me why you waste such time) all i ever think of is - Justin Timberlake playing his #1 selling song - Cry me a River....


and here is a good one for you - Jour aye Fuk1n n()ob haxor!!1!!1one!1!won!!1!!
go find another forum to copy and paste your 'ESSAY' into and see if you get any 'Hey man yeh i agree! your awesome' kind of replys. Cos your getting nothign but hate form my end you piece of crying shit! Get the fuck over it.

Yay i win!

p.s - it took you what 1 hour or more to construct your horrendous piece of literature... it took me 1 min to make this and boi am i getting enjoyment from it, go figure you down syndromed roflcopter! LolLErS!!

if this was a game i win foe show!
What a pathetic post, man... Seriously, he took his time to write up his complaints/questions about the game... and we all have complaints. If you're going to blast him for whining, I seriously recommend you learn something about civility. Maybe he is complaining, but we all complain... You, however, have just provided the perfect picture of conceited ignorance.

The thing about "down syndromed roflcopter"... sheesh... I'm not someone who gets offended easily, but if people like you are the kids playing videogames these days, then damn... maybe we DO need to take a look at how they're changing some people.

I guess I feel bad for ripping on somebody about ripping on people, but I seriously hope that the rest of you reading this understand how lame of a post RealestKilla made...

Alright... well, I'll see you on the battlefield... maybe then I can get "cry me a river" in stereo, because i'm sure my 13 year old brother will be yelling it at me after I ask him to take out the trash...
interesting. i have read most of the posts and its made me feel better. idiots actually tryed to insult me with low" skilled" bad words. they have just proved their stupidity. carry on.

others : like one of you said we r just talking. if you agree with me cool, if you dont you can say it nice like you did. i was thinking about few posts also, and maybe you are right. if they like to camp, they should. its their bussines. maybe they really dont want points. yes i agreed with someone who wrote about revive spammers. its annoying to see somebody with 150 points and only 20 kills or something like that.

G36E ? its not disscused yet. i personaly think that if you are skilled you can kill tons of G36E users. i was using it since 1. general star to 300.000 points and i have learned alot how to use it. before that i was using AK until patch 1.4 came out and before that i was using L85A1 for long time. now i am using only AK and M16. so i have learned alot about all guns. every gun has + and -. in close situation is AK more effective, in middle is G36E or M16, and on long distance is L85A1. like you said, its their gun. they can use it. why call them noobs ? if you want to prove anything just kill them with any gun you using. simple.

owned is if you can kill 6 guys with one grenade and even that s not "owned" because they were unlucky, maybe they were reviving or caping flag.

i really hate snipers because of claymoring. that always ruin my game. maybe they are too old or slow or something else and they cant snipe. but still... i dont like it.

i am not actually whinning about all this. but its ruining the game if you get killed because you didnt have UAV or because you didnt know that 5 guys are hidding behind the wall. with good commander your score, game, fun can be much better ( affective ? easier ? )

yes of course if colonel make new account and he s private now, killing whole server with 60/5 K/D ratio, we wont call this private noob right ?

the real general is if he s good at everything. tank, infantry, chopper, aviator... but he cant became master of all of this because he doesnt have time for this. if he want to be remembered as well he must specialize to one thing. like Masila. he s known as the best pilot in bf2.

and for all of you : my account got RESET while i was having 315.542 points. because of 12.500 knife kills i have made them as colonel, about 4 or more months  ago. i am not sorry. i was playing for points. now i am playing for fun.

funny thing about : HE HAS NO LIFE sentence is that if you are playing 2 hours after lunch and 1 hour at night you suddently dont have life. and if you take 45 minutes to make topic because your english isnt good enough, hell you again suddently dont have life. if you know any  interesting thing to disscus about just say it.
Go Ducks.

peyrac wrote:

funny thing about : HE HAS NO LIFE sentence is that if you are playing 2 hours after lunch and 1 hour at night you suddently dont have life. and if you take 45 minutes to make topic because your english isnt good enough, hell you again suddently dont have life. if you know any  interesting thing to disscus about just say it.
Yeah... the people with no life are the ones who ignorantly tear apart posters on a BF2 forum because of poor english and complaints which they may not agree with.
+1,153|6904|Washington, DC

Yeah. Peyrac, your English isn't the best, but I understand what you write. I've seen people who natively speak English type far, far worse than you I'm sure I couldn't speak your native language as well as you speak English.

peyrac wrote:

the real general is if he s good at everything. tank, infantry, chopper, aviator... but he cant became master of all of this because he doesnt have time for this. if he want to be remembered as well he must specialize to one thing. like Masila. he s known as the best pilot in bf2.
I think BushViper is one of those "real generals"... he's very good at most every aspect of the game. Lime is a Colonel but he's also very very good.
i want to discus about few other things.

commanders : part 2: i understand that they maybe dont know how to scan or spott. but they took position and doing nothing. maybe is ignorance, maybe they are egoistic or selfish. but FFS if they will give uav their points will increase also. but hey on the other side... i dont know for you guys but i have spend 250 hours as commander and i know how to be perfect commander. uav on good place, scan and spott all the time... then noobs start complaining. because of spotting. it keeps them alive and they are complaining. probably is just better to apply and do nothing or what ?!

bunnyhoping ? bf2 without bunnyhoping is not bf2. agree ? if you can bunnyhope to avoide enemy fire why not do it ? good players will kill you anyway. bunnyhoping is part of bf2. without bunnyhoping this game could became boring. some people complains about it. they say : fuking bunny. i mean... you can bunnyhope. i can bunnyhope. do it to survive or not do it and be deadman. dont understand this like i am bunnyhoping all the time. i bunnyhope when somebody fire at me from behind or when i have to escape before 5 guys can kill me. its usefull, do it yourself.

dumn medics ? did you ever notice that when you are dead, you see medisc running pass you. and they dont revive. hm... medic dont revive ? maybe they are in squad with you, you are 10 m away dead and they dont even notice. and when they notice they dont know how to revive. dont know how to revive ?! they are reviving air or ground around you. or sometimes when you are assault and hurt you are walking behind them pressing : i need medic ! and no response. they just wont give you that stupid heal. how hard is to revive ? some of them cant revive even when 3x miss your body. i dont get it. i risked my life when i made 29.000 revives and 90 % of that time nobody came after me to SAVE ME for a change.

teamkillers ? well here is not much to disscus. sometimes is mistake. they threw grenade and you got it right in the face. ok one teamkill i usually put forgive. but sometimes when i am passing by me own teammate shooting at me. my name is blue or green. and he shot at me. sometimes they even teamkill me. i mean cant they see the color ? and other are so scared. once i have killed 6 enemy guys jumped behind the wall to hide and my teammate who was there before me teamkilled me. WTF ? some people just shoot and then ask which soldier was it. again others are COLOR BLIND ( for real this time ). they see green and blue names at flag and they threw grenade. mistake ? again others can and able to teamkill you if you killed somebody they wanted. FF is ON and sniper puting claymores. where is the logic ? even they can die by their own mine.

scared ? some players again hidding all the time. did you notice ? they are in corners, behind buildings, in some dark street, nervously looking to left and right... or when they see enemy they turn around and run. hm ?! its just a game nothing to be afraid.

real soldiers ? i admit bf2 is my first game when i used multiplayer. on the start i was like this : yeah you go left i go right, lets cover each other. when i was private. now you can see sergeants with few 1000 points doing this. and if you are in squad with them they say to you : cover me ! i am going out !... i mean that is strange dude. really strange. again others are playing SpecOps or commandos or US Marine and they are walking slowely around the map. looking on corners. moving around carefuly and when they want to throw grenade they say on VOIP : move !  i am grenading ! sometimes they say : i am higher rank than you, you must obey me. calm down guys its just a game.

ranks ? ranks means nothing. true i was general once. but people respect you because of your game. if you are rank sergeant and good they respect you even more, because you are one of them. i admit when i was playing as sergeant ( long  long time ago ) i believed that higher rank is better player. so when i got killed by higher rank i said : he s higher rank, he  s more experienced, i cant do anything against him. and i was proud when i first time played with general. but then i noticed that he SUX ! so rank does not mean anything ! and public players are like : i am higher rank then you, so shut up. only skill is important. if you inprove yourself as a good players you will be respected. if you are general and noob that s sad. people thinks that if somebody has rank private first class and he s incredible that he s cheater. maybe is this his second account ! be yourself, and kill noobs !  ; )

Pro ? one day i was playing on server ( just came in the game ) and players were in middle of arguing with one. he said : i am pro, just get over it. and i started thinking : he seems to be something special here. i will just pay him a visit. and he was noob. i had no problems to kill him. some people are so sure in thereself and then i discovered than they are noobs. if you are really good you can be sure and write anything you want. but hell no, you cant write anything you want if you are just a bit better than others. some people are again like this : i have more sniper rifle kills then you, i am better. or my sniper rifle K/D is better than yours. and ? is that makes them better ?  only technic counts. i am skilled sniper but i still die many times because i am not afraid and want to shoot assualt  guys on 3m. i am not sniper = camper. i am walking around all the time. so that makes me worse sniper than somebody who camps somewhere and his score is 30 :3  ?

not to fight ? usally i am playing on karkand. as US we take train or suburb and went to gatehouse. there is first fight and usually is fight then between gatehouse and warehouse. and squad who were with me all the time then go on hotel. so usally happens that I and few others defending gatehouse, infront of 15 guys and all our support went to capture empty flag like hotel or square. 5 people went to capture empty flag and we at gatehouse dont have anybody to revive us. and when fight became between warehouse and factory they go back to capture gatehouse, train, suburb, square... and our team is almost never united. how can you defend united attack if 30 guys came at the flag at the same time ?

tips to recognize aimbot :

1. you can recognize sniper aimbot if he has SVD and he fired more then 10 bullets, with no reload. he s busted.
2. remember something : aimbot means that you can win in 1 vs 1 shooting. so people with aimbot not even trying to hide behind the wall ( cover ) but they just stand and shoot. good players are jumping around like crazy, hidding behind walls, but aimbot users no, because they dont need to.
3. if you wrote to good player : you are CHEATER ! he will say : LOL, or ?, or why ?. but aimbot user will say : ????, or ?!, or WTF ?! . becuase they will try to denied this. good players dont have to denied. because they are good and there is no evidence against them.

if you have anything you want to disscus just write in.

I'm doing my best to figure out the point and purpose of this thread. I've dragged myself through 3 pages of posts and come to 1 (one) conclusion:

You hate 99% of all people who have purchased BF2. The remaining 1% haven't installed the game yet.

I have two words for you: Single player.

P.S. Good to see people actually writing here. I kinda like the fact that you took the time to write long posts. I'm not saying that I would agree with the content, though. Oh, and please learn to use the "Shift"-button.

Last edited by DonFck (2007-01-02 05:46:28)

I need around tree fiddy.

peyrac wrote:

i want to discus about few other things.

commanders : part 2: i understand that they maybe dont know how to scan or spott. but they took position and doing nothing. maybe is ignorance, maybe they are egoistic or selfish. but FFS if they will give uav their points will increase also. but hey on the other side... i dont know for you guys but i have spend 250 hours as commander and i know how to be perfect commander. uav on good place, scan and spott all the time... then noobs start complaining. because of spotting. it keeps them alive and they are complaining. probably is just better to apply and do nothing or what ?!
agree, alot of people just go commander thinking they will get double points, they dont realise they have to be a GOOD commander and your side has to win the round.
Also what keeps them there is alot of people have voting turned off, TURN IT ON! or at least when you get a crap commander press esc, goto options and enable voting, press esc, return to the game and vote that commander off.
Cack commanders do my head in that keep spamming the same squad over and over instead of choosing the right squad, I dont think they even realise that they are only spamming 1 squad.

peyrac wrote:

bunnyhoping ?
problem there is MacroBoys.
No skill involved with them is there?

peyrac wrote:

dumn medics ?

peyrac wrote:

teamkillers ?
team punishers are worse!

peyrac wrote:

real soldiers ? i admit bf2 is my first game when i used multiplayer. on the start i was like this : yeah you go left i go right, lets cover each other. when i was private. now you can see sergeants with few 1000 points doing this. and if you are in squad with them they say to you : cover me ! i am going out !... i mean that is strange dude. really strange. again others are playing SpecOps or commandos or US Marine and they are walking slowely around the map. looking on corners. moving around carefuly and when they want to throw grenade they say on VOIP : move !  i am grenading ! sometimes they say : i am higher rank than you, you must obey me. calm down guys its just a game.
some people like teamplay, nowt wrong with that, I much prefer that than someone running around with msx script shouting OMGZ I PWN J00!! n00Bs!
squad leaders usually try to stay alive so their squad can keep spawning on them.

peyrac wrote:

ranks ? ranks means nothing. true i was general once.
rank means you have wasted more of your life on a computer game than the next guy. You "was a general once" so you padded?

peyrac wrote:

Pro ?
Pro? you padded to try and look Pro!
+519|6895|Gold coast, Aus.
commanders : part 2: i understand that they maybe dont know how to scan or spott. but they took position and doing nothing. maybe is ignorance, maybe they are egoistic or selfish. but FFS if they will give uav their points will increase also. but hey on the other side... i dont know for you guys but i have spend 250 hours as commander and i know how to be perfect commander. uav on good place, scan and spott all the time... then noobs start complaining. because of spotting. it keeps them alive and they are complaining. probably is just better to apply and do nothing or what ?!
I will try to be a bit nicer this time....I can half see where you're coming from but I honestly can't tell the different between a good commander and a bad one. Obviously a bad commander puts UAV in the middle of the ocean because a jet flew past there. But an average commander and a great commander are no different imo. UAV here UAV there spot him every now and then and i dont care about the rest. Don't team-arty me, give me UAV and i am happy.

bunnyhoping ?
I definitely just respected you a bit more slightly.

dumn medics ? did you ever notice that when you are dead, you see medisc running pass you.
All the time, I don't go pubbing with randoms any more. I always make sure i have my friends (not in a clan - just have a small gaming community that comes onto my TS every now and then, there good fun to play with)

Although, i am guilty of the whole not revive thing, but only when there is like 50 people shooting me in the face. Im not running out to revive you're arse that most likely gonna sit on the floor for 10 seconds before realising  you've been revived. But it generally happens to me there is NO one around.

Pro ? one day i ...(cut)... is 30 :3  ?
I like to be cocky, even if i am having a shit round, its always fun to wind the enemy up. Is it harder to play whilst raging or being calm? Obviously harder to play whilst raging cause you're not thinking proply. Like earlier today, i only had a KD of a just a little under 2. Very mediocre but i was still spamming messages like


fair enough they were raging pretty heavy and next round i got a little bit over 4 KD ratio. Ragers = easy kills.

1. you can recognize sniper aimbot if he has SVD and he fired more then 10 bullets, with no reload. he s busted.
2. remember something : aimbot means that you can win in 1 vs 1 shooting. so people with aimbot not even trying to hide behind the wall ( cover ) but they just stand and shoot. good players are jumping around like crazy, hidding behind walls, but aimbot users no, because they dont need to.
3. if you wrote to good player : you are CHEATER ! he will say : LOL, or ?, or why ?. but aimbot user will say : ????, or ?!, or WTF ?! . becuase they will try to denied this. good players dont have to denied. because they are good and there is no evidence against them.
1. I don't think any hacks let you have more bullets in you're clip. Maybe i mis-interpretated (sp?)
2. Not necessarily true. Aimbots in this game aren't very good like the ones in CS. You still need minimal amounts of situational awareness to make them affective.
3. Thats a generalization. But yea thats reasonably true. Sometimes i like to admit to hacking to (as above) wind the opposition up.

And to the people who are pointing fun at his english skills, i think YOU need english skills if you can't comprehend what he's trying to say.

Last edited by gene_pool (2007-01-02 08:06:03)

1. i really dont have time right now to search for link but try to find this name at google video play : Riccio. SD = silverdeath. we put demo on google video play and we count his shots without reload. its possible.

commander should support whole team and at karkand is very important to put uav on the right place. i mean... you can cover 3 flags at the same time and bad commander cover just one, sometimes even this one its not covered good.

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