commanders : part 2: i understand that they maybe dont know how to scan or spott. but they took position and doing nothing. maybe is ignorance, maybe they are egoistic or selfish. but FFS if they will give uav their points will increase also. but hey on the other side... i dont know for you guys but i have spend 250 hours as commander and i know how to be perfect commander. uav on good place, scan and spott all the time... then noobs start complaining. because of spotting. it keeps them alive and they are complaining. probably is just better to apply and do nothing or what ?!
I will try to be a bit nicer this time....I can half see where you're coming from but I honestly can't tell the different between a good commander and a bad one. Obviously a bad commander puts UAV in the middle of the ocean because a jet flew past there. But an average commander and a great commander are no different imo. UAV here UAV there spot him every now and then and i dont care about the rest. Don't team-arty me, give me UAV and i am happy.
bunnyhoping ?
I definitely just respected you a bit more slightly.
dumn medics ? did you ever notice that when you are dead, you see medisc running pass you.
All the time, I don't go pubbing with randoms any more. I always make sure i have my friends (not in a clan - just have a small gaming community that comes onto my TS every now and then, there good fun to play with)
Although, i am guilty of the whole not revive thing, but only when there is like 50 people shooting me in the face. Im not running out to revive you're arse that most likely gonna sit on the floor for 10 seconds before realising you've been revived. But it generally happens to me there is NO one around.
Pro ? one day i ...(cut)... is 30 :3 ?
I like to be cocky, even if i am having a shit round, its always fun to wind the enemy up. Is it harder to play whilst raging or being calm? Obviously harder to play whilst raging cause you're not thinking proply. Like earlier today, i only had a KD of a just a little under 2. Very mediocre but i was still spamming messages like
fair enough they were raging pretty heavy and next round i got a little bit over 4 KD ratio. Ragers = easy kills.
1. you can recognize sniper aimbot if he has SVD and he fired more then 10 bullets, with no reload. he s busted.
2. remember something : aimbot means that you can win in 1 vs 1 shooting. so people with aimbot not even trying to hide behind the wall ( cover ) but they just stand and shoot. good players are jumping around like crazy, hidding behind walls, but aimbot users no, because they dont need to.
3. if you wrote to good player : you are CHEATER ! he will say : LOL, or ?, or why ?. but aimbot user will say : ????, or ?!, or WTF ?! . becuase they will try to denied this. good players dont have to denied. because they are good and there is no evidence against them.
1. I don't think any hacks let you have more bullets in you're clip. Maybe i mis-interpretated (sp?)
2. Not necessarily true. Aimbots in this game aren't very good like the ones in CS. You still need minimal amounts of situational awareness to make them affective.
3. Thats a generalization. But yea thats reasonably true. Sometimes i like to admit to hacking to (as above) wind the opposition up.
And to the people who are pointing fun at his english skills, i think YOU need english skills if you can't comprehend what he's trying to say.
Last edited by gene_pool (2007-01-02 08:06:03)