+1|6639|Emerald Isle
Wayhey!!!..first post.......thankyou...thankyou...

I gave the chopper solo flying a go there last night and when I hopped into the gunner seat to fire off a tv missle, the chopper went into a spin (to the right)...this obviously impeded on me getting a good aim at something....

Can anyone tell me where I need to make an adjustment for this....

When I'm in the pilot seat, and I let the stick go, the chopper just sits there .i.e. no spin...

Appreciate your help..

End of first post....wayhey!!!!!..

Hi! Welcome to the forums.

The chopper starts spinning automatically without someone in the pilot seat. There are no adjustments for it. If you want to solo, you have to aim a bit to the left before switching.
I need around tree fiddy.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6859|Doncaster, UK
The chopper spins because there is no longer anyone flying it, you've switched seats. To solo you need to adjust the aim before you switch seats so that when you do and switch to tv missiles you'll be lined up because of the spin.

EDIT: Beaten to it by Don once more..... CURSES!

Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2007-01-02 03:46:58)

+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
what they said ^^
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+1|6639|Emerald Isle
ah i see...(said the blind man who could see f*ck all).

..thanks guys..

takes a while to master I'd say....
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Macros help.
+183|6927|Newcastle UK
Macros fucking suck.

Last edited by TheMackumSlayer (2007-01-02 03:58:35)

You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
+1|6639|Emerald Isle does the whole macros thing work then???
don't worry about macros.... they suck, and people who use them should burn in hell for all eternity.

i always line up with my target, switch seat, right click and fire right away. If you always do that, then you will learn quickly to position your sights before switching. That solves your first aiming problem.

Next problem is guiding the TV to a direct hit, that too will require practice, just remember not to click to hectically.
A few well aimed adjustments will in most cases do the trick, and try to anticipate where the target is going to be if its moving.

Its all in learning by doing... so go get em, and Welcome to the forum.

Last edited by Spiers.ckz (2007-01-02 04:46:06)

Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
Im always Flying Solo     <<<<

Rotate 1 Second to your left or be in a steady decent before switching seats and fire your TV ASAP. If your shooting a Stationary target you don't need to guide the missle all the way to the end of its ride, just click the target once and switch back to the Pilot seat and move to your next kill.

Practice Practice Practice. Becomes the best thing Vs. Armor on Maps like Dalian Plant + Daqing Oilfields. Maybe some other maps provided you have air cover (Cleensweep + Ohman + Fushee + Zatar). But on maps like Sharqi you would want two people in the chopper because infantry are the main threat on the map. though you can Solo Vs. Infantry that takes some serious skills (or just some Macros eh?)
Fantasma Parastasie
why the f*ck is everyone telling him to rotate to the left? you can instantly fire a TV missle.
+1|6639|Emerald Isle
thanks for the tips guys....I'll give it a go tonight!......

I know I'll figure this out later, but do you have to be at a decent altitude before changing seats and firing? long does it take to recover the chopper when you jump back to pilot...does it go into a spin or just  drop like a rock?

ah...I'll figure it out later anyway...cheers!!
Glitch exploiting solo chopper pilots suck. This is a TEAM game, find a gunner. Most soldiers will gladly jump in to your gunner seat if you let them or ask them to.
Yes it's hard finding a good gunner. I only trust the people I play with a lot and myself.

If I'm playing by myself I'll solo TV. If I'm playing with someone I know and I know he's good then I'll let him fly.

lynxlyran wrote:

Glitch exploiting solo chopper pilots suck. This is a TEAM game, find a gunner. Most soldiers will gladly jump in to your gunner seat if you let them or ask them to.
It's not a glitch or an exploit, it's a design flaw. A very good design flaw at that.
Teh strogg!
+205|6792|Trondheim, Norway
When you get more training at it you barely have to aim to the left, cus you fire in the same second as you shoot just some training needed. Singleplayer is good for training solo, cus you can get the other player to bail out on your commando, try Dragon Valley.

ZekersSneakers wrote:

lynxlyran wrote:

Glitch exploiting solo chopper pilots suck. This is a TEAM game, find a gunner. Most soldiers will gladly jump in to your gunner seat if you let them or ask them to.
It's not a glitch or an exploit, it's a design flaw. A very good design flaw at that.

      1. To take unfair advantage of something or someone so as to achieve one's own aims.
            Thesaurus: capitalize on, take advantage of, misuse, profit by, use, abuse, manipulate, cash in on.
Troll has returned.

lynxlyran wrote:

ZekersSneakers wrote:

lynxlyran wrote:

Glitch exploiting solo chopper pilots suck. This is a TEAM game, find a gunner. Most soldiers will gladly jump in to your gunner seat if you let them or ask them to.
It's not a glitch or an exploit, it's a design flaw. A very good design flaw at that.

      1. To take unfair advantage of something or someone so as to achieve one's own aims.
            Thesaurus: capitalize on, take advantage of, misuse, profit by, use, abuse, manipulate, cash in on.
I a msure you are not good at solo flying eh?
btw, I always give chance to gunners, because decent accounts are popular in those days.

Last edited by Ottomania (2007-01-02 07:34:22)

Aiming for the head
+88|6863|EUtopia | Austria

SargeV1.4 wrote:

why the f*ck is everyone telling him to rotate to the left? you can instantly fire a TV missle.
You're a lucky one, I can't.
+39|7073|B O S T ON area

SargeV1.4 wrote:

why the f*ck is everyone telling him to rotate to the left? you can instantly fire a TV missle.
....then u got some fast fingers!!  the ladies must love you!
Fantasma Parastasie
it's just timing.. F2 right mouse button left mouse button.. you do it in a split second and because of that there's no delay > no need to spin to the left first

also, whoever told me to shut up because I suck via Karma (too scared to show your name?), think again
Hockey Nut
+243|6844|Boston, MA
It's really not that hard if you just move to the left a bit. I've done it a few times already and found it to be rather simple. I don't understand why people think they're so good if they can solo tv, it really just depends how good you are with the tv to begin with. The only thing I really hate is when people brag about it, make videos on it, or redline you so they can solo tv.
+51|7087|North Hollywood

Ottomania wrote:

lynxlyran wrote:

ZekersSneakers wrote:

It's not a glitch or an exploit, it's a design flaw. A very good design flaw at that.

      1. To take unfair advantage of something or someone so as to achieve one's own aims.
            Thesaurus: capitalize on, take advantage of, misuse, profit by, use, abuse, manipulate, cash in on.
I a msure you are not good at solo flying eh?
btw, I always give chance to gunners, because decent accounts are popular in those days.
i suck @ solo tv...but then I never worked on it because I think its lame. Call me old fashioned but I prefer to play by the intended rules...but hey, if you need to fly high and safe as opposed to getting in there and really using some flying skill, thats up to you. Everyone has their own opinion, and since everyone spent their own $50 on it, Im not gonna say 'omfg glitcherz!!!' I kinda prefer solo pilots because they generally have spent so much time on tv, they cant fight another chopper. So to the guy who asked, learn to be a kick ass pilot 1st, then the lame-o tv missile next. Actual pilot skills will save you in a fight, not a specialized glitch.

p.s. I think my opinion is somewhat tainted by watching countless hours of the Military channel...that is the best network ever next to cartoon network I think...
Tank Troll
+71|7003|London, UK
call me a nub but macros get u pb kicked and is an exploit by using it on bf2
I know what you mean.  I can solo TV quite well, but that's only because I know how to fire the TV missile in the first place.  Still working on hitting choppers, because they're hard as hell.  However, I'd never "redline" my gunner just so I can solo gun, that's stupid. 

Usually when I'm on, I have a few people from my clan on with me, so theres no lack of pilots or gunners.  I'll usually give the gunner a few targets to hit, and if he can't hit them, or even fire, I'll plop back into our uncap and ask them nicely if I can have my gunner.  If they disagree, I'll just end up giving them the damn chopper.

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