Teh strogg!
+205|6751|Trondheim, Norway

Snake wrote:

Im a big map player. Songhua rocks, I just wish it was played more.
I used to play Wake a bit when a friend played the game, and since he loved it - I tagged along.

I've never really liked it. The teams are just too unbalanced and if you want a vehicle, you have to go through a horde of tking pricks and even then, you will run over a load of people on takeoff and then get kicked for excessive teamkilling. If thats meant to be fun, then Im totally mistaken.
Wake is by far the worst map for it. Mostly because it requires skill-less bombing to get a massive aviator KD for fuck all.

I agree, Dalian is far better for the "J10vF35" scenario. US actually have a chance of getting onto the land on the map, and Ive seen the US win a lot more on Dalian than I ever have on Wake.
I think Snake is the only one on this forum that I agree with in 90% of his posts especially those about gameplay.

Wake is my second most played map, because I played Wake and Karkand a lot when I was a noob and hadn't "discovered" the other maps, but it's a huge lot of crap with it, that isn't on the most other maps.
The spawn time on the vehicles is way to long.
When flying chopper, getting a big kill streak is hard, especially for the us, cus there are only 2 places to repair, no other pads, so if you are at airfield, got low health, and got a J-10 after you; you're dead. This combined with the spawn times make's it crap for heli flying, and on the jet's side; J-10>F-35 much more then any other map...
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6742|New York

ryan_14 wrote:

Unless you know how to fly, Wake is not for you.
Exactly what I was going to say, word for word.
There is.
+1,380|6963|Devon, England
It's a good map, but the way it's played by the majority nowadays give it a bad name.

I think it was amazing back in the days of 1.03, not too many people knew how to fly amazingly well, so everyone were just grown-up nubs. The Blackhawks did an amazing job of getting infantry to land, the Attach choppers were always on eachother, F35B's stood a chance against the J-10's and Infantry combat was at its best. It was a great map, until gameplay got too hard for everyone to play and vehicles got unbalanced. People who think it's great now either are clinging on to the hop that there is still a part of the old Wake in there, others just play it for the immense points you can get with a J-10.

I avoid that map ow, it seems to attract the scum of BF2 (Not offending anyone with this, by "scum" I mean people who cheat and statpad.)

I miss the good ol' days...
Super Awesome Member

SargeV1.4 wrote:

petermassingale wrote:

Wake > Other Maps
reason. now.
I hate armour whores. All the other large maps every second person is in an armour, unless your at, engineer or spec ops you can't do jack. There's only three tanks on wake and its easy for US to nick them as everyone spawns at airfield.

Also unless the US team is completely retarded its quite easy to have a close game, if the US just keeps one flag for most of the game then tickets are normally relatively equal.

For the US team to easily cap a flag at the beginning it just requires teamwork and NOT every person spawning on the carrier. Have a two squads take a boat each from the arty island to take North and South base. Little defence as the J10s are still raping the carrier and everyone else is waiting for the second J10.


Dwit wrote:

I play wake a lot, it is much fun, IF you play it on 16-24 player servers, much less raping etc. It becomes a really nice map. Lots of vehicles so you got plenty to chose, and the distance to cover isn't a problem anymore, there is always a vehicle ready for you.

I like it, but 64 player: sucks, to much rape/tk
I agree with Dwit. I nearly always play ea uk rackage.com 24/7 wake (24 player) when I play Wake Island. Wake isn't good with 64 players.

Last edited by petermassingale (2007-01-04 12:59:14)

Now I play the hell out of some wake, but I really see what Sarge is saying.  I just love wake for the air battles.  There's nothing more exciting to me than to see an oblivious j 10 raping the shit out of my team, and then get in a helo or jet and take them out.  But....It is no more redundant than any of the maps, IMHO.  Any people who say that wake is just for point whores, and then I look at their stats and all they play is medic, or engy and tank on karkand, then I couldn't care less.   BY FAR the biggest point whores I have seen have Karkand as most played map.  Just take a look at the top 10 in global score...8 out of 10 have karkand as most played map.  But yeah, if your team sucks, or there's a really badass dude in a j10 who wants to rape, it's pretty much a waiting game. 

But he's very right, Dalian makes for much fairer battles in the jet scenario.  Is fairer a word?  haha

ps  does it make me gay if I say I also like Wake cause I think the scenery is pretty? lol  Go for a long walk on the beach, dodge some j 10's, and have some s'mores on the fire of my teamates incinerated carcass?

Edit  I still don't know alot about the game and maps and add ons.  Is songhua part of vanilla, or what?  Sarge or anyone for that matter, what are some good maps an addonless player should play?

Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2007-01-04 12:55:05)

I play wake a lot, it is much fun, IF you play it on 16-24 player servers, much less raping etc. It becomes a really nice map. Lots of vehicles so you got plenty to chose, and the distance to cover isn't a problem anymore, there is always a vehicle ready for you.

I like it, but 64 player: sucks, to much rape/tk

p.s. Songhua is a great map(i thought it was total crap) played it today and it was great:D
Missing, Presumed Dead

petermassingale wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

petermassingale wrote:

Wake > Other Maps
reason. now.
I hate armour whores. All the other large maps every second person is in an armour, unless your at, engineer or spec ops you can't do jack. There's only three tanks on wake and its easy for US to nick them as everyone spawns at airfield.
So called "Armour whores" only play city maps since they are too much of a chicken shit to face anything other than infantry and risk losing their spawn raped 15KD with it. So that doesnt even count for your arguement.
Try playing Operation Smoke Screen. 14 tanks, 4 jets, 4 attack choppers and 2 mobile AA and a whole host of FAV's. Gona call all of those people "armour whores" are ya? If you got 4 tanks and they have 10, you might as well not bother trying to win - you will lose. End of story.

If there are 10 pieces of armour on a map, are you really going to leave it alone only to be used by the enemy on a "large map"? Would you really leave that tank there, leaving your team underhanded by 1 piece (or more) of armour? If so, you need to learn the concept of how to win a round and aiding your team in doing that.

Are medics, assaults, supports or snipers supposed to be able to destroy a tank?
No. They are not. Thats why you have specialist classes and tools for dealing with them. So what if you lose your precious shock paddles or underused sniper rifle?
If you must play those classes on the "large maps" then use the FAV's to keep clear of armour and cap the flags before they can roll in and blow up your retarded "unable to switch classess to face the current threat" ass.

Wake is no different in these concepts, except that when I have played it, the US cant steal armour since they are always taken by the Chinese who sit on the tips of the island shooting like crazy at the arty island. Therefore you still need AT/spec ops/engineer to take them out.
It is by far the most unbalanced map in the game. And its because of this serious unbalance that you get teamswitchers galore onto PLA and a horde of tkers wanting that J10. Which makes it popular for the ease of rape and points.

Play Daqing, Dalian, FuShe, Dragon, Songhua, Zatar, Oman and the AF & EF maps, you get hardly any problems. Although you get a few with Dalian depending on the server.
And guess what. Those maps are not nearly half as unbalanced as what Wake is.

Last edited by Snake (2007-01-04 13:07:10)


ryan_14 wrote:

Unless you know how to fly, Wake is not for you.
No. Wrong. It's "Unless you know and are willing to repeatedly bomb the Essex, Wake is not for you." You're talking to Sarge, remember?
I like the map because I can play USMC just as well as PLA unlike those teamstacking J10 noobs which I usually take care of in an F35
Super Awesome Member

Snake wrote:

If there are 10 pieces of armour on a map, are you really going to leave it alone only to be used by the enemy on a "large map"? Would you really leave that tank there, leaving your team underhanded by 1 piece (or more) of armour? If so, you need to learn the concept of how to win a round and aiding your team in doing that.
I'd rather take the fastest vehicle closest to me, so then I can quickly take flags to help my team keep their precious tickets.

Or I'd just play Wake.
+1,153|6902|Washington, DC

Wake was good in 1.12 when skill was needed to effectively use the AA. 1.2 onwards killed it because the of Type 6 Mod 0 Zero-Input AA Missiles installed on all jets. However, DICE's folly was that they forgot to take out the J-10's invincibility shield. PSst, DICE, invincibility shields aren't supposed to be around until 2142.

Wake's an OK map if there are good admins on and the USMC gets land. Otherwise it's shittier than public Karkand.
The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6912|Gainesville, FL
Wake sucks.

Warlord and Ghost Town FTW

+98|6929|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
its good when you have a j-10 for china and for us its good if you cap beach good intense fighting.
+1,175|6834|British Columbia, Canada
Wake is good, sure other maps are better with Carrier Rape and stuff..

But the one reason I love wake is because its not just all Armour and Air..

You can actually play Infantry on it too..

Give me another map name that you can whore a Helicopter, and run around on the ground too.
+1,153|6902|Washington, DC

LT.Victim wrote:

Give me another map name that you can whore a Helicopter, and run around on the ground too.
That's if USMC gets off the carrier. That's maybe 3 out of 10 rounds. And most of the time they get some useless flag at the tips of the island instead of Beach or its northern brother, and then it's constant bombardment by the J-10, the Z-10, and the artillery.

A big Oman server can get some nice ground action going. Sharqi too, who can forget Sharqi? Oh right, everyone plays it in easy, erm, Infantry Only mode. A big Dalian server can get nice foot action going too, and even Clean Sweep is nice. Despite what those players who only play Karkand and Wake tell you, you don't get blown to bits each time you advance upon a flag.
The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6912|Gainesville, FL

LT.Victim wrote:

Give me another map name that you can whore a Helicopter, and run around on the ground too.
+1,175|6834|British Columbia, Canada
I have no problem getting off the carrier, unless I join Half-way threw a round...

Sharqi is nice, but the MEC heli raping on Hotel gets old fast.

Ok, give me a map where you can fly a heli, and Jet.

Last edited by LT.Victim (2007-01-04 14:04:23)

You all make it sound soooo impossible ...

I play lots of wake, and i prefer to be on the USMC side :

- raping with the J10 can be fun, but it's not really a challenge
- if you don't get that J10 and the USMC team sucks, you've got nothing to do

But when you're usmc :

Get in blackhawk as squad leader, attempt to take off untill you succeed ( you might get toasted a couple of times, but i always end up on the island ) Fly to island via the sides of the map : the baseraping J10's are flying from carrier to base, carrier to base ... they are not checking the sides of the map, they only want the easy kills on the carrier. If you have at least 4 team members with sufficient brain cells, you'll have a full blackhawk. Your options are now :
- Land the blackhawk, cap the first flag
- While you're on the side of the map, ascend to 500 feet altitude. This takes a while and this part can be very challenging for the short-attention-span generation, but when you're at 500 feet, you can simply hover over the airfield, the chance of being detected and killed is quite small. You are now a mobile spawnpoint for your squadmembers. If they are unable to cap at least one flag this way, they suck :)

ps : a blackhawk that takes the direct route is probably a wasted blackhawk

The other option is killing the J10's to give your teammates a chance : take an F35 ( the type that doesn't get killed during take-off :p ) Immediately go above 400 feet and stay there. Configure your controls so you can use your mouse to look around in your cockpit ( i'm assuming you fly with a joystick ). When you've done that, fly above 400 feet, and use your mouse to look down and spot any J10's. When you see one, dive down and get right behind him, shred his tail with the machinegun and unload some rockets. It will take practice, but you'll be surprised how well this works. If you're starting to lose him, back off and immediately get above 400 feet again.

ps : This does not work if the 2 J10's are smart enough to work together ( but that is unlikely, they just want to bomb the carrier )

The fun thing about wake -is- the unfair advantage. It just very rewarding to cap that first flag on the usmc team ;)
+153|7019|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
I love Wake!! Everyone who cant dogfight stay on the pla side... usually. I love the damned F35B. LOVE IT.
I played a lot on tv2, but I am banned now for teamkilling(do not know how that happened, honestly!).
Battlefield.no also has a wake only server, but its not allowed to rape the carrier, so the usmc usually win. First thing they do is cap the pla`s airfield. Then it becomes boring to fly. No challenge what so ever.
I loved shooting down the j10s on tv2 servers and then rape the airfield. HAHAHA, not much of a challenge, but its revenge.
Hockey Nut
+243|6802|Boston, MA
I find it funny that not that many people like Wake. I thought it was a popular map and it's definately in my Top 2, Sharqi being the other favorite of mine. Yeah, there's a few rounds where the jets just rape you ever chance you get, along with that one crazy heli duo, but that rarely happens when I play. There's very rarely any tkers I run into too. There's a few people who do run from you if they're in a jeep without picking you up but it's not that big of a map that you can't sprint from point to point, just between north base and airfield sucks.

Anyways, I very rarely get rounds that just blow like you seem to say happens all the time. Very rarely when I am Chinese, do they never capture a point. That happens maybe 5% of the time of being Chinese. Now getting to the island just requires a little bit of trickery and sneakiness. Once you find a decent path, you have to stick to it. You need to think carefully about where the enemies might be when, why? You can't just say, "Hey, I'm going to go for the South Base first." That just doesn't work. Once you find a good path and get some teamwork going, you'll have to keep that a secret. My brother and I have a path we always take and we make it 95% of the time because we work together. We usually neutralize the first flag of the round before the USMC tickets drop below the Chinese tickets.

edit - And I'd have to agree with SgtSpoon, I enjoy being USMC a lot more than Chinese. It's just so much more fun and more of a challenge.

Last edited by FrankieSpankie3388 (2007-01-04 15:16:35)

I agree wake blows no action unless ur in a plane or helo

ScratchUSA wrote:

I for one do not like Wake because of the distance to cover.  Same for other large maps.
Don't know if its already been said, too lazy to read all the posts. But if your complaining about the size of the maps in BF2, you need to find a different game.

This game is designed around the use of vehicles. This isn't Counter Strike.

I love Wake, it was one of my favorite maps in BF1942. If your team is getting raped on the carrier, its because your team sucks. I've only once been stuck on the carrier due to raping. But that was because more than half my team was plane whoring.
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6912|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer
i don't like it at all... daqing is my favorite air and armor map
Dropped on request

k30dxedle wrote:

ryan_14 wrote:

Unless you know how to fly, Wake is not for you.
No. Wrong. It's "Unless you know and are willing to repeatedly bomb the Essex, Wake is not for you." You're talking to Sarge, remember?
I stay away from the carrier if I fly a J10 on Wake. There's always plenty of boats to sink and cars to bomb if they get a flag. I only go to it if I run out of targets.

There's also fun infantry fighting.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6852|Melbourne, Australia.
I think for once I agree with you sarge

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