The admin did not break the ROE. Clan Admins may ceate and enforce rules so long as they don't contridict the global Rules. This includes prohibiting commanders using vehicles.oChaos.Haze wrote:
If the team ain't complainin', then there's no grounds for ANY sort of "punishment". The mutiny is there for a reason. If the mutiny option is there, then an admin has NO right to decide for a team. If the team doesn't care, and doesn't use the legal method to get rid of commander (mutiny), then the admin therefore broke ROE by prohibiting a player from using a vehicle, IMHO.
If you;re going to make rules that govern something, you gotta get rid of the gray area. From what I've seen with ROE, there seems to be a lot of gray. But, I'm also a huge idiot who wears sex panther in my apartment that reeks of rich mahogany.
Personally I have issues with Flying Commanders. and as an admin on a server that has a no flying commander rule, I enforce it ruthlessly for both sides.
As to commanders in tanks and other ground vehicles as long they are providing spotting, uav's and arty on a timely basis I don't care.
Personally I generally don't fight as a commander unless the server has just gone ranked and no one else has applied for commander or I'm hunting down the spec ops guy that just destroyed my assets. I find it very difficult to provide good information and orders to my team when fighting constantly. I do know some who can do it.
Last edited by DSRTurtle (2007-01-11 05:31:10)