I grow tired of the same old complaints.

1. Spawn-Camping, Base-Raping, etc.

spawn elsewhere. if you cannot spawn elsewhere, then you have no more spawn points, what is the enemy supposed to do, let you take a breather? If you can spawn elsewhere, take their flags while they are raping your empty base.

2. AA sucks. [edit: since 1.2 this really isnt a complaint]

yeah, it does, and lots of people have said so. read a strategy guide on how to get AA to not suck (as much) and get on with your life.

3. some guy punished me for something stupid!

yeah, the punishment system sucks sometimes. it could be worse, there could be no forgive system, and you could just get always punished for TK, like you do in so many other games.

***3.5*** I got punished because some tard walked in front of my claymore/ran over my mine [edit: again, 1.2 fixed this]

4. x weapon is too powerful! [edit: yes, the PKM is slightly over powered, but 1.22 fixed that]

the weapons, when used as intended, are very well balanced, thank you EA. HOWEVER, when people exploit weapons (noob-tubing, etc.) then they become unbalanced because the designers of the game didnt think of them being used that way. it sucks, but some people just enjoy exploiting weapons. they are lame, switch servers.

5. bunny-hopping, dolphin diving, etc. [edit: again, fixed largely with 1.2]

6. airplanes are too powerful!! [edit: if you still think planes are too powerful after 1.2, go play CS]

well, yeah, they are powerful. they can easily turn the tide of battle. but thats kinda what the air force tends to do. in real life, in an open field, tanks just dont stand up against aircraft. aircraft in BF2 are not too powerful, they are a welcome addition to the battlefield. (and back in DC we had maps with 2-4 jets on either side.)

7. I dont have Special Forces/Euro Force [edited]

then go buy it. the people that have bought it should get what they paid for.

8. X player is hogging the helicopter/tank/bathtub!

if they are doing good, let them hog the helicopter. especially if its a squad and they are kicking ass. if your good, great, but dont try and fix something that isnt broken. if your bad, then practice elsewhere. if the team hogging the heli is sucky, well then change servers. they are stupid.

[9.] X Badge is impossible to get!!

well, probably, unless your trying to get it. however, there is no badge that is impossible to get. you just suck, and need to improve. id guarentee that somebody out there has whatever badge you are going for [perhaps, on a side note, the admins for this site could include how many people have certain badges]

[10.] People that Stat Pad Suck! [However, posts identifying stat padders are okay in my book]

yeah, they do. they suck. however, as long as there are systems, there will be people that exploit that system. its just a fact of life. in the mean time, its obvious to any vet player that they are a stat whore, and EA *is trying* to address this problem.

definitions: (to keep people from aruging dumb points)

noobtube: using a grenade launcher as your only weapon. inside, outside, far away, in your face, the GL is the only weapon you use. you often jump to aviod the splash damage, you often shoot at people who are in the same room as you, thus exploiting that the grenades dont have a realistic spash damage.

bunny-hop: jumping repeditively to avoid fire. its great on unreal tournament. in BF2, its stupid. the game designers didnt figure on people trying to be Peter Cottontail when they get shot at, so people exploit the jumping, knowing that their accuracy doesnt take any more penalty than standing

base-rape: to send forces into the enemy base. acceptable when there are no more flags left. stupid when there are flags left; they will just spawn elsewhere and take your flags. wait, no, they will whine and bitch and just keep spawning.

C4 whore: somebody that uses C4 by jumping and tossing repeatedly, combining bunny-hopping with C4. this is stupid, they are exploiting a defect in the game, two-fold.
***it is an exploit, because C4 realisticly has a massive blast radius that would gelatinize anybody within a hundred feet. however, due to game balance, they toned that down a little. people are exploiting that by dropping it by the ton now. its a lame tactic, and one that the programmers would have prevented if they had known about it***

[Stat-Padder]: somebody that exploits the game in order to raise their Global Score. Often uses hacks, cheats, and other 3rd party programs to assist in this, but may just use the Medic/Support Class expoits. Easily identifiable because his raise score in medic is ludicrously high, with piss poor K ratio.

[xvehiclex-whore] : an individual that decides that he gets to use this vehicle because he is the most important person in the world. you dont get to have his tank/apc/heli or whatever; if you take it, he will more than likely C4 you or find some other way to kill you. Usage: Tankwhore, jeepwhore, planewhore, heli-whore, apcwhore. NOT: an individual that uses this to kill you unfairly. If you are always getten hit by tanks, apcs, aircraft, etc STAY OUT FROM THE OPEN! *totally different, however, from weapon-whores (c4 whores, etc)*

if your complaint is other than the above, by all means. if you are complaining about one of the above, live with it, everybody here has seen it in 12 different terms.


Last edited by blacksheepcannibal (2006-04-18 08:46:35)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7084|The United Center
good points...all very true.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Well done, a good summary of my thougths.
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7088|Derby, England
Roger that.
noob on tour
Sticky request!
Mass Media Casualty

Thanks blacksheepcannibal. That'll save me from typing the same things over and over and over...
[Blinking eyes thing]
The Forum Alien
+89|7143|The planet Tophet
Good Job

STOP TALKING ABOUT BASKETBALL ALREADY! Geez, I know I started it, but... ffs...

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-01-10 18:22:43)

+0|7092|Orlando, FL
you know what i hate? things that are bad. also today i learned that air is comprised primarily of nitrogen and oxygen.
Jet Rammer
+4|7064|Debris From Space
What's a tank whore?
perhaps I am unusual, but I can throw things much farther when I don't jump
This has been coming up a lot.  The reason basketball players jump is to get better arc on their shots.  The reason nobody else jumps when they throw stuff is that it kills their power.  If you want to throw something far, don't jump in real life.  That's why the outfield of baseball never jumps.  However, the game mechanics don't account for leverage loss when you jump, making jumping a fine thing to do.  However, don't tell me basketball players jump so they can throw it farther.
Member 5307
well said!!!
you just made the complain dept no fun ..
why do we have it anymore ..

Nice posting though . . .
i like to react on point 6. of the original poster :

planes are not to powerfull !

The fact that they dont have to land   to reload again  makes the game unbalanced !

Having to land for a reload would make a plane powerfull ONLY in the hands of good pilots,because they would have to use their payload wisely instead of bombing friend and foe regardless....
The time a plane takes now  to reload is faster than changing a clip in a pistol, which is just ridiculous.
If I may add two things to your list:

9.  "________ Badge is ridiculous!"

Some of the badges have tough requirements, and some do seem unreal to achieve, but this way it keeps everyone from having all expert badges in everything.  If all of you run around with expert explosives, for example, because the requirements are easy, than it doesn't show you have any skill in explosives than the next guy.

Don't open your mouths and start with stat padders.  This is a known problem that we can't do anything about.

However, the way the game was designed, the badges are SUPPOSED to be hard to get.  They don't just hand out medals in real life - you have to earn them.  The game reflects that.  Stop whining because you can't get another shiny object in your repetoire from an online game.

10.  "Those (insert profanity here) stat padders!"

Look, we know.  Stat padding is a huge problem, and one that has been mentioned over, and over, and over again.  Let it go.  Your particular complaint isn't going to change anything anymore than someone else's complaint.  Just switch servers.

Go ahead, continue and tell us why we shouldn't be telling you what you can and can't complain about.

The game was designed
10.  "Those (insert profanity here) stat padders!"

Look, we know.  Stat padding is a huge problem, and one that has been mentioned over, and over, and over again.  Let it go.  Your particular complaint isn't going to change anything anymore than someone else's complaint.  Just switch servers.
Disagreed. Stat padders should be publically and repeatedly ridiculed for their pathetic character.

Sud wrote:

10.  "Those (insert profanity here) stat padders!"

Look, we know.  Stat padding is a huge problem, and one that has been mentioned over, and over, and over again.  Let it go.  Your particular complaint isn't going to change anything anymore than someone else's complaint.  Just switch servers.
Disagreed. Stat padders should be publically and repeatedly ridiculed for their pathetic character.
Oh yeah, because alot of them visit here and they really care whether or not you bitch them out.
+0|7103|United States
I'd like to thank you for it. Well done, and well thought out. I hate to admit it, but sometimes i'm a bunny-hopper.
+0|7073|Almere, Holland
nicely said.. but want to add one thing.. do you allways notice then when ppl get killed by a bunny hopper that they complain but if they kill them that they wont say a word?
+0|7073|Almere, Holland

ayb wrote:

you know what i hate? things that are bad. also today i learned that air is comprised primarily of nitrogen and oxygen.
and it consist for 1% out of noble gasses such a argon!
+0|7073|Almere, Holland
although I do think all ur answer and such are right.. I do think that people need to stop with wining about the game.. lets take real war.. are u going to wine to ur enemy when he just killed a fellow soldier by throwing c4? no u kill the bastard.. so why would u complain in a game.. get over it.. and kill the guy.. and do you know what works for me best against bunny hoppers.. the chinese- or american standard pump action shotgun.. aim good for one time.. usually u can take all u time because the hopper are more busy with hoppin that with aiming.. so aim correctly and blast the sucker right out of the air.. works with me everytime:D Because such a gun fires 7 pelets which everyone of them do 25% damage so even if u dont kill him immediatly.. you will probably kill him the second time.

Good luck:D
+23|7087|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL

RDMC wrote:

ayb wrote:

you know what i hate? things that are bad. also today i learned that air is comprised primarily of nitrogen and oxygen.
and it consist for 1% out of noble gasses such a argon!
So, what you're really saying is that our atmosphere is 99% ignoble?!

Where is Al Gore when we need him!

blacksheep wrote:

3. some guy punished me for something stupid!

yeah, the punishment system sucks sometimes. it could be worse, there could be no forgive system, and you could just get always punished for TK, like you do in so many other games.
the server admin cant turn this off in the server settings. the result would be you only lose the points for tk nothing extra. imo every server should turn that off just because of the little sh@ts that dont even wait for a sorry its just PAGE DOWN.

7. I dont have Special Forces!

admittedly, they shouldnt allow special forces on normal servers. however, if you had special forces, would you want to be kept out of servers because you got the expansion?
i understand what you mean by the end of this statement. the whole point of the BF2 expantion pack is to EXPAND BF2 not to put everyone in diff rooms.

"RDMC' wrote:

I do think that people need to stop with wining about the game.. lets take real war.. are u going to wine to ur enemy when he just killed a fellow soldier by throwing c4? no u kill the bastard.. so why would u complain in a game.. get over it.. and kill the guy
BY FAR THE BEST POST IVE SEEN IN THESE FORUMS the game is a sim of war you cant cry there so dnt do it here

Last edited by sHaDy6 (2005-12-03 13:58:33)


Kelesh wrote:

This has been coming up a lot.  The reason basketball players jump is to get better arc on their shots.  The reason nobody else jumps when they throw stuff is that it kills their power.  If you want to throw something far, don't jump in real life.  That's why the outfield of baseball never jumps.  However, the game mechanics don't account for leverage loss when you jump, making jumping a fine thing to do.  However, don't tell me basketball players jump so they can throw it farther.
In baseball they do what is called a one-step hop throw to make it go further. The reasoning behind this is that more momentum is behind the throw, which in turn makes the baseball travel further. Basketball players don't jump to throw the ball further, they do it to avoid the outstretched arms of the defenders that are trying to block their shot.

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