elisha cuthbert is the sex.<3
+6|6511|England, UK.
I agree with an earlier post suggesting a small transport chopper w/o attack capabilities. I believe a good example of the chopper's size would be the small choppers featured in 'Black Hawk Down'. And no, I'm not referring to the Black Hawks. The tiny attack choppers they have are perfect for BF2 Squad Transport around Urban maps.

But of course, remove it's armament.
I <3 ak101
+307|6976|under there hayousaidunderwear

Savage25 wrote:

I agree with an earlier post suggesting a small transport chopper w/o attack capabilities. I believe a good example of the chopper's size would be the small choppers featured in 'Black Hawk Down'. And no, I'm not referring to the Black Hawks. The tiny attack choppers they have are perfect for BF2 Squad Transport around Urban maps.

But of course, remove it's armament.
The two main things i would point out would be the claymores and the jets.  There should be a way (either with nades or armor) to destroy a claymore.  Second, the j-10 is way to freaking powerful.  It absolutely ruins the game for anyone trying to fly jets against the j-10.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

Savage25 wrote:

I agree with an earlier post suggesting a small transport chopper w/o attack capabilities. I believe a good example of the chopper's size would be the small choppers featured in 'Black Hawk Down'. And no, I'm not referring to the Black Hawks. The tiny attack choppers they have are perfect for BF2 Squad Transport around Urban maps.

But of course, remove it's armament.
Do you have AF? They have such helis in there
+0|6811|Phoenix Arizona
Make it where you cannot jump and throw nades for long distances
Shorter throw distance about 50%
On IO maps let admins turn nades on/off as a preference
Trip radius of claymores need to be shortened
Claymores are only activated when the sniper is within x meters of it. This may help stop the running and spamming

Missionless wrote:

BudyFX wrote:

why should you make the F-35B balance with the J-10..?

some planes are better then the others

but there are enough people they can own with the F-35B

I Disagree with that option..

but a long time ago we had a discuss about this subject.
then you are stupid, and most likely a J10 whore.
naah i am not a j-10 whore

but over couple of month's is everything the same balance whats the fun of that?
Shortening the distance on nades will accomplish nothing.  People will just move in closer before spamming. The nade distance isn't bad how it is now anyways.  Sounds to me like you prefer to play against little girls since you want to take away arm strength, or you want the game to be even more nubbed down.  Speaking of which bring back jumping and shooting and no more Fing delays while switching positions.  It's ridiculous  that you can stand up and shoot right away, but if you hit crouch you have to make your enemy wet himself with an angry face for 2-3 secs before shooting. 

Claymores should just be removed.  They are buggy enough as it is, not to mention the damned claymore jihadists.  Wait here's a brilliant idea, make the sniper have to detonate the gaymore like a spec ops with c4.  Either way all of this is only a dream. And sorry kiddies santa isnt real.
Just saw your post budyfx.  The whole J10 F35 thing was talked about on earlier pages.   It wasn't about making them equal it was about making the F35 less prone to taking missiles up the cornhole.  The F35 would be fine if it didnt get hit with damn near every missile shot at it.
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Yeah teh F35 should really be balanced... In many ways too! The F35 is one of the most advanced aircraft to date, IRL capable of Mach 2! I'm ashamed that EA made it so sucky!

The G36E should REALLY get balanced! Maybe lower fire rate to 600-700 and full auto... IRL no G36 is burst!

Two nades per person should be enough, and maybe make players unable to jump with empty sprint...

And ofcourse, the Chopper TVs...
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
+8|7017|South Australia
I thought I read somewhere that EA couldnt fix the problem with the F-35?

If I recall correctly, they attempted to address this problem with an earlier patch & actually made it worse so they gave up!

The jets were fine before the patches, I dont see why they cant restore the config to what they were..
+18|6862|Sydney, Australia
For 1.5, if it ever happens, they should:

  • Bring back pronejumping
  • Buff up the tube
  • Remove the prone-crouch delay
  • Bring back the sprint exploit

That is all.
elisha cuthbert is the sex.<3
+6|6511|England, UK.
Sprint Exploit?

Nikola Bathory wrote:

Do you have AF? They have such helis in there
Nope! Not just yet, I'm looking to buy both AF and EF together, but all the stores within 50 miles here either don't sell them seperatley, or only sell them as part of the big collection, which would be pointless and I don't need all 4. I only need two.

A friend directed me to EA link, but I got confused when it came to the part where it asks for my Euro Forces Username. I don't HAVE one, hense trying to buy the Any help or guidance on this is appreciated. Apologies for the topic diversion.
Since day One.
I really ask myself if EA/DICE will ever make a enw patch ?
They are too busy with 2142 what i prolly WONT buy anyway...
+70|6628|Newcastle UK
fix the mec ribbon
Why is it that a tv guided missile can see and fly 350m's yet atank can't see 100m's and a tv missile seems to waste all. Yet a tank round has the grunt of a 50 cal.
+1|6903|Windsor Ontario Canada
Change the time it takes the menu to pop up after you are killed, I cant even count how many times I have been in the heat of battle like in the palace, get killed, and the menu pops up so fast I end up clicking out of my squad, switching teams, resigning as commander, swapping kits and not realizing it only to spawn in a room with guys trying to take the flag and here I am spawning with a sniper rifle, all kinds of dumb shit. Change it so it takes 1-2 seconds to pop up.

A way to set a Kit as your favorite so you spawn with it at the beginning of the round automatically would be nice too.
It'll just be our little secret

venom6 wrote:

I really ask myself if EA/DICE will ever make a enw patch ?
They are too busy with 2142 what i prolly WONT buy anyway...
that's one thing i think is stupid.more people play BF2 when 2142,so why have they abandoned it?make a patch and finish the job dammit!

killer21 wrote:

Oh yea.

-Fix the sniper rifle jitterness.  Sometimes when you are scoped and shoot someone and try to go back to your scope, the rifle just hiccups away and you end up unprotected for a sec or two.  Very annoying.
I absolutely agree, would also be nice if usmc had a semi auto as well.I love the svd.
1.  The Blackhawk MiniGuns at original power made the maps a blast.  If they WERE too powerful/"unbalanced", then I would only like a slight decrease.  Now the gun is so difficult to pillage the ground with and people don't run for cover at the sound of the terrible blackhawk.

2.  A "Bombs Needed Here" Radio Call and clear corresponding icon on the minimap would make the bombers ability to clear an area of infantry fun because soldiers aren't always visible to a pilot.

3.  A Radio Call of:  "Area Cleared?", and "Area Cleared".
One thing that i would love fixes is the ribbon problem.  It is rediculus that the last couple of ribbons that you earn dont show up in the awards section.  For me, and manny other people, the War College Ribbon is  extremely hard to get and, therefore, the last ribbon to be received.  I am verry proud of my WCR and hate it that it isn't displayed.
A new map or two would be great!
I think a Special forces dude that sneaks into enemy land and blows up all their good stuff should get more points, just two, those things are important to the team and the boss.

Maybe have a different sign for a claymore on the ground, some people might run near them thinking they are C4.  It sucks that you get punished when you out a claymore up the top of a ladder and a team member climbs up, either not seeing the warning sign or not knowing (who knows), gets killed and then busts you.  That is the most insane thing I have ever come across, it is a total idiot test and so many people sit that idiot test.

Someone else sort of said just fix vehicles if you want repair points, they are faster.  I don't agree with that, you play "teamwork" following a tank, out in the open, its hard.  You should get rewarded as fast as supply and medic, if it was realistic it would take a while to "heal" a person like it takes a while to repair something.

The dropping down rolling shot/kill, wtf, if I am already laying down aiming and they pull that off, wtf.

I am for any city maps.

Thank you players, "I love you's all"
the abbility to kill a tank crew by getting on top of the tank an throwing a fer grenades down the hatch would be cool.
Not a good idea, SASnic!


Try to open a tank's hatch when it's on a maneuver!!!

Claymore issue: I agree giving the Claymore / C4 a different warning sign!!! And increase the warning radius!
The best BF2 knifer
i just want some new guns im tired of the same ones

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