set your body ablaze

eagles1106 wrote:

Something tells me Ea and Dice will see this and will not care.
Fixed it for you.

Last edited by xintegrityx (2007-01-18 21:04:23)

+122|6727|The Suburb at Karkand

Hurricane wrote:

Attention soldiers! (hehe, EA trying to be funny...)

Given the recent light from the EA forums that says a new patch may come from DICE for BF2:

I say we make a big wishlist of all the things we want from this patch, to post on the EA forums once it's reached a satisfactory completion.

PLEASE, IF YOU ARE GOING TO POST A SUGGESTION, BE CONSTRUCTIVE. SOMETHING LIKE "FIX THE GAY G36E" IS NOT CONSTRUCTIVE AND LEAVES THE GUESSWORK TO DICE. PLEASE SAY SOMETHING LIKE "The G36E should be slightly less accurate, and have more recoil." Also, try to not request new weapons and the like; in an interview a while ago DICE said they couldn't put in more unlocks due to memory constraints or something. The main focus of this patch should be to fix all the balance issues and glitches that happen in the game, rather than new content. Also, I highly doubt that EA will give away the booster packs. ANY SUGGESTION THAT IS NOT CONSTRUCTIVE OR IS ABSURD WILL NOT BE PUT INTO THE WISHLIST.


------BUGS, GLITCHES, ETC-----

-Fix the F-35B USMC fighter jet. Lots of research on Total BF2 has found that the issue lies in the hitbox of the F-35, it is simply too large. This causes it to get hit by the majority of missiles fired at it, which makes maps like Wake Island extremely unbalanced. Ideally, the hitbox of the F-35 should be made much smaller. Its performance should not exceed the F-18's, but perhaps match the MiG-29.

-If hitboxes cannot be modified, then perhaps making the air-to-air missiles less effective. Not as bad as 1.12's, but not as good as 1.4's. The ground-to-air (Stinger, IGLA, Essex) should retain their current effectiveness against air targets.

-Improve the netcode (hit registration). Many compelling videos have been made (search on YouTube for "BF2 hit detection") that show how bad the hit registration really is. One can experience this first-hand by just going into any BF2 server. The hitboxes should match the models MUCH more closely, rather than trailing behind them.

-Improve the helicopter netcode. A missile going through the front of a helicopter is unacceptable. The hitboxes are very erratic on them. As stated, a missile going through the front will never net a kill, and a missile can go underneath a helicopter and kill it.

-TV missile glitches need to be fixed. For instance, after firing a TV missile and switching to guns, then switching back to the TV Missile, the missile will reload again. This prevents you from firing. Another glitch that happens is the player hears the firing sound, and sometimes even the pilot sees the missile, but no missile is fired and the reload process starts again.

-Fix the Warlord palace glitch.

-Fix the Wake Island airfield glitch (players can glitch into some of the buildings near the flag)

-Fix the Karkand market glitch (players can glitch into the area near the TOW)

-Fix the hit crosshairs on aircraft HUDs. Currently only the Su-34 has the crosshair; the BFPro mod used in the CAL competition league fixes this.

-Looping sound for weapons is out of sync with the weapon's fire. BFPro also addresses this.

-Sniper rifles, when zoomed in, sometimes zoom right back out. Whether this is poor netcode or just network lag/packet loss is uncertain, but if it's a game issue it would be nice to have fixed. This also has been reported to be a problem with other scopes/ironsights.

-Fix the CTD issue where when a player picks up a kit, they crash to their desktop.

-Fix multiple server browser issues, such as favorites clearing when pressing "Refresh", not being able to type into the filters, and bad ping reports (the ludicrous 99823498 "ping"), and the browser taking a very long time to report server info (the entire interface freezes until the server info is retrieved).

-Some players have reported that their sprint immediately empties out upon sprinting.

-Fix the Private bug, where you show up as a private and/or don't have your unlocks. Whether this is a GameSpy feed issue or a game issue is unknown to us, but if it can be fixed it would be nice.

-Fix the "redlining" problem, where players can hover their chopper gunners out of bounds and have them die. If any passengers in the vehicle are out of bounds, all passengers should be considered out of bounds.

-Let users be able to click on ribbons in BFHQ to see their description. The only way to see the description for a ribbon right now is if it is in the "Recently Earned" section.

-The sound glitch where, if a player near you fires a full auto weapon, the firing sound keeps playing is still present.

-Players report that if a person is sitting in any position other than the driver's seat in a transport vehicle, the vehicle will not show up on commander scans.

-Defibrillators (shock paddles) do not always recharge right away after many uses.

-If a TOW or AA site is fired (AA sites have both missiles fired), if the user gets out before the site reloads, then the next time someone gets into the site it has to do the reloading sound before firing.

-Jets have buggy laser guided missiles. Sometimes when reloading the 4 missiles, the player cannot switch out of missile view until missiles are reloaded. Other times, the missiles are completely bugged and when a player clicks and hears the sound of the missile firing (they even see the missile), no missile is actually fired. This is usually not fixed unless the player bails out, or the jet is destroyed.

-Server loading screen is still buggy. It usually displays the default settings, and no IP and server name.

-If the Sergeant Major of the Corps is still an included rank, it should be fixed to be given to actual Sergeant Major. The last known SMotC was a person with 170,000 points who had not played since February, and thus never got promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel until he played another round many months after 1.2.

-On the kit selection screen, the unlock selection thing is messed up. The shadow of the next weapon is not accurate. For instance, if your Medic kit currently has the AK-101 chosen, the shadow next to the Weapon Change will show the G36E twice rather than the L85A1, then the G36E.

-Change the RIB so that MEC RIBs have an RPK-74, and PLA RIBs have the Type 95

-Players have reported not receiving the Middle East Service ribbon even though they meet all the criteria.

-MECSF and SEAL ribbons sometimes arrive to players before they have all the hours needed, and sometimes do not arrive until much later.


-Increase the rate at which engineers gain repair points. Rather than getting one point for a 'full' repair, the player should get one point for a 'half' repair. Example: if a UAV is at full health then destroyed by 2 packs of C4, an engineer that repairs it fully would get 2 points.

-Lower the Veteran and Expert Armor badge requirements. Veteran Armor should require only 75 hours in armor, and Expert Armor should only require 175 hours. Because of the abundance of armor on any map, this makes it so the requirements are more reasonable for all players while not being quite as easy as 50/150 hours.

-Tweak the Blackhawk helicopter's miniguns. They should have higher damage, slightly less than what they had in the 1.12 patch. Given the current changes that have happened to Blackhawks, the improved weaponry should be more than balanced by the lower armor and the longer amount of time it takes an engineer to repair the helicopter. This would also make maps like Wake Island more balanced.

-One content request: a PLA vs. USMC urban map. The urban maps (Mashtuur, Sharqi, Karkand, Jalalabad) are arguably the most popular maps in BF2, and this unfortunately means less servers with PLA maps. An urban PLA map would be a change from the usual MEC v. USMC fights in the streets. Although one of the reasons there haven't been any PLA city maps is because of a lack of good Chinese models for buildings, the map Great Wall from the Euro Force booster pack offers some good CQC battles. Simply making a map like Mashtuur but slightly closer flags and China instead of MEC would be fine.

-Perhaps increase the TV missile distance to 450 or 500 meters. Less than their original, but slightly more effective than their current limit of 350.

-Let SAM batteries (IGLA, Stinger, Essex) lock on once aircraft come into visual range. Players have even had times where a square appears around the aircraft but no lock on until they're already able to easily kill the guy in the AA.

-Claymores should be able to be destroyed again. This will essentially nip the claymore problem in the bud.

-Random deviation should be lowered. Not to CS or BFPro levels, just a tad better than right now.

-Possibly make the G36E about as accurate as the M16A2. It should be considered an alternative to the gun, not a better version.

-M95 should not be able to shoot the cockpits of friendly aircraft.

-Any TK's caused by running over someone in a jet should not count as a TK, and should instead count as a suicide for the person who gets killed. This will stop jet blocking.

-Choppers should be heard from a longer distance.

-Grenade launcher should be more powerful, maybe a SLIGHTLY larger splash radius

-ARMORED FURY: Increase WZ-11 and EC-635 armor

-ARMORED FURY: Increase attack jet armor, increase attack jet gun power.

-Smoke grenades should have thicker, longer lasting smoke and Assault kits should carry 2 smoke grenades

-The crosshair for TV missiles does not contrast well with the sky on Dragon Valley. This makes Chopper to Chopper combat very difficult for most players, as it's near impossible to see where the crosshair is. The sky should be darkened in TV mode.


-TAKE YOUR TIME WITH THIS PATCH. The 1.4 patch was for the most part fine. Even though there was a 3 month wait for the patch to come out, this isn't nearly as bad because the current patch has far better stability than the 1.3 patch had. So the community will most likely not mind you guys taking your time with this patch, since it was made evident that doing things right rather than rushing them will please the playerbase.

-Perhaps do a public beta as was done with the 1.4 patch. Did it take a while? Yes. But 1.4 ended up not having random freak server crashes, client crashes, etc because of the testing that went into it. Put love into your work and your players will love you back. Testing with Combat Testing (a division of Combat Studios that apparently worked on previous patches with DICE), BF2RS, and BFROE is also encouraged. A "Patch Feedback" forum on a major site such as Total BF2 would also be nice, as it seemed to work well for Patch 1.4.

Come on guys, if enough people (and the right people) can see this list, we can get what could be the last BF2 patch (assuming it is going to be developed) to be the best. We can make BF2 be at its prime, perhaps not as good as 1.12 but pretty close! POST YOUR SUGGESTIONS (REMEMBER TO BE CONSTRUCTIVE) AND I WILL EDIT THEM INTO THIS LIST.
No retards..

There is a recharge bar and you need a certain amount for it to completely recharge, otherwise you need to WAIT.

I'd like to see the PKM be more accurate from the iron sights then from the shouldn't be backwards like that.
+16|6624|Sydney, Australia
I have been ripped off on the MEC Campaign ribbon. Nice to know I am not the only one ...

Agree on the PLA v USMC map. Hadn't really thought about it before, but completely right. Why can't they just recycle the Oilfield villages?

Agree also on the engineer repair points. I haven't played engineer much, but those guys get ripped off for what they do. Everyone complains when the arty gets blown and there's no arty to call in, but then no one is playing engineer to repair them, they are all off mine spamming. Perhaps 1 point for every 25% fixed or something. 1 point for every 2 seconds spent hanging your ass out in the wind? It is unbalanced when you think about the rewards medics get, or support for ammo spamming.

Drop the threshold for kicking TK punished players off. It seems impossible to get them off in a 64 player map, as you need so many votes. Unless the admin is paying attention, players can run around deliberately TKing and seem to be able to get away with it even with lots of people TK punishing. Am I on my own here?

It's feeble, but why can't they get rid of the "There is a problem with your connection" when the tickets run out and the game ends. I mean, how hard is it to code in "The game has ended"? I sometimes have a heart attack I have really lost my connection, and it just looks amateur when you think about it.

Last edited by pj666 (2007-01-18 22:31:16)

Dropped on request

Executiator wrote:


There is a recharge bar and you need a certain amount for it to completely recharge, otherwise you need to WAIT.

Actually shock paddles with occasionally deplete themselves after one revive and others not nearly as much. Sounds like a glitch to me.
EA.... Reduce Expert Armour to 300 Hours and I'll buy 2142.
dont nerf any kit guns only improve the others.
+53|6903|Calgary, Alberta
1) get rid of all the red barrels and gas trailers.  They're a bad video game cliche.

2) modify Infantry Only to include light vehicles like DPVs, Hummers/Vodniks, and in SF the dune buggies.
Please make a way to change your Country flag in BFHQ.
I know that a lot of people have this problem, and it would be nice to get rid of it.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Ahhh, glad to see my ideas put in there Hurricane

Another issue.

If you pick up a support kit and switch to the ammo packs and it starts replenishing your ammo, as soon as you switch back to your original kit, the reloading sound loops over and over and over...until the end of the round. It can only be stopped by picking up the support kit again, pulling out an ammo bag to stop the sound - and then switch back.
The same applies to the medic heal bags too.

Increase the armour of the Essex guns. A jet can take it out as easily as a jeep with just its cannons. It really is a joke.

Oh, and one other small thing. If a choppers HUD displays the gunners view, should it not display the TV missile view as well? Every chopper is different, and I cannot count the number of times Ive had SF chopper pilots who dont know where the TV view is, and then flame you to fuck since you didnt fire because you couldnt see the target.
I've even had the reverse happen to me in vanilla Im surprised that they never did this in the first place.

Last edited by Snake (2007-01-19 15:04:36)

+3|6566|Milan, north Italy
hello guys, this is my first post here.... nice forum and my best compliments to this community   ^_^

First, i am sorry for my not good english ...i hope that i will be enough clear.

I noticed that when i play in KubraDam, in the Middle East side base (where there are airplanes) , near the flag there is a house .. ,any times i was inside there and somebody killed me with the knife through the wall ... i think that it is not a big problem, but if possible it could to be resolved easily.

Then, i readed about the problem with crosshair TV missile while playing in elicopter , for example when we play in Dragon Valley, the sky is too white and it is impossible to recognize the crosshair and to shot to other elicopter ....  i wanna suggest to do a red crosshair  ... or a red when it is white the contrast.. and white when there is dark contrast ...

thank you so much ! and have fun !

I like most of these.  Don't change the G36E, though.  Increase the damage SAMs do to jets - it's nearly impossible to down a jet with IGLA now.  I like the idea of improving the ESSEX guns, too.  It should be pretty dangerous to try to base-rape the carrier with 1 or 2 guys on AA.  Also, make the clays removable/destroyable, but give the snipers 3 or 4.

Executiator wrote:


There is a recharge bar and you need a certain amount for it to completely recharge, otherwise you need to WAIT.

Mabe for u, but it can sometimes take up to 14 seconds for mine to "recharge".
I Hate Claymores
I agree with the most of the stuff apart from armored fury jet armor. The jet armor is fine. It can sustain 3 missile hits and still limp back for repairs the problem is the non functional flares in AF. I played road rage for quite some time and noticed that neither the A10's flares nor the Frogfoot's flares do diddly do apart from buying an extra sec or 2 by interrupting the lock. Missiles ussualy hit the plane if a lock was achieved and they were fired.
Flamesuit essential

KillerKane0 wrote:

1) get rid of all the red barrels and gas trailers.  They're a bad video game cliche.

2) modify Infantry Only to include light vehicles like DPVs, Hummers/Vodniks, and in SF the dune buggies.
1) yes, oil (petrol) only explodes if the petrol is compressed in some way.  Otherwise, it burns just like anything else.  That's why pistons in cars compress the petrol before igniting it.  Only gas (because it's compressed, and because gasses are different) will explode.
2) Nooooooooooooooooo.  Don't do that, you'll have jihading on IO maps, and gunners in turrets will dominate the entire game!

Fix CTD'ing when you die and fall through the floor, usually through knifing.
Fix the DAME LAGG !!!!
1. To improve squads works and the will to win and not just to kill (as I see sometimes), 20% more points for squads leadears of the winning side and 10% more points for the squads members of the winning side.
2. Add an AA kit. So chopers will afraid little bit from infantry.
+165|6893|South Jersey
I wish Hurricane had the ability to delete posts such as #168.  Lag is your own problem. 

---Another issue: Sometimes players can hear the sound of healing someone even when they don't have an aid kit out.  It's a pretty quiet sound, but annoying when it goes on for the rest of the round.
youve basically hit the nail right on the head m8
oBy| Back In Business
nice new patch
Agree with several of issues mentioned.
Too much balancing can ruin dynamics so requires careful programming.

Please address - engineer repair points.

As Snake said - would be nice to have TV view for pilots in choppers
+ more maps for SF / AF / EF.

Like idea of city skyscraper / office bldg / multi-level warfare [see 'Iron Gator']
Pessimistic - on any new maps being added but can hope.

* Another annoyance is - parachute failing to open if soldier leaps too close to building side.
  Also - Near death soldier dying from running too quickly down flight of stairs.  Come on now.
  If someone was that hurt - would they be leaping around ?

Last edited by XISIX (2007-01-20 13:40:51)

"Don't post while intoxicated."
A few bugs ive noticed...

Switching teams causes CTD.

Parachute not opening when falling too close to building.

And just a small thing, you know when you get gassed in SF you cough. Well you also cough if theres some around when your dead... hmm....
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7067|Marathon, Florida Keys
Remove the prone delay. To buggy.
+46|6867|DFW, Texas

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Remove the prone delay. To buggy.
That, and Don't give snipers any more claymores, if anything, take one away...

"Man, I'm SOO awesome because I can run up to someone and throw down a claymore, only to have him follow me and kill me, THEN his squad spawns on him, and KABLAM! ONE KILL and THREE TK's! I'M SO 1337, ONE KILL!"

Ugh, I hate claymores...

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