youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
I dont see why if a commander can deal with squad requests and keep an eye on the map,why he shouldnt fight with his men,was playing on karkland tonite and was doing fine and i was USMC commander we werre winning and i was keeping up with updates from squads and so on and so forth and so i went in fighting and used some tanks,humvees,on foot etc and this chump decided im commander i shouldnt have vehicles and so he used anti-tank twice on me so i punished the twat,then couple of mintutes to end of round and i get kicked by admin?

for what i can only thing is a twat called scallywag ircing admin and licking the arse so i get kicked,when i was doing a fine job
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i barely understood what you just said...


there's really almost no point to commanders fighting if you have a good team.  since the patch, you dont earn points for kills, captures, or anything of the sort, so by going out and doing those things yourself, you might actually be lowering your end of round score since those are points your team mates could get and those end up influencing your score.

im a big fan of the commanders who continuously make supply drops, put up UAVs, do scans, and are always dropping arty.  if i have a good commander, i'll almost always follow orders since he can see much more than i can.  even though it might seem like youre doing a good job, you might react a second or two slower than may not seem like much, but that second or two could differentiate between an enemy flag capture or arty killing the potential capturers. 

theres a lot of different views on this though and both sides have good arguments...i dont think one side will ever win out over the other.  just do as you wish as commander, as long as youre keeping up with requests and orders, i probably wouldnt complain.
The H4xor Mod
+161|7160|North Texas
Wrong forum chief... Off to BF2 Complain!
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Yes see your point,just dont see why people whine at me for being conisderate and trying to back them up on and off the field so to speak
because commander when is dead is useless... dont play as commander when you want fight! you doing both things bad

i play in the field ONLY when our team loosing flag and no one is here or defending strategic points as UAV etc.
never play as commander like any other infantry, especialy do not use TANK, APC etc. cos team NEED this stuff and commander blocking that.

and at last not least >> you cant obtain any point when you kill someone, so when you plaing in the tank you overall score shall be lower, cos tank usualy does a lot of poits (which unfortunately you cant get)
Mass Media Casualty

The guy was obviously bitter because he either sucked, or you took the veichle he wanted. When I'm commander, I very rarely sit on my ass and order people around. I'm not often on the attack, unless there is one enemy point left, but I take a leading role in defence. If someones attacking a point and I'm near, artillery strikes arn't going to help, (teamkills,) and ordering a squad there dosn't nessisarily mean they'll get there in time, or at all. I go there myself and get a lot of meaningless kills to help my squad. The fact that I'm risking my life getting kills that don't count as points, rather than simply blowing everyone up with artillery means that I am a good commander. The guy who argued against you is just a dickhead.
Unless you were flying a plane or chopper. Then you were wrong.
[Blinking eyes thing]
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Nah i was using tanks,apcs,humvees and on foot,cause as you said sometimes its easier to blast a few yourself then tk your team with arty etc
Maverick every minute and a half in the game you are dead... if you're commander I don't want you out in the field... you'd be dead the majority of the time and be completely useless.

Last edited by =DS=Unit92 (2005-11-29 19:24:35)

Yes. Commanders need to stay in the back and coordinate the troops.
...and if there's no one to help defend your Commander Assets.
I usually play as engineer commander so my troops don't have to miss a vital supply drop while I personally repair my sabotaged equipments.

Although you CAN get points for killing people as commander.
If you instantly KILL the enemy, you get the points for them. It doesn't work if you shot/blow them to critically wounded state and they die after.
noob on tour

IC_Draconis wrote:

Although you CAN get points for killing people as commander.
If you instantly KILL the enemy, you get the points for them. It doesn't work if you shot/blow them to critically wounded state and they die after.
It doesn´t matter if you kill them instantly or slowly you don´t get any points at all. You just get them counted towards your global kills. I´ve placed so many mines while playing commander and didn´t get any points for it.

Tigg@lot wrote:

IC_Draconis wrote:

Although you CAN get points for killing people as commander.
If you instantly KILL the enemy, you get the points for them. It doesn't work if you shot/blow them to critically wounded state and they die after.
It doesn´t matter if you kill them instantly or slowly you don´t get any points at all. You just get them counted towards your global kills. I´ve placed so many mines while playing commander and didn´t get any points for it.
OK...thought that somebody will doubt it

I'll try to get a screenshot for you mate.

Hint: usually your arty kills appear like "xyz[Artillery]abc" in golden text...but sometimes you may get something like this... "xyz[Killed]abc" in golden text...and it was done by the same arty barrage...that's when you get the kill points.
I dont see why if a commander can deal with squad requests and keep an eye on the map,why he shouldnt fight with his men
1. You aren't giving %100 attention and diligence to your job.

2. There is always something you could be doing (spotting).

3. During death or periods of self defense, you miss out on fleeting artillery opportunities, important spotting situations that can save lives, as well as having a slowed reaction on all command resources such as supplies, UAVs, and requests from squad leaders. Just spotting alone is one of the things commanders HAVE to do. An enemy hiding in a good spot can easily kill 4 or more troops by himself if he's a good player and ambushes them. A good commander will also VOIP with his squad leaders.

4. If you're busy commanding and you die, that's just another ticket loss for your team.

5. In the course of your duties you may be required to repair or defend your command assets, because often the team cannot spare someone to do it. You cannot do this if suddenly all your command assets go offline and you're off on the front. Only newb teams all you to spam artillery with impunity without some kind of special ops resistance.

Sorry Stormin Norman the fightin' general, I agree with the "chump". Mutiny for you.

Last edited by Sud (2005-12-05 12:03:23)

What about Iron Gator?  There is no artillery strikes for either side.  Most of your troops should be for the most part down in the carrier so that rules out supply drops.  Only thing left to do is UAVs which if they are toward the center of the carrier it gets almost the entire carrier.  This is a good map for fighting commanders, otherwise commanders should stay "in the rear with the gear!"
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

[AWE]Chump wrote:

What about Iron Gator?  There is no artillery strikes for either side.  Most of your troops should be for the most part down in the carrier so that rules out supply drops.  Only thing left to do is UAVs which if they are toward the center of the carrier it gets almost the entire carrier.  This is a good map for fighting commanders, otherwise commanders should stay "in the rear with the gear!"
Then it's pointless to be a commander on that map isn't?
+0|7049|Brissvegas AUST
Im one of those commanders that like to be in the action and inspire my troops by being there with them when the shit hits the fan, im usually a sniper though so im far enough away from the fight to begin with..... me personally i can do the commanding just as well, maybe better than being idle and hiding away like a pussy... I think commanders should lead by example cause a good commander can change the tides of war..

Sorry, a spotting job done well can do much more than you plunking some newb with your sniper rifle.

The fact remains: you miss artillery opportunities due to trying to get a kill, you miss critical spots that mean the difference between a teammate living or dying.

Two days ago I was able to take an 8on1 when I was trying to solo cap a flag by killing them predator style because the commander spotted each and every one of them. I unfortunately have never had the fortune of getting a good commander like that again. They are, as you say, a bunch of Rambos. Oh look, the blue star is dead again and needs a revive. Ho hum. Enemy commander's artillerying him. Sure wish we could get some artillery.

And just as you may say newb commander's can't multi-task, I say newb teams allow you to get away with that type of commanding. I think I'm going to go special forces more often, just so I can annoy you types to the maximum by blowing up assets. See how much fun your front line commanding is when you got no assets to do it with.

You know what they say about jacks of all trades. Masters of none.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I'm a rank 70 global commander... and take it from me... I am fucking rambo Master-Chief and on the front lines with my men... even doing chopper gunnery duties or laser guiding in jets.

All those pussies who think commanders should stay back and be subservient need to wake the hell up and understand a commander who doesn't get himself killed and can multitask is of much better use to the team than sitting on his keister staring at dots on a map.

The "you just lost a ticket for your team" argument doesn't hold up. Look at my K/D before you make a judgement.

I snipe-command when I'm going up against a blitzing opposing team, though, to be on the defensive side of things.

They put commander actions on the Q button for a reason.
Certain circumtances require different commander tactics. If you are on a 16 player map then I could see the need for a fighting commander. Go take commander on a full 64 player SaK on the MEC side and fight on the front lines. Let's see how good you really are Rambo. Your stats don't mean shit to me when your playing 16 player all the time.
Yeah I do agree that # of people could possibly necessitate that. Could probably get away with it on a 32 depending. More than that, no.
Too many replies to read but here is my thoughts.

Iv'e played many rounds as commander where the only reason that we have won is because of me fighting.
Here is some general rules to follow if you wish to fight and command

1) Only use vehicles if nobody is using them.
2) Always give the vehicles up if somebody spawns and asks for them.
3) Command first, Fight second. (Don't be busy fighting if your equipment is ready to use. Before its finished recharging find a safe spot to lay and use it.)


1) After your team captures the first flag Defend it.. lay a few c4 and hide, when the enemy come boom.
2) If you take the enemys back flag spawn there as cov ops, and keep destroying the enemys equipment every time they drop a suplpy drop.
3) Only fight on small servers 32 men or less!!

EDIT >>> I try to just command.. the more points that your team gets, the more points you get as its an average team score. The more kills you get as commander the less points you get. But in the long run I'd much rather win than lose, so I only fight when I need to.

Last edited by US_JackHammer (2005-12-06 16:43:50)

I think commanding when playing on the field is good except when a commander is heliwhoring or jetwhoring.  even if no one else is using a helicopter or a jet, then the commander still shouldnt because its near impossible to fly a chopper or a jet and command at the same time.  if somone does this, they usually neglect the commanding part
When I play as commander (which I've been doing alot more lately) I generally keep out of the combat scene. I usually go engineer and hang around the arty or the trailers, repairing them and defending them if need be. On some maps the enemy likes to steal friendly vehicles from uncapturable spawns, so I'll go out and camp on them with Spec Ops and C4 or as engineer and line up mines while I'm working as commander. I'd have to agree with whats said, that a commander needs to keep his nose in the commander screen, sending up UAV's, utilizing the satellites, and dropping arty and supply drops. A commander who is on the front line fighting is not a commander, he's a squad leader at that point. Just my .02.

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