Ehhh it happens from time to time.
But yeah, I just got BF2142 installed on my work laptop... it has a Quadro 110 graphics card, which is a 7300 Go.
2GHz Core2 Duo, 2GB of DDR2 memory, 100GB hard disk. Quite a system, though not a gaming card.
Anyway, BF2142. After setting everything to low, 800x600, geometry on high, view distance on high, 48 player server with titans close together. Guess what? No problems.
edit: I should note that I ran EXACT same settings on my older personal laptop: GeForce Go 6800, 1.73GHz Centrino Pentium M, 1.5GB of DDR2 memory, 60GB 7200rpm hard disk), and there were issues.Now, the issue with the comparison between this and the Original Post is that this system has 512MB more memory, and the chipsets are completely different (duh).
But I think it's safe to say that it's all a processor problem.
I still wonder about the AMD system posted above, and why it's having issues as well, and can only assume it's related to some other processes sucking up memory, or BF2142 is using the multiple cores a bit strangely. Try setting affinity to one processor, and see.
In summary, I believe that either BF2142's requirements are understated (for large servers), the rendering or network engines are very inefficient for high numbers of players (too much overhead adding up?), or something that happens exponentially more often with more players in larger servers is causing the increased processor usage.
The last bit would for example, be tons of sentry guns being placed on titans. That causes a lot of annoying noise and likely some performance problems due to the CONSTANT firing of the guns through walls. Another is so many players moving about on titans, making collision detection calculations go through the roof (the sentry gun thing adds to this issue, as EACH bullet's hit detection is calculated).
Or quite simply, it is possible that just having more players makes the requirements climb just that progressively. But since the servers did NOT have choppiness issues until Titan boarding started, I'd have to say that it's related to hit/collision/clipping detection and/or sloppy/inefficient code for commonly occuring events.
I'd say that it won't get more conclusive than that...
Last edited by kachunkachunk (2007-04-07 02:18:13)