{M5}Sniper3 wrote:
Behind the scope of a L96A1.
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Ahhh.... logging in to a server that isn´t German... Tha´t makes me feel comfortable...
If I log in to a German server I get pissed off immediately...Why???
1. I join the game, this is the part where i see the first kick vote on me!!!
2. "Bist du ein Nazi, Uberstrombahnfeuhrer???" Is the second thing I read
3. "Penner, pisser, H4x0r, usen sie cheaten????" Are the next messages I get from my fellow europeans....
4. I get rammed by enemies and team mates!!!!!! "Ich bin ein Jude, Uber" is the next they write to me..
5. Kicking [FF]Ubersturmbannfuhre Change your nick!!!!! (Well, isn´t that easy)
So If I wanna feel threatened and get some adrenaline shocks, all I have to do is to find a German server...
If I log in to a German server I get pissed off immediately...Why???
1. I join the game, this is the part where i see the first kick vote on me!!!
2. "Bist du ein Nazi, Uberstrombahnfeuhrer???" Is the second thing I read
3. "Penner, pisser, H4x0r, usen sie cheaten????" Are the next messages I get from my fellow europeans....
4. I get rammed by enemies and team mates!!!!!! "Ich bin ein Jude, Uber" is the next they write to me..
5. Kicking [FF]Ubersturmbannfuhre Change your nick!!!!! (Well, isn´t that easy)
So If I wanna feel threatened and get some adrenaline shocks, all I have to do is to find a German server...
What is most soothing to me in-game is when I'm sitting in the pilot seat of a bomber (that's a rarity) and the other team doesn't have an airfield. Easy points without having to think and react fast.
When im kicking ass.
Infantry only, with some tunes playing in the background, in a squad with my clanmates . . .
In a J-10 of course.

What is wrong with your username?Ubersturmbannfuhrer wrote:
Ahhh.... logging in to a server that isn´t German... Tha´t makes me feel comfortable...
If I log in to a German server I get pissed off immediately...Why???
1. I join the game, this is the part where i see the first kick vote on me!!!
2. "Bist du ein Nazi, Uberstrombahnfeuhrer???" Is the second thing I read
3. "Penner, pisser, H4x0r, usen sie cheaten????" Are the next messages I get from my fellow europeans....
4. I get rammed by enemies and team mates!!!!!! "Ich bin ein Jude, Uber" is the next they write to me..
5. Kicking [FF]Ubersturmbannfuhre Change your nick!!!!! (Well, isn´t that easy)
So If I wanna feel threatened and get some adrenaline shocks, all I have to do is to find a German server...
When i am in a force of 20, going around the map pwning and capping flags
a j10 ... if there was immortality in bf2, it'd be in a j10
When i'm running around kicking ass with my M95.
Or when im in a squad with me mates with a spliff in my hand.
Or when im in a squad with me mates with a spliff in my hand.
A glass of Irish Cream Liqueur a day keeps my blood pressure low.. SVD makes me feel strong.. and I feel great when I have spawn and doesn't get killed a few seconds later.. so I can have time to check what's going on around me
Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2007-01-30 11:35:34)
The moment someone says (actually happened):
"It's cunts like LaidBackNinja who ruin this game, they rape you in the chopper and there is nothing you can do about it."
The moment someone says that you know no-one can even touch you. They have a chopper of their own, and they could always spawn as AT and send a rocket in my face, but they don't. They've already given up and I know I'm good to just rape the everlasting shit out of them.
"It's cunts like LaidBackNinja who ruin this game, they rape you in the chopper and there is nothing you can do about it."
The moment someone says that you know no-one can even touch you. They have a chopper of their own, and they could always spawn as AT and send a rocket in my face, but they don't. They've already given up and I know I'm good to just rape the everlasting shit out of them.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
They mix it with Obersturmbannfuhrer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obersturmbannf%C3%BChrerdemois411 wrote:
What is wrong with your username?Ubersturmbannfuhrer wrote:
Ahhh.... logging in to a server that isn´t German... Tha´t makes me feel comfortable...
If I log in to a German server I get pissed off immediately...Why???
1. I join the game, this is the part where i see the first kick vote on me!!!
2. "Bist du ein Nazi, Uberstrombahnfeuhrer???" Is the second thing I read
3. "Penner, pisser, H4x0r, usen sie cheaten????" Are the next messages I get from my fellow europeans....
4. I get rammed by enemies and team mates!!!!!! "Ich bin ein Jude, Uber" is the next they write to me..
5. Kicking [FF]Ubersturmbannfuhre Change your nick!!!!! (Well, isn´t that easy)
So If I wanna feel threatened and get some adrenaline shocks, all I have to do is to find a German server...
A nazi rank similar to lieutenant colonel.....
I took mine from this person: http://www.andreaharner.com/archives/20 … olice.html
It was something different and still sounds like a war name!!!!!
Ditto. +1 4 U.SargeV1.4 wrote:
breath calmly, back straight, look closely at my screen
clear mind of all thoughts and other activity.
the next step I can't really describe..
then I tense up, and go into a kind of state where I can't think anymore, just do whatever I have to do in the game. Extremely fast responses, and snap-on aim are the result.
I can't keep it up for very long, maybe 1-2 hours, and I get a headache from it.
Karkand/Sharqi, in a good squad, making swiss cheese of enemy soldiers with my shotgun does it for me as well.
That was really unexpected. I'm not guna lie, I loledTheEternalPessimist wrote:
Wearing a thong
{M5}Sniper3 wrote:
Behind the scope of a L96A1.
when im in a j10, i feel safe.
I feel safest in a J-10 of course.....with my pathetic 6:1 k:d x_x .... but also on Tc infantry only with some AC/DC or something playing in the background with an L96/SVD.
To really get my game on, i'll start off with some J-10 wake whoring, always with either Guitar Wolf or some DJ Sharpnel pounding away. After a few rounds of this, ill do some sniping, any map, usually close range, dynamic sniping with SVD, M95 or L96.
After sniping, follow up with some heavy medic whoring, usually getting as many Paddle kills as possible.
Thats usually 3 hours in, after that im totally pumped and i tend to get awesome.
And Guitar Wolf/any awesome music is ALWAYS playing.
After sniping, follow up with some heavy medic whoring, usually getting as many Paddle kills as possible.
Thats usually 3 hours in, after that im totally pumped and i tend to get awesome.
And Guitar Wolf/any awesome music is ALWAYS playing.
Last edited by JET_G raidensen (2007-01-31 01:18:44)
damn straight, anything else, i turn into rambo, usually resulting in death (my own){M5}Sniper3 wrote:
Behind the scope of a L96A1.
Same lmao.genius_man16 wrote:
for some reason i can't keep my cool, i just get too much adrenaline, lol
What gets me in the zone, probably charging hotel for a re-cap with my AK-101 when i know fair well theres 6 + people there, kill them all. It makes me happy in the pants.
A good old fashioned Havok strafe-rape with Ubersturmbannfuhrer. (On servers where attacking uncaps is allowed, that is).
Hovering and slowly strafing behind the carrier, firing the occasional hellfire, while leaving Uber to do the gunning.
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You killed [insert nick here]
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
Hovering and slowly strafing behind the carrier, firing the occasional hellfire, while leaving Uber to do the gunning.
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You killed [insert nick here]
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
You got a Driver kill assist
Last edited by DonFck (2007-01-31 02:14:39)
I need around tree fiddy.
Playing Sharqui. Doesn't matter what team, doesn't matter what kit.
Being sat in a hot steam room wearing spandex, with a ball taped into my mouth.
Im most comfortable when knowing everyone on the enemys team is newbs, and gets excited when im playing against above average players.
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