+17|6616|Cornwall, England
Sticking C4 to random walls but in a pretty pattern and when people walk past...BOOM, a kill, and a pretty explosion.
It's just a flesh wound
I always like going to airfield, like the one on wake, planting C4 on the jet, run away and hide, then some random guy decides to fly and he takes off, then I blow it up. It's always more satisfying when the blow up in the air and they don't know whats going on.
+10|6707|British Columbia
On the first landing of the crane at the construction site on Sharqi, I place some c4.  When a sniper climbs up there, booommm, payback for all those clays.
C4 kills are by far the most enjoyable way of spreading your opponent around. The best one Ive done is parachuting from the high risers opposite the free fall on warlord, dropping c4 as I go. All five spent, land and detonate. 5 fools down. Walk away.
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6704|fÄking denmark
"Suicide b0mbing" aka c4 on a light vehicule , drive into the enemy , bOOm (Hopeforly) .

Otherwise charge a armored vehicule , lots of c4 on it , run away , and .. Boom .
I got a new one. I was on a Kark server as an mec and we had this noob as a commander he kept fighting and refusing to command(Only dropping supply crates some of the time), We could'nt mutiny or vote him out(we got pissed real pissed) Our tickets we're bleeding real bad (200-96) Luckily ff was on and getting punished 3 time's for teamkill was a tempban, I got an idea told my squad to meet me at the hotel where the commander was, I told the commander to get spec op's and i'll show him a secret, Now being the noob that he was he came and asked me wtf was i talking about? So i said "listen you know you can jump with c4" He asked me wtf i was talking about? I told him put down all 5 charges and blow it then open the parachute to land on the hotel roof, He did what i said and i told him to wait i needed my squad to meet me because we we're gonna jump with him, My squadmates came up and told him to blow it now! He did not only did he tk me and 3 of my squadmates but he also tk'd 2 other guy's all of us punished and got him kicked! We where laughing like hell. Man it was funny we managed to turn it around but not win the final score was 100-0 but damn it was fun getting a noob like that kicked. Now i know your gonna call me an asshole for doing this to a noob but he was a making us lose he deserved it.
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

I got two tanks and an APC with 5 C4 packs as USA.  I was alone at the surveillance post in Sharqi and our tank was stolen, the 21 tanks and APC swarmed the flag and I happened to spawn as Spec-Ops on Surveillance post flag!   I knew I was screwed but I didn't want to lose the flag, so I ran straight at their flank expecting to get creamed.  Not one of them saw me.  They were all huddled together, Im assuming they were engineers.

Anyway, I set the tanks with two C4s a piece, the APC with one, crawling on the ground.  I figured Id at least damage the APC.  I cleared away and detonated.  BOOM!  Two tanks blown, splash damage on the APC, it blew, one tank had a gunner, and the APC had one passenger.  The flag was up when they got there, they were all dead just before it neutralized, giving me a flag defend on top of it all and keeping the flag on our team.  5 kills and pwned thier armor collection.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-03-02 15:17:10)


RoosterCantrell wrote:

I got two tanks and an APC with 5 C4 packs as USA.  I was alone at the surveillance post in Sharqi and our tank was stolen, the 21 tanks and APC swarmed the flag and I happened to spawn as Spec-Ops on Surveillance post flag!   I knew I was screwed but I didn't want to lose the flag, so I ran straight at their flank expecting to get creamed.  Not one of them saw me.  They were all huddled together, Im assuming they were engineers.

Anyway, I set the tanks with two C4s a piece, the APC with one, crawling on the ground.  I figured Id at least damage the APC.  I cleared away and detonated.  BOOM!  Two tanks blown, splash damage on the APC, it blew, one tank had a gunner, and the APC had one passenger.  The flag was up when they got there, they were all dead just before it neutralized, giving me a flag defend on top of it all and keeping the flag on our team.  5 kills and pwned thier armor collection.
nice, what you probably aslo did was deteriorate their teamwork too as they probably blamed each other after that
16 more years
+877|6838|South Florida

I give you, the Karkand Suprise.
Eagal's finest work
15 more years! 15 more years!
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6655|Atlanta, Georgia
fly 2000 feet jump of jet fall let C4 fly and wait about 20 sec and blow it.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
You've got all sorts of creative stuff. Vehicles have all the nooks and crannies to put the charge in like the hover engine of the F-35, wheelwells, under tanks, in helicopters, in hatches or in the air intakes for instance. I sure do enjoy putting charges under bridges, though, as in Kubra, and then detonating once traffic come over.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6655|Atlanta, Georgia
Try hiding them in random plants wheel barrel and random place's like that. its funny when they come skipping along and u blow the hell outta them.
Not my story. I was letting my friend play from my pc(On his account of course) he was on Kubra dam snuck into the Usmc base planted 2 charges on the blackhawk i was watching him play and he said david watch this, He waited a bit for them to get higher and boom in mid air 5 kills! Again he snuck back down to the blackhawk planted 2 more waited a bit and boom another 4 kills, With his last c4 he planted it on the humvee and waited for the guys to come they we're avoiding the blackhawk and guess what they went right for the humvee boom not 5 seconds out of their base another 4 more kills. Man it was awesome!

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-03-02 21:43:30)

+1|6947|WA, Australia
It wasn't really creative as such but I did once kill eight SAS with two c4s when they tried to take the third floor flag in the palace in warlord. What does amuse me though is that all of these dummies guides that neglect the affect that the cv has especially when the one that lays the c4 down is the commander and hence knows where the enemy is. Having been a sniper a lot in my experience it is not worth laying down claymores since idiot members of your team will be sure to ignore the red skull and jump in anyway thus resulting in a TK, hence for me the c4 is the way to kill in stealth.
On sharqi i was in the chopper and getting nailed from a humvee.  I couldn't see it, so i bailed pulled my parachute quite early and happened to drift over the humvee that was shooting me.  Two C4 on his vehicle while he's trying to shoot me out of the air. By this time I was low and pulled the trigger right as i hit the ground.  2 kills as his clanmate was driving.

My favourite though is to run into a group of enemies, usually from behind, drop C4 and keep running and blow them.  Run back the other way and do the same. Keep doing it till i'm out of C4 or someone shoots me.  Often in a big group as long as you don't come from where they expect enemies they don't notice your an enemy cause you arent shooting.
You will pay the price for your lack of vision.
+26|6806|Land of Cotton
I enjoyed this one. I was playing LAN with a friend in the same room on an opposing team. He was in a chopper on Shongua. He descended to cap the flag. I ran under him and tossed C4 up. Luckily, a C4 pack stuck to the bottom of the copper. I ran off before he saw me. Then I switched to the detonator and got cocky...

Me "Hey, Tom?"

Tom "Yeah, what?"

Me (clicking)

Game BOOM!

He never saw it coming.  My typical luck is the packs never stick cause the chopper was not low enough.  I don't think he was mad.  He's a pretty good chopper pilot.
prince of insufficient light
Bailing from a burning BH over Wake Airfield, parachuting, seeing the Z-10 hovering for repairs, and dropping c4 on it. They saw it coming and tried to get away, but it was too late.
Well last night i finally saw the C4 tank barrel trick in person.  Its gotta be at least the most satisfying C4 kill.  This guy, suprchrgedfury, was in the wall in warlord.  So my friend put C4 on the end of the barrel of the SAS tank, parked next to the wall where the guy was, turned the turret in, jumped out, and exploded him.  Extremely satisfying kill.
will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Parachuted off a building onto an enemy tank. I immediately planted the C4, but then realized that the guy didn't konw I was up there. I rode around on top killing off the gunners that spawned in his copola and any of his team mates around him. He seemed very frustrated reeling the turret around in circles trying to find me. My team mates laughed hysterically as I continued to do this. No one fired rockets at him knowing that they'd get a team kill. Finally, one of his team mates saw me and ran up to the tank with a shotty. Injured, I dove off and ran around the corner. When I blew the explosives, I killed the shotgun engineer, the tank driver and his squadmate who spawned on him. Another enemy saw me and ran toward me firing his rifle madly. Since I already had my C4 out, I dropped the last one and ran back around the corner. I got 4 C4 kills in just as many seconds. I'd say that was my best. That occured on Warlord.
Killa of threads
+122|6955|7th level of hell

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

I give you, the Karkand Suprise.
Eagal's finest work
fucking classic, good show! +1
I am c4'd a plane on Zatar Wetlands a mig, and flew it into a tank whilst escaping, 1 c4 kill to remember.

I c4'd the a10 in Road Rage, and flew it into a tank, 1 c4 kill to remember.

It works like a charm but you have to leave yourself enough time to parachute out and you have to be precise and on target.
Cylons' my kinda frak
Did this today because I was bored. C4'd a J-10 then landed it on the Carrier when playing Wake. Jumped out, ran and hid. Landing that J-10 was like flies to a piece of shit...BOOOM!!!

Nice little packet of kills for me. Probably a waste of a J-10, but ah well.
Once I got up to around 200 feet, I got shot down but bailed just in time, sprayed C4 all over the place to vent my anger, got out my remote.  The C4s were still in the air, I blew all of them up, what a coincidence!  A J10 (plane) just flew RIGHT past the C4 when I detonated it so I got one kill.  The funny part is that after that, the Chinese helicopter was in the way so the debris from the J10 blew up the helicopter. ^_^

Toilet Sex wrote:

stkhoplite wrote:

64 player karkand..... 32 player map....

US were taking the flag across bridge so i decided to c4 the bridge..... as i'm doing it i realise theres about 8-10 coming acorss so i decide to blow it when they're on it.... bang! 7 kills
Yeah, I've done that by accident once. C4'd the bridge to Gatehouse on Karkand, got sniped then revived and forgot about the C4. A few minutes later I go to put C4 on something else but realise I have none left and remember why, and blow the C4. 6 kills.
I've done this on Ghost Town as well, as Spetznas

Join game, ATV cruising, noone in sight, seems to be barren. Go to SAS bridge, coming over it is a convoy with a tank, APC and a full Ail Raider they all were coming at the same time which was odd, by my ATV was packed to the nuts with C4, Tank is in front and shoots at me, misses, I jump off, let the ATV keep going and detonate. Bridge is blown into a huge gapping hole. Tank points almost straight upwards and slides down, APC was in middle and got blown up immediately and the Ail Raider was on the tip of the explosion and faces downwards and disspears into the water, ppl jump off,  but the raider and APC explodes in the water real fast and take out the survivors. I really don't know how many but the screen was full of "JaggedPanther [killed] name1, name 2 c mixed with [C4] kills.   

It basically looked like the bridge opened up and gobbled them up.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-03-26 00:44:19)


JaggedPanther wrote:

Phatso wrote:

I care.

J10, C4 on tip, ram into full BlackHawk, bail just before, pull parachute, detonate, laugh.

What a waste of a J-10 , after all those attempted Tk's you had to survive to take off and TK's you did by people standing under the jet (then who respawn and wait around the tarmac).

I would have kept the J-10.

But back on Topic. WARLORD of course. I need to get on battlerecorder to prove my point (it's hiliarious) but try this.

1. Be SAS
2. Be Spec Ops (of course ) but just in case
3. take an ATV to the palace (no c4 yet)
4. place C4 on the ground between the tail end of where the LAV spawns and steps. (best thing is when the LAV is already there so you can move it forward a bit)
5. Go hide in the building or bushes (preferibly under the 3rd floor respawn where you have a clear view)
6. wait
7. until someone comes running out of the 2nd floor and jumps over the balcony to claim his LAV
8. DETONATE!!! just as he reaches the ground
9. dead body flying straight up 4-8 stories high depending on how much C4 you use
10. Laugh Out Loud!!! Kodak moment

Shortcut: What I do is try to C4 the LAV driver near another atv or transport. You then have 14 seconds to hop on the other transport and make it to the LAV spawn (atv much faster), though you have only 3 C4 left.  Placing it on wall works too but they don't fly staight up that way.
And here is the result:

I decided to have some c4 fun again during a bout in Warlord (and got a SS this time). Only 2 or 3 c4 is needed for this height. I used 5 awhile back and nailed 'whoever' right under so they almost went out of sight, or maybe cos I had crappier video card before. Again just move the APC abit ahead so when they jump out to claim their APC they land on the C4 instead.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-03-27 01:24:21)

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