Don't know if this solution is posted here. If it is, my appologies. A couple of days ago it wasn't.

I have tried it, and it works.

Take care!

/ Bulldozer

Please create a new administrator account in windows xp.  This is to check if there's any corrupted dll's with the old administrator account.  You'd have to uninstall the game using the old administrator account then reinstall the game using the new one.

If you are unsure whether the account you are using has Administrator abilities, you can check this in the User Accounts interface.

Click on the Start button.
Click on Control Panel.
Locate the small Control Panel sub-window at the top left of the window.
If it says Switch to Category View, you are in the correct viewing mode.
If it says Switch to Classic View, click on the text to switch to the correct view.
Double-click on the User Accounts icon.
Find your user name in the User Accounts window.
Look to the right to determine which Group it is in. It should be an Administrator, Computer Administrator, or Owner account.

If you would like to make a new Administrator account, you can do this in the User Accounts interface.

Click on the Start button.
Click on Control Panel.
Locate the small Control Panel sub-window at the top left of the window.
If it says Switch to Category View, you are in the correct viewing mode.
If it says Switch to Classic View, click on the text to switch to the correct view.
Double-click on the User Accounts icon.
Click on the Add button.
Choose a user name and password.
Make sure to give the account full Administrator abilities.
Once the account is created, you will be able to restart and log in with the new Administrator account.

If you cannot allow a user access to an Administrator account to run the game, there is a feature in Windows XP that allows you to choose to run a certain program as if it had Administrator abilities. This is the Run As option. This option may not work perfectly, but typically it will allow the game to run in a limited account. Also, you will have to complete these steps each time the game is run in order to give it permission to run with Administrator abilities.

Locate the icon for running the game. This may be located on the desktop, or in the Start Menu.
Right-click on the game icon and choose Run As.
Click in the bubble next to “The following user:”
In the User Name box, choose the Administrator account.
Type the password for the Administrator account in the Password box.
Click OK.
The program will now launch and run with Administrator capabilities. It will only have these abilities for this instance of the program; these steps must be repeated when the game is started again.