I have just played the LONGEST/WORST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED. It lasted 3 fucking hours, not 1, 3 fucking hours. At first it was like 5v5, but then it turned into 2 and a half hours of pure 3v3 agony, because once you are over a hundred points, THERE IS NO TURNING BACK! The douche-bags had a squad of three, one of them was playing a fags game of knives as was the other on my team. The other two traveled together, rarely leaving the others side. IT WAS FLAG FUCKING-TASTIC [/sarcasm].
To top it off, that 3 hour torture of PAIN was just supposed to be an experience of what European servers were like, so my ping was horrible. Most of my shots never registered, keep in mind that the first hundred points were within 30 minutes, so I was pretty happy, but like I said, after a hundred, YOU'RE TRAPPED. I spent probably an hour defending TV Station from the two whores, while the other guy in my squad, tried to cap flags, but failed, since the duo of faggots would try to siege TV for a few minutes failing, then go get the flags that the guy in my squad capped.
So, after defending TV for a while, I ask my SL to defend TV while I am out capping flags, I told him if he dies, spawn on top of TV Station, he did not. We lost TV. Then for the last 20 minutes of the game it was flag hopping like no other. As the round was almost going to end, the other team tried to play some knives, I declined with anger. The round ended as I was capping a flag.
When people joined, it would put them on the US team, which pissed me off since that was the team of Whores, I would beg the people to join MEC. I told them I was in agony and pain, and told them how long I've been playing, but I guess I scared them off...
I will never enter a BIG POINTS SERVER!!! LOLZBBQ POINTS FOR EVERYONE!!!! again, ESPECIALLY if it it infantry only High Points servers. Which mine was...
Overall: Big Points server: D
Big Points server IO: F
Big Points server IO with a high ping: F-----
Oh I forgot to add these two things, commanders WERE NOT allowed at all, or kick/ban...
At one point during the game, my mom(I'm 15 btw, 16 May 31) randomly brought me a turkey sandwich, it was good I guess.
Pictures: This game was done on an alternate account.


That was not worth it, I could have gotten that within 5-6 rounds of chopper whoring.

Ugh, this took 30 minutes to write...
To top it off, that 3 hour torture of PAIN was just supposed to be an experience of what European servers were like, so my ping was horrible. Most of my shots never registered, keep in mind that the first hundred points were within 30 minutes, so I was pretty happy, but like I said, after a hundred, YOU'RE TRAPPED. I spent probably an hour defending TV Station from the two whores, while the other guy in my squad, tried to cap flags, but failed, since the duo of faggots would try to siege TV for a few minutes failing, then go get the flags that the guy in my squad capped.
So, after defending TV for a while, I ask my SL to defend TV while I am out capping flags, I told him if he dies, spawn on top of TV Station, he did not. We lost TV. Then for the last 20 minutes of the game it was flag hopping like no other. As the round was almost going to end, the other team tried to play some knives, I declined with anger. The round ended as I was capping a flag.
When people joined, it would put them on the US team, which pissed me off since that was the team of Whores, I would beg the people to join MEC. I told them I was in agony and pain, and told them how long I've been playing, but I guess I scared them off...
I will never enter a BIG POINTS SERVER!!! LOLZBBQ POINTS FOR EVERYONE!!!! again, ESPECIALLY if it it infantry only High Points servers. Which mine was...
Overall: Big Points server: D
Big Points server IO: F
Big Points server IO with a high ping: F-----
Oh I forgot to add these two things, commanders WERE NOT allowed at all, or kick/ban...
At one point during the game, my mom(I'm 15 btw, 16 May 31) randomly brought me a turkey sandwich, it was good I guess.
Pictures: This game was done on an alternate account.


That was not worth it, I could have gotten that within 5-6 rounds of chopper whoring.

Ugh, this took 30 minutes to write...