
What do you do when your Squad L. or commander gives you a command?

Press page down and deny the command14%14% - 18
Press page up and accept the command65%65% - 79
Continue being a lone wolf in the squad and ignore8%8% - 10
Tell the other team what your team is trying to do11%11% - 14
Total: 121
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

I don't play SL much at all, when I do I try to follow the com's orders unless I see something which is a higher priority (enemy armour, closer flag with no defence, that sort of thing). While playing in a squad I stick with a chosen squadmate or the SL... Normally gets the team work ball rolling along nicely.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

sdlettonieCZLV wrote:

first of all, I try to establish voice contact with commander, so even I don't have UAV he can help me by telling where is someone or spotting. Second, but harder is typing commander, so I know that he cares about situation on BF and is trying to help team. If commander is retarded, I f*ck him and go with my squad alone constantly keeping to talk to my squad, even if it is only laughing for some nice sniper kill, or I thank him for good teamplay, reviving, capping etc... It keeps squad organized. When there is real squad work needed and I see that nobody is following me, I kick them from squad and invite some others... And I like to follow orders from SL and keep moving with him.
QFT. I hate retarded commanders who tell me to attack some base that im not even close to. A talkative commander that sucks is MUCH better than a commander that doesnt even answer you.
Usually I listen to the orders, but I will always ask for troop count and such for the place im assaulting. And if he's a dumbass, well he can screw himself as my squad solos it.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
I mostly accept, except I'm too far away or I don't have to right kit to do something.
+783|7156|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Depends on the order, if the commander is someone from my clan I can bet my ass he knows what he's doing so I'll do it right away.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6952|Montreal, Qc, Canada
my vote goes to : Null Vote

Why ?

Because it depends.... im always in a squad... as sqaud leader or squad member  because if you play in teamplay you have more fun and you win the round... So if im squad leader and its a noob commander who tells me to attack hotel and we just caped it i will PAGE DOWN, or sometimes a comander will tell you Destory needed here and make the spot in the water or in the middle of no where PAGE DOWN... On the other hand when you have a good comander you win the round... if he spot all the enemies put UAV etc... and then he gives me an order but a GOOD ONE i will look at what he his telling me then PAGE UP for shure !!!
+1|6609|Grand Forks ND
I'll accept the order and then I'll try to carry it out. It's worth points for both the commander and myself if I carry out their orders. I only hope that people would do the same for me when I am commander.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6765|Cambridge, UK

All your options are for muppets that either always follow authority  or always be a rebel....
how about engage brain and answer depending on the situation.
I suspect something is amiss
If i sort off know the commander i will always obey his command otherwise i will look at the map and see if it´s possbile to do it or if its just stupied.
less busy
+586|7148|Kubra, Damn it!

I accept the orders and usually try to follow them. Sometimes the orders don't make sense (like Get Repairs Here when I'm medic and on the opposite side of the map) and I'm not able to comply. If there's something more important going on, I tell the squad or commander. If the person giving the orders has consistently given bad orders, I ignore them.
Super Awesome Member
I press pg down unless its what I was doing already. I once got kicked because I kept denying the commanders commands. He was an admin and I don't think he liked that red cross on his screen.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
It depends really,most of the time i accept and then carry on as i was before.

Sometimes if i'm getting an order every other minute i leave SL role.
Dropped on request
I know how to win. I don't need some dicksmack pub commander telling me where to go.
I kill you in future, too
I always accept
TITS or gtfo.
+97|6834|Polish state of EU
well, i usually accept commanders orders, but actually, i have them deep in my ass. I think teh commander thinks i am an idiot and that i dont know what to do when doing it. I often dont respond for orders too, i mean i dont press page up or down, and after a minute [2?] when order disapears, commander see a red X near my squad
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
Well i usually drive over to him and shoot him in the face.

Yeah that'll teach him to boss me about!
paintball > bf2
+48|6828|montreal, quebec

i accept orders if only they are not stupid. often i fly with my engineer and commander ask me to repair his assets. dumbass =/

and for those who think all commanders arer complete dumbass who send to direct in the battlefield, remember this, this is a teamwork game, and its the commander's job to tell you where to go, he sees where are ennemies and should forget about your stats and try to help him to win. unfortunately, too many think like that:

I know how to win. I don't need some dicksmack pub commander telling me where to go.
I read a lot of posts a while back about people getting so fed up with their commanders, they would just c4 them, or shock paddle them. For some reason, people really disdain commanders.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

m4s3rchi3f wrote:

I read a lot of posts a while back about people getting so fed up with their commanders, they would just c4 them, or shock paddle them. For some reason, people really disdain commanders.
Shock paddling my team's commander does about as much damage as hitting someone with a piece of air.

Yes,air comes in pieces.
paintball > bf2
+48|6828|montreal, quebec

m4s3rchi3f wrote:

I read a lot of posts a while back about people getting so fed up with their commanders, they would just c4 them, or shock paddle them. For some reason, people really disdain commanders.
too many players are selfish and think commander is a complete retard. i wonder who really is...
Missing, Presumed Dead

Null Vote.

I accept the command if it is appropriate to me and my squad. If my squad is made up of engineers, medics and support - and we get an order to set demolitions on a bridge/arty - then I promptly deny it.

Usually accept it, unless it's some bullshit order such as running across to the other side of the map when a cappable base is 80m away.

Last edited by haffeysucks (2007-02-06 11:46:13)

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Mad Ad
+178|6824|England, UK
how do you know its cappable? there could be a mass of infantry ready to cap your own self.

Well this thread at least reveals that the one sure way that everyone decides if the comander is a retard is if, in the SLs opinion, they get told to go further than the next cap point.  How the hell do commanders manage with thinking like that?  Is it any wonder that they just shut up and play with the uav?
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
Accept and follow, if it's possible.  When I'm commander, I damn well expect people to follow mine; 'hold this position' means damn well hold it, there's somebody coming.
I do tend to follow squad requests though, and pre-empt them. If there's a bunch of guys milling around on foot, they get a vehicle. Armour gets supply crates if my assets don't need it. UAV goes where my forces are encountering resistance, and arty goes on concentrations of enemy forces.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I am not a smurf anymore. Unless I strongly feel the order is stupid (i.e. attack a flag at the other side of the map when my squad is near another, equally important flag) I decline.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere
I never press page up for a Command order, because i want my squad to do what I want it too, lol

but i'll usually accept a squad order, unless it's too unreasonable

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