were do i upload my screen shots, i have 3 cheaters using a clitch on road to jalla
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Excuse me ma'am, can I see you clitch.
ugh this game all ready has too many police, take it somewhere else.

go to bfroe.com and report them there.
Who cares if they were using the rock glitch...its their life...let them cheat. It would be kind of gay to get your stats erased because you were using a glitch in a rock that is a shitty glitch anyways. people can see your legs sticking out of the rock. Let them fuck up their own life and dont be a bitch and report that to bfroe.com or watever it is.
Nah really? Honestly who cares they buy this game they can do what they want.Marlboroman82 wrote:
ugh this game all ready has too many police, take it somewhere else.
I see no problem with someone shooting from a rock, please take your faggot screenshots to the whining nublets at the Counter Strike Source forums, they seem to care there....
Trooper I miss you.Tro0per wrote:
Excuse me ma'am, can I see you clitch.
Why are you guys making fun of him for this? I mean everyone whinned and moaned about commanders glitching into the Karkand hotel in 1.3 but it is okay for someone to glitch into a rock in 1.41? People who do this crap make the game less fun for everyone else, and ought to be punished for their asshattery.
Difference between the hotel glitch and this one is the rock glitch is for shitty snipers who cant kill anybody fairly. The karkand glitch you could spawnkill and/or defend a flag from it and was much better for killing. The Rock glitch is a peice of shit and isnt used often anyways. Not very useful and a ban is not needed in my opinion. ummmmm... not that ive ever used it....lol