Ninja_Monkey wrote:

wheres  the FAMAS ?
Yes, GO'DAMMIT, where?

Anyway, the G36E is the best (so many will mote AK-101 and say the G36E is a 'noob' gun - they'll probably also refer to it as the 6e, the 36e, or the ge). The people will hate it will invariably, inevitably, unequivocally state that '+HE AK-101 I5 t3H 8e5T 9un 1N +3H worLd 4ND 1T OWNS j00R N00B15H W3@PoN5! I 4M THE 835+ U53R - l33tN35$! ' (had to use the 'l33t translator' for's giving me a headache already!).

Oh, and for all those people who say that the AK-101 is indeed the best, have they never tried the AK-47? That really does just destroy as a stock weapon! I prefer it sometimes on a dark night, Shongua Stalemate, cackling wickedly in the corner of my room - it brings out the dark side within me.

All the best,