First things first.. you should NOT be posting any "test" screenshots belonging to innocent players on a public forum unless you have edited out the player's name and GUID (3rd line from top).
<<R2>>Capt.HKS has given you some good suggestions, however as you are with Rackage I can give you a much simpler way of checking your screenshots.
Create a blank text file using notepad and save it to your desktop. Make sure you have set windows to "show file extensions for known file types" so that you can see the empty text file as "untitled.txt" and not just "untitled".
Rename the file to "pbsvuser.cfg" Again I must stress the importance of making sure you can see the .txt bit before you rename it... otherwise you will end up with a useless file called "pbsvuser.cfg.txt"
The icon for the file will change as windows will not recognise the .cfg file type. This doesn't matter.. just double-click as normal and then tell it to use Notepad to open this type of file.
Copy and paste the following into the pbsvuser.cfg file:
PB_SV_AutoSs 1
PB_SV_AutoSsFrom 300
PB_SV_AutoSsTo 1500
PB_SV_SsDelay 10
PB_SV_SsCeiling 5000
PB_SV_SsXPct 50
PB_SV_SsYPct 50
PB_SV_SsHeight 500
PB_SV_SsWidth 500
PB_SV_SsSRate 2
pb_sv_SsLogging 1
Save the file and close it.
Log into your Rackage Control Panel and use the file manager/explorer option to dump the pbsvuser.cfg file into the pb folder on all of your servers. Then restart your servers from the Rackage Control Panel.
The contents of the pbsvuser.cfg file will now be loaded every time your server starts up. This is much more reliable than using console commands saved via the pbsv_writecfg command.
Give it a couple of days then use an FTP program to connect to each of your servers and download the contents of the pb/svss folder for viewing. You cannot delete from the server via FTP as it is read-only but you should be able to delete via the Rackage File Manager.
You can fiddle with the XPct, YPct, SsHeight & SsWidth settings, but in my experience 50% X & Y gives the most consistent results. I prefer 500x500 at sample rate 2 for height and width because that gives you screenshots with 62500 pixels; comfortably below the 82500 limit.
Finally do not expect perfect results, it is nigh impossible to get 100% yield, be grateful if you can get ~30% good screenshots. You will find lots of htm files in the svss folder for failed screenshot attempts, plus some of the .png files will be blank. There is little you can do about this... it is down to the way PunkBuster handles network traffic for the screenshots (i.e. badly). Also some newer graphics cards are known to cause nothing but blank screenshots to be returned.
Hope this helps,