+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

ShadowFoX wrote:

I dont mind new people gunning for me as long as none of my clan is in the server who I know can gun a whole lot better. I ussualy ask politelyfor them to get out. If they dont I give them a chance to proove their worthiness and if they arent worth anything I am going to ask them to get out again and if they dont Im sorry to say I end up redlining them.

However if I dont know anyone in the server and none of the clan is on I just let noobs gun for me they can get some practice out of it.
That's nice. It'd be great if everyone got along, but that'll never happen in BF2. Your approach is about as honest as it gets. Let them have a chance, if they suck get your buddy to gun/fly. If no buddies are on, let the newbs have practice. I like it
+26|6675|England, UK
I hate the stupid pilots that give the rest of us a bad name.

Now I've been told a few times by some amazing gunners I have had (TV'ing planes, so so funny to watch), that I am a good pilot.
But this is all I do, pilot, because I don't like being dead-zoned or having my pilot fly me into the side of the carrier shouting; "u r t3h noob gunner!?!1?!?!11" kind of thing.
I know I'm not a good gunner, but like flying the chopper, I can only get better with practise?

I always give someone a shot in the gunners seat, as again they can only learn with practice, if they are really that bad, I fly around the hellipad and look for someone else who wants to try gunning.

Before anyone bitches about my stats, I fly the chopper, don't gun, hence the low KDR in it.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Dice/EA only need to disable seat switching in helicopters and all problems are solved.
You can't do that in a real helicopter anyway.

Last edited by globefish23 (2007-02-19 07:06:42)


globefish23 wrote:

Dice/EA only need to disable seat switching in helicopters and all problems are solved.
You can't do that in a real helicopter anyway.
It'll fix some problems, but then the incessant bitching about "noob gunners" and "i coulda done this if i could solo" would just constantly rise.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

Smithereener wrote:

It'll fix some problems, but then the incessant bitching about "noob gunners" and "i coulda done this if i could solo" would just constantly rise.
Well, I could live with that. People will be bitching anyway.
That way it would at least give people the chance to get some helicopter achievements, as a lone pilot would be more vulnerable against enemy TV missiles without a gunner.

Also, redlining should affect/kill both the gunner & the pilot.

gene_pool wrote:

Imo i find getting a new player a nice kill streak from piloting for them is more fun then getting myself a big score. I'm one of them guys who would rather let you have a fun time then get points.
What he said.
I have a lot of screenshots of people getting huge scores gunning for me, all ranks included, from private to general.
Sometimes is really gratifying to fly for a genuine low ranked newbie, explaining him how to use TV's and wich targets are to be killed first. And then he ends the round with a gold, thanking me for his new set of helo awards (happened quite a few times).

I'm more likely to bitch at high ranked people, if they keep missing super easy tv-shots, or do not even use the missiles.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
I will ask people to not get in if they're firing the main gun at Tanks or trying to hit infantry with the TV missile.

Don't you all get annoyed when you get a gunner like that,I'd rather just solo TV stuff than fly around with someone like that.

Especially if you've told them how to right click and they carry on.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
to all the newbies:

please practice some rounds on singleplayer. the gunner has two weapon systems. the machinegun is only the secondary (used for infantry and choppers, while reloading the tv-guided). the rockets (click the right mousebutton) can and MUST be guided by aiming with the crosshair and clicking the left mousebutton for every correction of its direction. they are NOT guided like the antitankmissiles or the tow or the laserguided rockets, the bomber shoots... if you never touched these weapon systems, please don´t enter the chopper, cause you steal lifetime and nerves of guys, who did train these things.
i don´t have a problem with someone who misses a barrelrolling chopper, but i get mad, when a n00b enters the chopper, switches to the gunner seat, expects from me to fly him around and then starts to shoot with the mg at a tank. so when i know, someone is a noob, i tell him to bail out, too, because i don´t have the time to teach every noob how to be a good gunner and it pisses me off, when a noob enters the chopper when i want to fly with my clanmate...
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
I just want people to be a little more tolerant so I can get some practice in gunning in a realistic environment. (Bots don't count; they cheat half the time and are complete fucktards the rest)

Like this high-ranked guy I got in with on Wake a ways back. I was riding on the top of his tank for about 3/4 the game, so he stole the enemy chopper and actually ordered me to get in and gun for him. I was actually doing pretty well by the time the round ended.

Really, all you'll GET are noob gunners if you don't let less-skilled people in to practice occasionally. A good 2-man team is always superior to a seat-switching whore due to reaction times. Sharqi has taught me that, due to being snap-shotted when trying to line up shots on a chopper making strafing runs.
I won't try and FLY a chopper on a public server again until I figure out why it keeps shifting off sideways.

Incidentally, why DOES the chopper go off sideways, and how do I fix it? How should I map the controls between mouse and keyboard so I can acheive a stable hover?
Also, does the handling lend itself to joysticks? (I grew up playing the Commanche series, so...)
If someone asks me to get out, i never do.  I'm shit at Tving but its stll fun to try.
Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6704|Penrith,Nsw, Aus
Say sure ill get out drop me down then put c4 on the you say bail out then blow the noob lol
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

globefish23 wrote:

Dice/EA only need to disable seat switching in helicopters and all problems are solved.
You can't do that in a real helicopter anyway.
Yeah, and in real life when I shoot you in the face with a Beretta M9 you die right away.

The problem with taking out soloing is this: Say you're in a round where nobody seems to take the chopper. Don't act stupid, it happens all the time. So you get in the chopper because you're a good soloist. And your presence on the battlefield is very helpful to your team, as they now have a powerful killing machine in the air. Granted, a coordinated two man team is better, but one skilled soloist is better than no chopper. But wait, what's that? It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's DICE! They remove soloing. So now, when your team is getting hammered, you can no longer get in the chopper and try to change the tide.

That's why soloing is a necessary "evil". If it really irks you, play on well-adminned servers that don't allow immature bullshit.
Copenhage master

T.Pike wrote:

Being a Noob I can't fly helis for squat so I don't even try.

Today though I spent some time in the nose of a HIND & got my basic heli acting as a gunner.

The pilot was pretty if not very good.  He was even cool about letting me fly if i WANTED when it respawned after we both got killed.  I said no & it was cool to just be the gunner.

Anyway, awhile later there was another guy that was whoring the Hind (Iron gator).  Whenever I got in the gunner seat he kept saying bail out, bail out.  Then was sending Chat :  GET OUT  (Yes in caps) over & over. 

When I asked why he said he's "better" alone & likes to switch seats while flying.

I didn't get out & he was upset.   This happened more than once.

Being a noob should I have gotten out?

I don't think so.

I can see not wanting a noob to fly but why not let me just be a gunner.

Any comments would be appreciated.

My stats >>>>>>>>
it all depends on the pilot...if he feels like being an asshole you may possibly even be redlined. personally if i havent flown with the person before then yeah ill be an asshole because i know i am better off solo, but if i can tell its someone new to the game i will give them a chance and help them learn. if you are new to the game ask questions! like object priority, range of the tv,the best/worst time to fire the tv,  how to guide the tv, etc.

nothings worse than being a chopper whore and getting your pad camped because your gunner didnt know what he was doing or vice versa being a gunner and having a pilot that didnt know what he was doing. my best advice would be to practice both flying and gunning in single player to get better and so you know what you are doing. then go to online servers and put to use what you know.
+1|6603|New Zealand
I play alot on Sharqi, and I get pissed off at noobs that get in. If they suck hard or I know they suck hard, they will be redlined.
Cheeseburger Logicist
Certain pilots need to stop freaking out whenever a "noob" wants to get in. It's a game. It's for fun. We all want to have fun, playing a game. No need to get anxious or belligerent.
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
It's always about fun because yes, it is a game. But at the same time it does get frustrating when you're trying to play with some clanmates and you keep getting noobs in your chopper. Now, I'm all for taking turns at vehicles if there's a line, but if you say "Just fly I'm a good gunner" and you don't know that if you hold down your mouse button the gun fires rapidly, or that you can control tv-guided missiles... then I'm not going to let you back in the chopper with me, especially when you know you suck and you're just being a douche. I'll bail out and flip the thing into the ground or tk you if you come running back to the helipad. I do play the game for fun, and flying around in a chopper by yourself(technically in this case) isn't fun for me.

So I'll say this: If you're a noob (And everyone knows whether they're a noob or not) and there is a group of people on the helipad, and someone asks you nicely to remove yourself from the chopper so his/her clanmate can get in then please do so. Save your chopper practice for a different game. But if you're on the pad with just one other person and they're telling you to get out because they fly better alone... just sit there. How can anybody say they can do better with an empty seat??? As the pilot, even if someone is in there with you, you can still do everything you would do alone. The only difference is that you may get some kill assists.
The Year of the Cow!
If someone tells me to get out, I just tell them to please fly and give me a chance to prove myself.  Try to be polite and most will respond well at least till you prove that you suck.  I haven't been red lined yet, but have been crashed into the side of the carrier once before even giving me a Chance.  If you do suck, then go practice more (empty server, SP).

All you awesome pilots,  give the noobs at least one chance, more if it is obvious your team is dominating. 

All you Noob gunners, know your place.  If you failed to prove your worth in the gunners seat then don't get in your team needs a dominate crew, or dare I say, dominate soloist.

On a side note, it is extremely gratifying and fun to kill stuff solo.  If you complain about it being a waste of a seat then you aren't good at it.  I am not saying I am good, but I am learning, and have gone against some awesome soloist.  These guys rule the air versus any average team.  Just food for thought. 

You should always keep winning the round AND having fun for everyone in mind.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
Dropped on request

some_random_panda wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Let the good peple fly noobs. It's the smart thing to do.
Everyone used to be a noob.  If this happened, no one would get much practice against a real helicopter pilot and so no one would get better.
I always flew chopper with a friend until I got good. And as far as jets went I only used them when nobody else was. I even remember asking if anyone else good would use them before I got in. I know it sounds funny, but it is indeed possible to get good at flying without being a selfish prick who doesn't bail out when asked politely. Suffice to say, my patience for shit gunners is dead. If you suck and jump in with me you can kiss the redline.
Evil Overlord
Tell him to get out, people have to start somewhere, everybody starts as a noob.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Incidentally, why DOES the chopper go off sideways, and how do I fix it? How should I map the controls between mouse and keyboard so I can acheive a stable hover?
I use the default settings (mouse and keyboard), except sensitivity to 7 or 8.
But 90% of my chopper time is in the Hind, wich is different to handle from other choppers.
It tends to "drift" a lot, and many people don't like it for this reason.
I like it exactly for that reason, as it can go from straight at full speed to circle strafing very easily and fluidly.

But you should do fine with the default settings anyway, just raise the sensitivity.
99 Problems . . .

Quick update .....

What I've been doing is only playing gunner if I find the chopper and noone else is around it.

Then I get in the gunners seat and send a team message I need a Heli pilot @  (map point).

It's worked out well, usually get a pilot VERY quickly.  Sometimes so quick I wonder if the committed suicide just to pilot.

Anyway, I've gotten better at using the missles.  Actually killed 2 tanks with missles in one flight.

Thanks for all the replies to the original Topic   ((( (and the Karma too )))
+0|6593|Melbourne, Australia
I would have beaten him to the pilots seat and flew into the side of the carrier and bailed out. What an arsehole. How the hell are you supposed to get any experience with people like that?. Hopefully if theres another patch, they will make it so you cant swap seats once the chopper is in the air.
Two thoughts.

Firstly. if you're crap in the gunners seat, you may be getting enjoyment out of the game you purchased but what about the pilots right to enjoy the game that they have purchased? It's not fun to get shot down time and time again because your gunner doesn't realised TV's can move and machine gun bullets aren't armour piercing.

Secondly, if it wasn't for pilots putting up with me when I first started playing I'd never have become any good. Ergo, share the love (or burden, whatever) around and teach a noob rather than raging at them.

So what I do now is if someone gets in and is no good at all, and I'm not in the mood to teach, I just leave the chopper alone. I have spent many hours at other times though on empty servers with people teaching them how to fly/gun.

I'm a much calmer and nicer player these days. TEA ftw.
Seriously, fuck off.
+103|7001|"The Empire"

T.Pike wrote:

Quick update .....

What I've been doing is only playing gunner if I find the chopper and noone else is around it.

Then I get in the gunners seat and send a team message I need a Heli pilot @  (map point).

It's worked out well, usually get a pilot VERY quickly.  Sometimes so quick I wonder if the committed suicide just to pilot.

Anyway, I've gotten better at using the missles.  Actually killed 2 tanks with missles in one flight.

Thanks for all the replies to the original Topic   ((( (and the Karma too )))
Well if you never let anyone get in as a gunner how are they ever going get better like this fella, good on you T.Pike that is one of the most sensible things i have heard in this game, keep up the good work!!
Flex Appeal

Apoc-SAS wrote:

If someone asks me to get out, i never do.  I'm shit at Tving but its stll fun to try.
And Im sure you get redlined and TK'd often lol.

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