Parcel of ol' Crams
this guy team killed me 2-3 times just so he could get in the chopper,

so i let him get in,

then i shot the bugger out with my M95 lol

he then when on a rampage to shoot me out of the air with a HMMVEE

lol he then gets kicked for team killing lol

my point is, i love people who either take this game too seriously or are complete retards around jets and heli's

he even called me a number of swear words that were deemed racist['

what an idiot

anyone else got some funny stories like this, i would love to hear them
You likey leaky?
+433|6992|In You Endo- Stoke
I have had it before,

I jumped into a heli and the pilot wanted his mate to fly with him so he tried to kill me using the edge of the map to,i jumped out c4'd the heli and watched him pick his buddy up and blew them both up.
Obviously i got pusnished for both of the tk's but it was worth it.

I don't mind taking it in turns but he didn't even give me a chance so...
+110|6901|United States of America
Ya   First of all I suck at flying and for the most part will only take a jet if it is sitting there begging for somebody to fly it.  So the J-10 is sitting at the airfield on wake a couple of times that I spawned so I decided to take it.  As soon as I start to start to move my squad leader jumps in front of the jet.  I havn't been in a jet the whole time I was playing so he has no idea if I am any good in the jet.  While my SL is standing in front of the jet that I'm in, stopping me from taking off without Tk'ing him, the F-35 comes along and bombs us both to shit.  Then we respawn together but he is in front of me running to the next J-10 that had spawned so I shoot him in the back and get kicked for Team Killing.  That is the only TK I recall that I am proud of.

Edit--> If my SL didn't stop me from taking off I would have been in the air long before the F-35 come along.
I waited for probably 10-15 seconds before we were bombed.

Last edited by JG1567JG (2007-02-20 06:29:49)

+21|6673|The Great South Land
u see...theres a lot of kiddies playing who are spiteful & mean spirited little humans(part of their media upbringing i guess)...ignore them and dont get kicked...they ruin evrything they interact with, so just ignore them...
I could have sworn you shot him out with an m95 as well.
Find your center.

Well I got a good story for a change. Last night on Wake I was on USA and we had the south base and beach. The Cobra comes flying in low above me and I see there is just one dude in there so I ask for a ride two times. He then says 'no way man' and flys away back to the carrier. I typed to him "Dude all I want is a RIDE just take me over to the airfield and I'll get a tank or jet! Come on."  Anyways I got killed by artillery moments later. Spawned at the carrier, I was thinking about blowing up his heli with an AT rocket but once I got to the carrier he let me fly the chopper around. 

He basically gave me a flying lesson. For the remainder of the round.  I still suck at piloting, but my excuse is it was 5 a.m I couldn't sleep, and just wanted to screw around.

The reason why I dispise people who never let you fly or pilot/gun is because I always give people rides, even if I have to turn way around. I'll go pick people up in the transport chopper across the map if they need a ride, or if they ditched in the water. Thats how I play anyway. So I figure people return the favor. Sometimes yes, others no. Oh well.

Last edited by Im_Dooomed (2007-02-20 11:56:14)

Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Super Awesome Member

JG1567JG wrote:

Ya   First of all I suck at flying and for the most part will only take a jet if it is sitting there begging for somebody to fly it.  So the J-10 is sitting at the airfield on wake a couple of times that I spawned so I decided to take it.  As soon as I start to start to move my squad leader jumps in front of the jet.  I havn't been in a jet the whole time I was playing so he has no idea if I am any good in the jet.  While my SL is standing in front of the jet that I'm in, stopping me from taking off without Tk'ing him, the F-35 comes along and bombs us both to shit.  Then we respawn together but he is in front of me running to the next J-10 that had spawned so I shoot him in the back and get kicked for Team Killing.  That is the only TK I recall that I am proud of.

Edit--> If my SL didn't stop me from taking off I would have been in the air long before the F-35 come along.
I waited for probably 10-15 seconds before we were bombed.
You should have just reversed a bit then took off using the "ramp". (practice in empty LAN server). It works until they realise they can get a humvee and smash you into the water without getting a Tk. He sounded like he didn't have time to get a Humvee though.

Last edited by petermassingale (2007-02-20 12:11:57)


Im_Dooomed wrote:

The reason why I dispise people who never let you fly or pilot/gun is because I always give people rides, even if I have to turn way around. I'll go pick people up in the transport chopper across the map if they need a ride, or if they ditched in the water. Thats how I play anyway. So I figure people return the favor. Sometimes yes, others no. Oh well.
We need more people like you +1
Find your center.

Taxi rides are the new thing lol (Gives me a great idea for a signature, coming soon to a post near you!)
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
If we're talking about retarded fliers, I was driving a Humvee as engineer, going to steal the Mec APC in Sharqi when this retarded chopper comes flying after me. Im thinking, oh maybe he wants to help me steal the APC so I just drive along. Then he crashes into me like a dummy and both guys Punish me. Then he says "thanks for the repairs" and Im just going like WTF. He couldnt even fly. And then in the same round, while I  was waiting for the APC to spawn, he comes flying towards me again and crashes into a tree right next to me, probably trying to get repairs again.
Find your center.

I wish there was a way you can just announce to your whole team that "HEY! Im an engineer let me fix your flipping tank/apc/heli! Hey WAIT! STop!@! Get back here Jerkass! Your gonna get blown up! FFS!"

*Gets ran over by teammate/shot at in the back while running after tank/apc/said vehicle that needed repairs*

*Said vehicle gets blown up 5 secounds later from unsuspecting AT missle/from any other many forms of dying*
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.

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