
David.Podedworny wrote:

Are'nt you guys sick and tired of being called Non team Players?

Especially since I have higher flag points than 80% of the people here... and it looks like it's more along the lines of 95% of the people who bitch about snipers being useless and not working for the team

To my amazement I recently discovered that the way I currently play gets higher team points than some medics too, even some good medics.

If those two ain't being a team player I don't know what is. So bottom line is: if you play well as sniper then go for it.

David.Podedworny wrote:

TechGuy, I am a regular on the Sn][per server and am in fact a member of the group. The rules for the server are always scrolling and are clearly stated in the loading screen. If you do not like the rules, please feel free to play on any of the other servers out there. If your so inclined, log onto the forums and discuss it with the staff, or try our other non-sniping server. 99% of the time there is an admin on and as long as you are not behaving like a dolt, things can normally be ironed out... Sn][per Manders01
Right and we're supposed to believe that? I talked to alot of people who got kicked for owning you guys plain and simple,
I've played there many times to help hone my counter-sniping skills. I'm often in the top two or three on my team and have many times been doing better than one or more of the Sn][per members on the other side. Never been kicked for that and haven't ever noticed anyone getting kicked for doing well, as long as they were using the sniper kit.

David.Podedworny wrote:

...300m headshot with svd only person i know who can do that is Truta_SniperFromHell 86% accuracy...

For the record I don't think it's actually possible to get 86% accuracy in this game, in normal gameplay. 60-65% is probably about the limit for functional accuracy in BF2.
Snipers do not belong in a squad.  They are lone wolfs even if they are helping the team a lot.  Why would a Squad leader keep you in a squad when you aren't anywhere near them, reviving/supplying each other.  Sure you can give them cover, but once they move on, you're nothing to that squad.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

TechGuy, I am a regular on the Sn][per server and am in fact a member of the group. The rules for the server are always scrolling and are clearly stated in the loading screen. If you do not like the rules, please feel free to play on any of the other servers out there. If your so inclined, log onto the forums and discuss it with the staff, or try our other non-sniping server. 99% of the time there is an admin on and as long as you are not behaving like a dolt, things can normally be ironed out... Sn][per Manders01
Right and we're supposed to believe that? I talked to alot of people who got kicked for owning you guys plain and simple,
I've played there many times to help hone my counter-sniping skills. I'm often in the top two or three on my team and have many times been doing better than one or more of the Sn][per members on the other side. Never been kicked for that and haven't ever noticed anyone getting kicked for doing well, as long as they were using the sniper kit.
Counter sniping is very hard i'm glad that they did'nt kick you for being better then them.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

...300m headshot with svd only person i know who can do that is Truta_SniperFromHell 86% accuracy...

For the record I don't think it's actually possible to get 86% accuracy in this game, in normal gameplay. 60-65% is probably about the limit for functional accuracy in BF2.
Truta is the clans name i think he was sniperfromhell or fromhell, In ghosttown he sniped me from the upper north side to the roof of the tallest building with svd twice at first i thought he was hacking or something but next round he showed me how to do it. And it's my secret now. Some people have 98% accuracy i know of check the leaderboards the guy right behind mcflysupply.

Drexel wrote:

Snipers do not belong in a squad.  They are lone wolfs even if they are helping the team a lot.  Why would a Squad leader keep you in a squad when you aren't anywhere near them, reviving/supplying each other.  Sure you can give them cover, but once they move on, you're nothing to that squad.
Not to mention being AT class when a tank is in your area or blowing up assests as spec ops.

Don't get me wrong, I play as sniper too and am dam good at it, but I agree with the quote that it is a lone wolf role.

You shouldn't get discouraged at all that you are not called a team player.
The Farewell Tour
+79|6735|San Antonio, TX

JaggedPanther wrote:

Drexel wrote:

Snipers do not belong in a squad.  They are lone wolfs even if they are helping the team a lot.  Why would a Squad leader keep you in a squad when you aren't anywhere near them, reviving/supplying each other.  Sure you can give them cover, but once they move on, you're nothing to that squad.
Not to mention being AT class when a tank is in your area or blowing up assests as spec ops.

Don't get me wrong, I play as sniper too and am dam good at it, but I agree with the quote that it is a lone wolf role.

You shouldn't get discouraged at all that you are not called a team player.
So when I play Spec Op, and separate from my squad to go destroy the enemy assets I'm still more of a team player than a sniper?  Makes no sense.  I'm not with the squad, I'm not capping flags, I'm not able to supply ammo, or heal.  Spec Ops is just as much a lone wolf role as sniper!  Granted I am helping the team (not just the squad) by destroying the arty and the UAV/scan trailer(s).  Same as a good sniper can help the team by sitting on a building/hill defending a flag, killing other lone wolfs out where a medic can't revive them.  Spotting armor and enemies for the other people on his team, so anyone in the area has a chance to grab some cover before the tank rolls by.  And by defending that flag, they have provided another spawn point that could allow for the enemy to be surrounded, or for fast access to other locations on the map when things go bad.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
I agree with the lone wolf role of the sniper.
As a sniper you maybe should create your own squad (if still available) and invite all other lone wolf snipers so you have the advantages of being in a squad.
Then you could roam around the map in groups of 2 and help out the other squads where necessary.

globefish23 wrote:

But isn't it against the EULA to have a ranked server running and and admins enforcing all of these extra rules by kicking/banning players?

That means any rules that are not standard options you can set in the server.
So technically "no baseraping" or "no car-tillery" rules are illegal as well.
Posted before I could read all the posts...

In response to this quote:  Go read the ROE before quoting them.  BFROE says that you cannot enforce rules in the game that disallows players from using kits/vehicles in the game.  This is why K/P servers are illegal as well as sniper only servers.  If you kick someone for being in a tank in a K/P server, then you are breaking BFROE.

On the other hand, BFROE says that a server CAN institute rules governing the game play of their server as long as it doesn't contradict a previous ROE.  So it is legal for a server to enforce no baseraping or car-tillery because nowhere in BFROE does it say these rules are legal/illegal.

Plus, I never stated that a Sniper is not a team player.  They do help the team.  But because of how they help the team, they as well as a Spec-ops player shouldn't be in a squad unless they are less than 25 meters from their leader.  (Revive if he goes down by picking up his kit)  If they aren't then there is absolutely no reason for them to be in a squad.

Last edited by Drexel (2007-02-23 11:38:03)

Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6858|Sverige (SWE)

globefish23 wrote:

I agree with the lone wolf role of the sniper.
As a sniper you maybe should create your own squad (if still available) and invite all other lone wolf snipers so you have the advantages of being in a squad.
Then you could roam around the map in groups of 2 and help out the other squads where necessary.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Truta is the clans name i think he was sniperfromhell or fromhell...
The only one I could find was SniperFromHelll As you can see good accuracy but only a little over 50%.

David.Podedworny wrote:

In ghosttown he sniped me from the upper north side to the roof of the tallest building with svd twice at first i thought he was hacking or something but next round he showed me how to do it. And it's my secret now.
Silhouetting much? For the record, if he was where I think you mean many people's graphics cards won't draw that far on that map. If I remember correctly my max view distance for Ghost Town is ~120m.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Some people have 98% accuracy i know of check the leaderboards the guy right behind mcflysupply.
None of the insanely-high accuracies at the top of the table for sniper-rifle accuracy are legitimate, "I shoot at anything I might hit" snipers (and there are a few players with 100%... some with no kills with the sniper rifle, which say a lot LOL).

I'd bet money every single one above maybe 75% is a 'pick and choose' shooter. If that's what floats your boat I guess but personally I prefer to be able to shoot at anything I see that I might be able to hit.

Drexel wrote:

Snipers do not belong in a squad.  They are lone wolfs even if they are helping the team a lot.  Why would a Squad leader keep you in a squad when you aren't anywhere near them, reviving/supplying each other.  Sure you can give them cover, but once they move on, you're nothing to that squad.
You need to play more. Or just play with better snipers.
+3,936|6813|so randum
Christ, i remember sniping in BF2, much better than it is in 2142, but get sick of all the sniper bashing that goes on in BF2. I think personally, Snipers can/are good teamplayers. I count count the amount of times ive taken out a spec ops plantin C4 all over our teams tanks, or rocket troops hiding in the shadows. Sniper is as valid a kit selection as any other
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

fatherted13 wrote:

Christ, i remember sniping in BF2, much better than it is in 2142, but get sick of all the sniper bashing that goes on in BF2. I think personally, Snipers can/are good teamplayers. I count count the amount of times ive taken out a spec ops plantin C4 all over our teams tanks, or rocket troops hiding in the shadows. Sniper is as valid a kit selection as any other
Drexel just spends too much time in armor, not appreciating the sniper who just took out the Spec-Ops or Engineer about to make his armor-whoring go badly.
+2|6840|Omaha NE
i have played on the sn][perr server a few times not to bad when there is an admin on otherwise turns into medic havac or support for ammo points

not a bad server
i play sniper a lot luckily i have not had any criticism although i have been called a hacker by a retarded guy who kept going back to the same spot

i have been able to turn games around just from defending the flags and capping them (for that i use the pistol which is much better for close range)
+5|6814|Dresden, Germany
Nice Thread....

At first: If you play well, other players whine around...
At second: Nearly every player hates especially one kit a lot more than any other...

Means, if you are good with the kit that player (sometimes a hole clan) dislike, he is crying all the time and calls you idiot, non-team-player, smacktard, ... , or whatever.

The 2 most hated ( & loved too ) kit are sniper and medic. So if you play one of this many players will yelling at you, blah blah blah...

But, I play on my actual account only sniper. And what do you think, how many percent of my victims cry around? At least 20-30 percent......depends on server and map. But if they are too slow or stupid, that I can kill them 4, 5 or more times in a row, this isn't my problem. So I don't care about, I got my score...

And about the teamwork...if I kill 20 or more persons in a round, the enemy loose tickets...a why isn't this teamwork??? I addition to that, I got at least in 40 percent of the rounds I played the most flag-defend. And I got each round at least 4 to 5 flag-takes/-take-assists. But this isn't teamwork too...

But nothing is funnier than a round in which I got the most teampoints. But a medic or support say, I didn't work for the team...

I made my peace with this shit long ago....let them whine all the time, I have fun...that count.

Last edited by [HhB]Jonny-JX (2007-02-23 13:04:39)

Tactical Specialist
what is a Sniper?

[HhB]Jonny-JX wrote:

I play on my actual account only sniper.
i do the same thing

Ilocano wrote:

Drexel just spends too much time in armor, not appreciating the sniper who just took out the Spec-Ops or Engineer about to make his armor-whoring go badly.
I admit, I used to be an armor-holic, but that was when I was getting my engineer badge before the patch (The one where you needed 250 hours for silver).  Now I run around as a Squad Leader much of the time, and if someone joins my squad that I don't know that isn't a sniper, they aren't in it for long.  That goes for all players who wonder off while in my squad.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Truta is the clans name i think he was sniperfromhell or fromhell...
The only one I could find was SniperFromHelll As you can see good accuracy but only a little over 50%.
I think i gave you the wrong guy.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

In ghosttown he sniped me from the upper north side to the roof of the tallest building with svd twice at first i thought he was hacking or something but next round he showed me how to do it. And it's my secret now.
Silhouetting much? For the record, if he was where I think you mean many people's graphics cards won't draw that far on that map. If I remember correctly my max view distance for Ghost Town is ~120m.
Shh the secret is turn your graphic settings down it makes the enemy's stand out, Remember you did'nt hear this from me. Oh and my max range with high graphics is 120 like your's.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Some people have 98% accuracy i know of check the leaderboards the guy right behind mcflysupply.
None of the insanely-high accuracies at the top of the table for sniper-rifle accuracy are legitimate, "I shoot at anything I might hit" snipers (and there are a few players with 100%... some with no kills with the sniper rifle, which say a lot LOL).
Well i shoot to kill headshots first priority always.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

I'd bet money every single one above maybe 75% is a 'pick and choose' shooter. If that's what floats your boat I guess but personally I prefer to be able to shoot at anything I see that I might be able to hit.
Not me today i was on hbd ghosttown(My favorite server) I was camping on top of the unreachable building in spets spawn shooting into northbridge getting 2 headshots outta 5 kills.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Drexel wrote:

Snipers do not belong in a squad.  They are lone wolfs even if they are helping the team a lot.  Why would a Squad leader keep you in a squad when you aren't anywhere near them, reviving/supplying each other.  Sure you can give them cover, but once they move on, you're nothing to that squad.
You need to play more. Or just play with better snipers.
You tell him if i ever see him i'm gonna show him why us snipers are'nt noobs.(L96 or M95 bullet in his head? I cant decide)
Most snipers suck and don't do much at all. Even many of the "good" snipers don't really help out the team much. There are times and maps that snipers can be effective, but generally your better off with a medic, support or some kit other than sniper. Many people go sniper because they suck in combat so they just sit there shooting from long range. If the person doesn't know you or if your a good sniper you should expect to be kicked as they would simply assume that your just like the rest and arn't going to help them at all.

Remember these are generalizations and don't apply to all so if your an exception then great.

fatherted13 wrote:

Christ, i remember sniping in BF2, much better than it is in 2142, but get sick of all the sniper bashing that goes on in BF2. I think personally, Snipers can/are good teamplayers. I count count the amount of times ive taken out a spec ops plantin C4 all over our teams tanks, or rocket troops hiding in the shadows. Sniper is as valid a kit selection as any other
I dont have 2142(Because of Spyware I canceled my order) Is it harder to hit someone? Or are the guns weaker?

flyboy65 wrote:

i play sniper a lot luckily i have not had any criticism although i have been called a hacker by a retarded guy who kept going back to the same spot

i have been able to turn games around just from defending the flags and capping them (for that i use the pistol which is much better for close range)
How many times? Me about 30.

JeeSqwat wrote:

what is a Sniper?
The guy who you cant see but you know is there watching your every move  he waits for you to stop moving to just stay still for a second and then HE GETS YOU!
+3,936|6813|so randum

David.Podedworny wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Truta is the clans name i think he was sniperfromhell or fromhell...
The only one I could find was SniperFromHelll As you can see good accuracy but only a little over 50%.
I think i gave you the wrong guy.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

In ghosttown he sniped me from the upper north side to the roof of the tallest building with svd twice at first i thought he was hacking or something but next round he showed me how to do it. And it's my secret now.
Silhouetting much? For the record, if he was where I think you mean many people's graphics cards won't draw that far on that map. If I remember correctly my max view distance for Ghost Town is ~120m.
Shh the secret is turn your graphic settings down it makes the enemy's stand out, Remember you did'nt hear this from me. Oh and my max range with high graphics is 120 like your's.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Some people have 98% accuracy i know of check the leaderboards the guy right behind mcflysupply.
None of the insanely-high accuracies at the top of the table for sniper-rifle accuracy are legitimate, "I shoot at anything I might hit" snipers (and there are a few players with 100%... some with no kills with the sniper rifle, which say a lot LOL).
Well i shoot to kill headshots first priority always.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

I'd bet money every single one above maybe 75% is a 'pick and choose' shooter. If that's what floats your boat I guess but personally I prefer to be able to shoot at anything I see that I might be able to hit.
Not me today i was on hbd ghosttown(My favorite server) I was camping on top of the unreachable building in spets spawn shooting into northbridge getting 2 headshots outta 5 kills.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Drexel wrote:

Snipers do not belong in a squad.  They are lone wolfs even if they are helping the team a lot.  Why would a Squad leader keep you in a squad when you aren't anywhere near them, reviving/supplying each other.  Sure you can give them cover, but once they move on, you're nothing to that squad.
You need to play more. Or just play with better snipers.
You tell him if i ever see him i'm gonna show him why us snipers are'nt noobs.(L96 or M95 bullet in his head? I cant decide)
L96. Practically no deviation, fantastic for long shots. Plus the report is much more discreet than the M95's boom
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+133|6609|Bloomington Indiana
as said before...get used to being hated as a i can i say is support a squad

[HhB]Jonny-JX wrote:

I made my peace with this shit long ago....let them whine all the time, I have fun...that count.
I'm gonna try man it's gonna be tough cause of my personality.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6908|Las Vegas, NV USA
Many players just hate being killed by an enemy they can't see, or can do little about.  That's usually why snipers are hated in this game.

But geez...

You really do know how to pick the crap servers, don't ya? 

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