I'm wondering why is so many people concerned what other players do with their account.
I mean if you've spent $50 or $80 (if u have SF) it's up to you how you play the game, isn't it?
some people like to play the game just for fun, some for the points, medals, etc.
Well if you one of those who like to get the medals, you have to do something in order to get them.
Most of the medals are not about your skill, as we alll know, but about how much time you spend playing this game. Now for example Meritorious Service Medal req. 1000 supplies, repair and heal points; getting supplies and heal points isn't that hard, usualy u can get between 10-30 a round on maps like karkand, but getting those repair points is quite hard, because if you want to play and still get those points you won't be able to get more than 5 IAR if you're lucky. If you really try to get them you might beable to get 15 but than that's all you do the whole game, following people in tanks trying to fix them. This way you won't have much from the game, and most likely mess up your k/d ratio. Other solution is to STAT PADD.
I have tried to do that on a regular full 64 player map. I was a commander, still doing my duties while repairing a car in the water (yes you get the points for it, even though they won't show up until the end of a round), after the map ended i had 25 repair points, that is the req. for veteran badge! and i was repairing the whole time!!! So it's also sort of EA's fault, setting the req. so high, if I've tried the regular way a would have 0 kills 30 deaths, very small chance to get 25 repair points and nothing from the game.
My point is....if you see someone doing this, why bother? Some people are so mad, that they stop playing and focus only on the fact that there is some guy trying to get extra points, threatening that they will report to EA!?
I have spent my money for this game, and how I play is my problem. I don't TK oruse another players to help me what so ever, what is the problem than?
Let me guys know what you think! I'm not looking for some crying complains, but seriously WHAT DO YOU THINK?

...btw i have achieved 1000 repair points, so my stat padding is over, now I can focus on other goals in the game which don't req. to "cheat" the game. Most repair points I got was 53 IAR and the round lasted for almost an hour! I was a commander the whole time, nobody complained about me not doing my job, and we've won the round, I've end up with 148 commander points!

Thats it. waiting for your reaction!
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
I agree about petty stuff like that. If its requires 30 people reviving and killing though-that's when I have the problem.
some of them are incredibly ridiculous. apparently one of the medals in sf will take me 20million days to acheive. I'LL BE DEAD BY THEN! I think ea should really lower some of the awards.

CZE_M4CH0 wrote:

I'm wondering why is so many people concerned what other players do with their account.
I mean if you've spent $50 or $80 (if u have SF) it's up to you how you play the game, isn't it?
some people like to play the game just for fun, some for the points, medals, etc.
Well if you one of those who like to get the medals, you have to do something in order to get them.
Most of the medals are not about your skill, as we alll know, but about how much time you spend playing this game. Now for example Meritorious Service Medal req. 1000 supplies, repair and heal points; getting supplies and heal points isn't that hard, usualy u can get between 10-30 a round on maps like karkand, but getting those repair points is quite hard, because if you want to play and still get those points you won't be able to get more than 5 IAR if you're lucky. If you really try to get them you might beable to get 15 but than that's all you do the whole game, following people in tanks trying to fix them. This way you won't have much from the game, and most likely mess up your k/d ratio. Other solution is to STAT PADD.
I have tried to do that on a regular full 64 player map. I was a commander, still doing my duties while repairing a car in the water (yes you get the points for it, even though they won't show up until the end of a round), after the map ended i had 25 repair points, that is the req. for veteran badge! and i was repairing the whole time!!! So it's also sort of EA's fault, setting the req. so high, if I've tried the regular way a would have 0 kills 30 deaths, very small chance to get 25 repair points and nothing from the game.
My point is....if you see someone doing this, why bother? Some people are so mad, that they stop playing and focus only on the fact that there is some guy trying to get extra points, threatening that they will report to EA!?
I have spent my money for this game, and how I play is my problem. I don't TK oruse another players to help me what so ever, what is the problem than?
Let me guys know what you think! I'm not looking for some crying complains, but seriously WHAT DO YOU THINK?

...btw i have achieved 1000 repair points, so my stat padding is over, now I can focus on other goals in the game which don't req. to "cheat" the game. Most repair points I got was 53 IAR and the round lasted for almost an hour! I was a commander the whole time, nobody complained about me not doing my job, and we've won the round, I've end up with 148 commander points!

Thats it. waiting for your reaction!
Well you can justify it to yourself however you like. However, the "default" way to conduct yourself is the honest way. If you're going to cheat to give yourself an advantage in gaining the awards etc, then it devalues the whole system for everyone else.

Take as an example the knife badges. It's difficult enough to get the basic and veteran knife badges (require 7 knife kills in a round if memory serves). It took me about 3 hours of frustrating play to get my basic knife badge, and that's totally devalued when some idiot comes along with his buddies and gets the expert knife badge (18 kills IAR) by doing the old knife/ revive routine.

If everyone was honest then you could look at the badge collection of a particular player and get some indication of their skill level. But everyone is not honest, so now when you notice that someone has their expert knife badge, instead of thinking "oooooh they must be 1337", you have to think "hmmmmm, probably just another cheat, I see".

I wonder whether you think it's ok for athletes to take performance-enhancing drugs or for people to cheat in their exam to become a doctor.

There's a difference between people who cheat and people who don't. The people who don't are simply "better" people than those who do.

By the way, I'm not naive enough to think than there are people out there who never cheat, but I'm smart enough to know that there are people out there who do their best not to cheat. No-one's perfect, but some are more perfect than others I suppose we were just brought up better by our parents
Yeah, so if I want to play the game by downloading a hack.. thats ok too?

Plus I must say, getting the badges through ACTUAL means is exponentially more satisfying then it must be to stat pad your way there.  There was nothing like hearing the drum roll after that 18th knife kill when there was only 5 tickets left in the game.

And also, Im sorry you guys think that some of these awards and ranks are hard to get, but thats life.  What are you going to do when you've stat padded your way to every badge?  The game going to be any fun anymore?

Lets just say I disagree with your argument.

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I find it ridiculous that people are judging others on thier stats alone, I figure it's how you play, granted I am not good, but I just go in and fight blindfolded, and help others out while I can, it's not stat-padding and really who cares, I am not getting money or anything spectacular out of this besides playing an awesome game! But my dog and wife like when I tell them I just got an award though.

CZE wrote:

Well if you one of those who like to get the medals, you have to do something in order to get them.
oh what a jackass you are. the something you need to do is PLAY THE GAME. how good do you feel after sitting at your cpu for a week doing this just to see a picture in you sig awards. i bet you would feel better if you knew you got them based on skill. dont get me wrong i like the awards part of the game but to stat pad is just dumb.

ok bare with me on this. dumb example here: say you waited in line for hours to get tickets to a show you really wanted to see and some one cut you because his buddy was in line ahead of you. when you got to the ticket window the person said sorry sold out and it was the guy that cut you that go the last ticket. you would be pissed because he didnt wait in line for hours like you did. IE he didnt earn the ticket. its kind of the same with the points and awards. you didnt really earn them because your buddy let you cut him.

sHaDy6 wrote:

CZE wrote:

Well if you one of those who like to get the medals, you have to do something in order to get them.
oh what a jackass you are. the something you need to do is PLAY THE GAME. how good do you feel after sitting at your cpu for a week doing this just to see a picture in you sig awards. i bet you would feel better if you knew you got them based on skill. dont get me wrong i like the awards part of the game but to stat pad is just dumb.

ok bare with me on this. dumb example here: say you waited in line for hours to get tickets to a show you really wanted to see and some one cut you because his buddy was in line ahead of you. when you got to the ticket window the person said sorry sold out and it was the guy that cut you that go the last ticket. you would be pissed because he didnt wait in line for hours like you did. IE he didnt earn the ticket. its kind of the same with the points and awards. you didnt really earn them because your buddy let you cut him.
That was a dumb example.
noob on tour
I have to admit that the requirements for the engineer badge are ridiculous (I´ve spend 12 hours as engineer just to get the 5 points for basic engineer) and they encourage a lot of people to statpad but there are still people who got those the legit way so it isn´t impossible.

In the end the last thing the badges show is not the skill of the person who has them it much more shows that those people had luck to find a long lasting round where they were able to perform the required actions. Every n00b can get 25 repair points if the round lasts long enough and enemy SpecOps blow up the commander assets repeatedly so he can repair them.
No, I agree totally.  EA nerfed the repair points becuase everybody was whining and crying about tank whoring, then after they've been nerfed, you guys start crying about the repair point stat padders.  What's next, take repair out of the game all together?

I don't recall seeing anyone upside down in a boat repairing until EA nerfed the repair point system.  Blame yourselves for creating a new "stat pad".  Personally, I don't consider it a stat pad but rather a neccesity to get an award that requires repair points.   Who the hell wants to pursue repair points for the next 2 years when they can do it in week upside down in a boat and be done with it?  I plan on getting my 1000 repairs and my expert repair badge like that, not waiting and trying for half the next decade becuase you titty baby's didn't like the tank whores.

Don't like that?  Guess what.  There's not a damn thing you can do about it so sit down and STFU.
Mass Media Casualty

I agree to a certain extent. If the statpadder is padding so they can get the elusive badge, it dosn't bother me. Once they get it they'll probably realise that it means nothing. "You're only cheating yourself" I believe is the quote.

What bothers me is when these wankers pad and ruin it for legitimate gamers. If they have a friend that they kill in some predetermined place so they can get two points every fifteen seconds in order to get a medal, that sucks, because somewhere out there is a dude who is putting it on the line, showing real skill, and earning those awards. If I see that happening, I kill statpadders.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

Cougar wrote:

No, I agree totally.  EA nerfed the repair points becuase everybody was whining and crying about tank whoring, then after they've been nerfed, you guys start crying about the repair point stat padders.  What's next, take repair out of the game all together?

I don't recall seeing anyone upside down in a boat repairing until EA nerfed the repair point system.  Blame yourselves for creating a new "stat pad".  Personally, I don't consider it a stat pad but rather a neccesity to get an award that requires repair points.   Who the hell wants to pursue repair points for the next 2 years when they can do it in week upside down in a boat and be done with it?  I plan on getting my 1000 repairs and my expert repair badge like that, not waiting and trying for half the next decade becuase you titty baby's didn't like the tank whores.

Don't like that?  Guess what.  There's not a damn thing you can do about it so sit down and STFU.
Preach it brutha!
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
Oh, and to you people who compare stat padding to try to get a particular badge (particularly for repair points) to hacking, give me a break!  Stat padding hurts no one, while hacking gives the player an unfair advantage.  There is no comparison.
noob on tour

Cougar wrote:

Don't like that?  Guess what.  There's not a damn thing you can do about it so sit down and STFU.
Careful what you say pal! If they take screenshots of you in an upside down boat repairing all the time they can still run to the EA ranked server forums and report you...

BTW: I don´t care for people who statpad for the engineer badges as I know it´s a pain in the ass but people who do the knife triangle really get me sick.

Last edited by Tigg@lot (2005-12-03 17:33:43)


atlvolunteer wrote:

Oh, and to you people who compare stat padding to try to get a particular badge (particularly for repair points) to hacking, give me a break!  Stat padding hurts no one, while hacking gives the player an unfair advantage.  There is no comparison.
I disagree.. Say you are stat padding a whole round, your friend lets you kill him 35 times, you get the gold medal for that.  Some guy who ran around actually doing shit, got 30 kills,  but he doesnt get the gold he deserves.. That seems like an unfair advantage to me.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

Oh, and to you people who compare stat padding to try to get a particular badge (particularly for repair points) to hacking, give me a break!  Stat padding hurts no one, while hacking gives the player an unfair advantage.  There is no comparison.
I disagree.. Say you are stat padding a whole round, your friend lets you kill him 35 times, you get the gold medal for that.  Some guy who ran around actually doing shit, got 30 kills,  but he doesnt get the gold he deserves.. That seems like an unfair advantage to me.
Thats why it isnt allowed, it would be fine if it dident take away from others.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

Oh, and to you people who compare stat padding to try to get a particular badge (particularly for repair points) to hacking, give me a break!  Stat padding hurts no one, while hacking gives the player an unfair advantage.  There is no comparison.
I disagree.. Say you are stat padding a whole round, your friend lets you kill him 35 times, you get the gold medal for that.  Some guy who ran around actually doing shit, got 30 kills,  but he doesnt get the gold he deserves.. That seems like an unfair advantage to me.
Thats why it isnt allowed, it would be fine if it dident take away from others.
But hardly does anyone getting 40 repair points IAR get the Gold Medal. Any round lasting THAT long (stat padding or not) has to have at least 4 better people.
When you install the game and read the terms of service, NO EXPLOITING, CHEATING, HACKING.

stat padding is essentially cheating/exploiting

you signed the agreement, therefore if your ass gets reported and banned, there isn't much you can do except buy another copy of the game and make a new account.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Wwhy you should get 40 repai points? You need 40 KILLS for Expert Engineer COMBAT badge and 25 REPAIR POINTS (and 250 overal) for Engineer Badge and 100 hours played as Engineer of course. But anywas. I just don't understand those peope who are stat paddin. I really don't care but still... Are you happy if you get some badge because stat padding? Maybe you would be happier if you get that badge while playing. And what comes to that 25 repair points in one round. It's not so impossible to get it without stat padding. Sure it's hard but maybe that's the reason why it's called EXPERT badge, it's only for experts. Like if there's 2 APCs or tank + APC which are repairing each other in 64 player map where's like 30 players playing it's pretty easy to get (of course there must be some ok tank driver and some ATs in enemy team). In my opinion this guys who get this badges just with stat padding aren't expert with that kit/weapon and they don't deserve that EXPERT badge, they should get some "Expert stat badding badge". Well however this "normal" padders aren't so big problem, but when there's some one padding in server where's no timelimit and he/she get something liek 1500 points in one round (or over 4000 which is record in Karkand) it's not funny anymore. They must be happy when they get that score. They must think that "damn I'm good, I'm better than the rest of this guys. They are noobs and I'm OWNING.. Oh no wait...  I'm PWNING". So learn to play and stop that fucking stat padding. Sure as long as it's not affect to scores of others and padders are outside of top 3 players in round you are free to pad as much as you can, I don't really care. But think about it.. Are you really happy when you see some badge and you know that you got it with padding.. I think that those who got/will get it without padding are more happier.
what satisfaction do you get when you see that you have a badge that you didn't earn ? when you see them do you sit and think: oh yeah that's the day I took a jeep in the water and repaired it for an entire round ? or that's the day I put c4 all over my jeep and ran into every enemy i saw for 45 minutes straight?

If you say that the medals ribbons and badges didnt matter to you then WHY are you repairing jeeps in the water or over turned boats and what ever to get these medals and badges and ribbons anyway ?

Last edited by RadeonII (2005-12-03 22:33:58)

noob on tour

RadeonII wrote:

or that's the day I put c4 all over my jeep and ran into every enemy i saw for 45 minutes straight?
Jihad jeeping is neither stat padding nor exploiting nor cheating. It´s just a cheap tactic but still difficult to get enough kills this way in a round.

xanthpi wrote:

If everyone was honest then you could look at the badge collection of a particular player and get some indication of their skill level. But everyone is not honest, so now when you notice that someone has their expert knife badge, instead of thinking "oooooh they must be 1337", you have to think "hmmmmm, probably just another cheat, I see".
on a side note, even if everyone was honest, the stats page of any particular player would be a load of crap anyway, because the game was not designed to take into account the way that overlapping parameters work - if you see a guy that has uber sniper k/d, with a billion hours etc etc you still couldn't say he was 'a great sniper' because most of the time he probably sat in tank, flew a plane or a chopper etc, and racked up the kills. They should have made it so that once you are in a chopper, say, the kills you get count towards the 'helicopter' stat, and not whatever kit you were wearing at the time...
like, I said, a bit off topic, but just thought I'd throw that in.

RadeonII wrote:

what satisfaction do you get when you see that you have a badge that you didn't earn ? when you see them do you sit and think: oh yeah that's the day I took a jeep in the water and repaired it for an entire round ? or that's the day I put c4 all over my jeep and ran into every enemy i saw for 45 minutes straight?

If you say that the medals ribbons and badges didnt matter to you then WHY are you repairing jeeps in the water or over turned boats and what ever to get these medals and badges and ribbons anyway ?
Ok, think of it this way:

Before I discovered the boat trick I had 245 (roughly) repair points and I've been playing BF2 for 7 months, and I play engineer alot.  I repair alot.  Yet I only have 245 repair points.  Now if I countinued at my current pace I wouldn't even be eligable for it until mid 2007.  Now you honestly want me to wait a year and a half to get an award just so you can say I'm a good person?  FUCK THAT.  When I bought this game I set out with the idea that I was going to get EVERY award there was, every one of them.  BF2 is probably the first online FPS that can be in a sense "beaten" or "finsihed".  Do I care whether or not YOU think I'm a legit person?  No.  Do I care wether or not anyone else thinks I'm legit?  No.  All that matters is that I know that I am legit.  Every award I have gotten to this point has been legit, every stat, every award, every ribbon every badge, all legit. 

If this particular award can only be recieved in a timely manner by doing it a certain way in which you may or may not agree with is not my concern.  EA nerfed the point system, if they hadn't, people wouldn't be doing it.

In other words, your barking up the wrong tree hombre.
Ok, all of you saying cheating for awards is an ok thing to do should be banned.

All of the awards aren't for everyone.  People shouldn't be getting awards that they haven't put the time in for.  By cheating to get these awards you are diminishing the awards that honest players actually achieve.

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