O.K...I was playing on wake sever the other day, I had been on there 10 minutes having a good game, when in amongst all the game playing noise I heard a faint laugh in the game. I say in the game because I had headphones on so the laughter couldn't have come from an outside source. The thing is it happened before a couple week's on another sever, exactly the same laughter. It's a kind of " when homer simpson think's he's clever " laughter. But it is faint. The first time it happenedI thought nothing of it, but now it's happened twice it's got to be some kind of bug ?.
Has this happened to anyone else ? (remenber if you answer you may be admitting to your insanity, I hold no responsabilty for action's taken against you on and off the battlefield. Ha ha).
Oh and before you all say it , no I'm not mad lol.....(now, where's my medication) lol.
Has this happened to anyone else ? (remenber if you answer you may be admitting to your insanity, I hold no responsabilty for action's taken against you on and off the battlefield. Ha ha).
Oh and before you all say it , no I'm not mad lol.....(now, where's my medication) lol.