Any short rifle, not necisairly a shorter version of another rifle. M1 Garand, M1 Carbine are very diffrent weapons. Carbine is usually somewhere between a handgun and a full-on long arm. M1 Garand fires the 30-06 round, while the M1 Carbine fires a .30 carbine round (glorified .38 special, slightly smaller), making it more powerful than a 1911 .45, but easier to carry than an M1 Garand. Modern carbines tend to be assigned to Spec-Ops as well as support units (truck drivers would carry carbines), no-coms and officers. Also, in accordance with the idea of only one kind of ammo, they tend to be chambered for the same rounds. Since they use the same rounds, they tend to have the same action, same frame etc, but cut down and usually a gas cylinder moved closer to the chamber (accounting, in part for a loss in muzzel velocity). M4 is a good example of that, basically the same weapon as an M16, but shorter. Some have more finly tuned actions, such as the AK74U (U for shortened). Some have entirely diffrent stocks, such as the SOCOM 14, being built on an M14 action. Makes the weapon appear very diffrent, but its still pretty much the same.
In BF2, it would be the spec op guns, but just're armed just like a truck driver.
Last edited by Remchester (2005-12-04 03:18:27)