
Which one should I get?

XBox 36045%45% - 92
Nintendo Wii23%23% - 47
Playstation 330%30% - 62
Total: 201
Well as a tech guy i say get the xbox 360 since in reality it is stronger then the ps3, The gpu has more shader op's and raster op's per second, The cpu is stronger then the cell in almost anything, And unlike sony Microsoft is willing to support both formats and make add on players, But then theres the Wii it's cheap and fun and everyone can play it. I'm split between the two so null vote.
I do it for the lulz.

joker8baller wrote:

360 - Ok... No real good system specific games.... Most of the games for the 360 are getting ported to PC.
Waitaminute... The PS3 launched with 24 titles, and 20 of them were already released for the 360... Hm, crazy how that works out, isn't it?

Get a 360.
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

Getting a job soon, and an Xbox 360
+2,187|6881|Mountains of NC

Go with the majority - 360 - bc they got the jump a year back so they had time to get some awesome games out there

if you want to deal with just a few games but have a inexpensive Blu Ray player then PS3 ( just have to wait a little bit till some more games hit the market )

Last edited by SEREMAKER (2007-03-03 08:12:24)


Option 1: Save up for a new PC.
Option 2: If you get lots of friends over and like the classics (but your old systems are broken down), Wii.
Option 3: 360. Better action games and Live. (Fable 2 > PS3)

If Blu-ray ever definitively triumphs over HD-DVD, I'll get a PS3.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-03-03 13:55:16)

Fable 2 > any other pull factor.

Microsoft is supporting the xbox 360 very well. Buying studios, exclusive titles.

Ok Viva Pinata looks a little babyish, but probably intended for a youger age group anyway.

Xbox live has a £40 subsciption service, but currently its the best online service offered. Plus IPTV sounds like a good addition.
BF2s Frat Brother
I said null, cuz I'm a hard core PC user
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

Alright, back from the frontlines of the Playstation 3.

This system has a lot of potential. Gran Turismo HD shows how far the developers can go with the graphics, and knowing Polyphony GT5 will look even better.

flOw is the shit. 8 bucks off the PS Store. It's extremely simple, you control it by tilting the Sixaxis controller (it works and feels like a DualShock 2, but with the motion sensor of a Wii). But the visuals, music/tunes, and playability make it so worth the 8 bucks.

PS2 emulation is alright, but there is a small loss of quality for some reason.

I haven't tried out Resistance yet, but it looks pretty cool.

The PSN (PS Network) is fucking slow though. If Sony made a yearly subscription Premium service where subscribers could get sneak previews, exclusive demos, and access to high-speed high-capacity servers, it'd be as jazzy as XBox Live.

If you don't mind waiting a month to a year for some great games (March is the start of PS Madness =p ), PS3's great. The amazing graphics of the GTHD demo can keep you occupied =p

360=GTA, imo thats a good reason ... but the Wii is probably more social

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-03-03 17:50:25)

+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

jsnipy wrote:

360=GTA, imo thats a good reason ... but the Wii is probably more social
PS3 is getting GTA too, and MGS4, FFXIII, Skate, and more. Ultimately it's up to which system will have games that appeal to you, and how long you're willing to wait for said games.
+86|6848|Edmonton Alberta
get a 360

i got one yesterday and it fucking owns

Hurricane wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

360=GTA, imo thats a good reason ... but the Wii is probably more social
PS3 is getting GTA too, and MGS4, FFXIII, Skate, and more. Ultimately it's up to which system will have games that appeal to you, and how long you're willing to wait for said games.
Agree. A certain game gets me to buy.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6973|The darkside of Denver
Hurricane only ONE of the games that you mentioned will be exclusive to ps3. Anyone that thinks that MGS4 will not come out on Xbox360 is not thinking clearly. I have a strong feeling it will be released on teh 360, not only from rumors reported by gaming professionals but because of sheer logic. Sony has yet to purchase exclusive rights to MGS4, with rising development costs in the gaming industry Konami is going to rightly so want to make a profit off their game.  The fact is the Xbox360 has a much larger installed user base, and will continue to have one. MGS4 will be released for the xbox360, maybe not simultaneously but it will happen.

To the original poster; you cant go wrong w/ the 360. 99% of people on this forum have their pc's for one reason which is multiplayer gaming. Xbox live is teh definitive console multi player platform. You may have to pay for it but the service it provides is worth three times the cost.
+129|6809|Adelaide, Aussieland

straz_mataz wrote:

get a 360

i got one yesterday and it fucking owns
How insightful...
+521|7052|Toronto | Canada

Which has the best games?  At the moment the 360 obviously has the best games out because it has been out for a year.  It has mostly action games that are, in my opinion better than the PS3's.  The Wii has fun games that will keep you playing for hours.

Which is the most fun?  The Wii is the most fun without a doubt.  The Wii was designed for fun and gameplay, while the the 360 and PS3 were designed to push more pixels.  The controller on the Wii seems gimmicky at first but after using it you find it is actually superior than the regular old 2 joystick, 6 button controller.

Which is the best value?  Again the Wii, cheaper console, cheaper games.  The 360 would be a close second though because it is a DVD player, which the Wii is not.

Which has the best replay value?  Without a doubt the Wii.  Their games were designed so you can complete certain goals and keep improving on them time after time.  The best example of this is the game that comes free with the console, Wii Sports.  This game gives you rankings based on your wins/losses and has different levels to complete.  There are many minigames in pretty much every game so you can keep playing those until you can finish the game 100%.

Which has the most staying power?  For sure, with no doubt in my mind the Wii.  There will always be better consoles with greater graphics power but there will never be another console like the Wii.  Think of it like the gameboy, the true beginnings of the handheld gaming era.  This is what the Wii will be regarded as, the start of a new era, with innovative and fun games.

Which, in every category I've named, is the overall best console? The Wii... no need to say more.

Oh, and I own a 360 (since the day it came out), a Wii, and have played the PS3.

Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2007-03-03 19:45:24)

That's how I roll, BITCH!

Don't get 360, there are alot of problems with it, example...  http://forums.xbox.com/8347347/ShowPost.aspx and http://forums.xbox.com/4411300/ShowPost.aspx .

For ppl who are saying PS3 is more expensive, oh come on. U can't even play HD-DVD without getting HD-drive which costs £130, if u want wireless, u gotta get a wireless adaptar, pluse the 60 hard drive in the PS3.

279+130+40+xbox live(40)= 489. OH and I forgot the memory slots in the PS3. Is that not enough?

Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!

Last edited by rabee2789b (2007-03-04 02:33:25)


joker8baller wrote:


Wii's great, but you gotta have friends over
360 - Ok... No real good system specific games.... Most of the games for the 360 are getting ported to PC.

rabee2789b wrote:

Don't get 360, there are alot of problems with it, example...  http://forums.xbox.com/8347347/ShowPost.aspx and http://forums.xbox.com/4411300/ShowPost.aspx .

For ppl who are saying PS3 is more expensive, oh come on. U can't even play HD-DVD without getting HD-drive which costs £130, if u want wireless, u gotta get a wireless adaptar, pluse the 60 hard drive in the PS3.

279+130+40+xbox live(40)= 489. OH and I forgot the memory slots in the PS3. Is that not enough?

Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!
one fanboy, two fanboy, three

Last edited by Shadow893 (2007-03-04 02:33:52)

That's how I roll, BITCH!

I gave u many facts in my last post, you can't just reply by saying "fanboy", that just doesn't work at ALL!

Last edited by rabee2789b (2007-03-04 02:36:50)


rabee2789b wrote:

I gave u many facts in my last post, you can't just reply by saying "fanboy", that just doesn't work at ALL!
one fanboy, two fanboy, three
That's how I roll, BITCH!

Well, ppl that don't know wut to say, reply in that way. SORRY but u failed!
Well, the wii is a whole new experience with the controler. You have the classic games, Zelda, Super Smash, etc. While XBOX will have the regular console approach with good games such as Gears of War and Halo 3.

Don't even consider the PS3

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Yeah, I didn't want to say anything in the OP in case it might sway opinions, but I'm definitely more into sports and action games.

NHL07 and Fight Night are incredible on the 360.  I'm not even a boxing fan, but Fight Night is one of the better games I've played in quite some time.  Also, I haven't played it yet, but I've heard nothing but praise about Dead Rising.  Finally, with that whole Halo3 thing coming out this year, I know I'll end up wanting a 360 anyway...

So as of now, I'm leaning toward the 360.
Fight Night and NHL 07 is more graphical on the Ps3

All the good games are *still* getting ported over to the PC
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

rabee2789b wrote:

Don't get 360, there are alot of problems with it, example...  http://forums.xbox.com/8347347/ShowPost.aspx and http://forums.xbox.com/4411300/ShowPost.aspx .

For ppl who are saying PS3 is more expensive, oh come on. U can't even play HD-DVD without getting HD-drive which costs £130, if u want wireless, u gotta get a wireless adaptar, pluse the 60 hard drive in the PS3.

279+130+40+xbox live(40)= 489. OH and I forgot the memory slots in the PS3. Is that not enough?

Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!
You aren't required to get HD DVD or wireless. These sorts of comparisons are what give PS3 users an undeserved bad name (though I've seen my fair share of XBots too).

You can't compare the two systems when you're adding on extra shit to the 360. If you're just going to play games, the 360 is cheaper than the PS3. Period. No arguing that, it's a stone cold fact unless you get the PS3 at a discount price (be it a special sale or the five finger discount).

Your argument for the Wii is just dumb. "It has kiddy games, therefore it sucks." That's like saying a Honda Civic sucks because it's a basic basic car. It may not be an M5, but it does what it does and it does it well without costing a fortune. The Wii plays games, which is all that Nintendo is trying to do. It plays them well. It plays them intuitively. The cost? $250, far cheaper than the 360 or the PS3.

I myself love my PS3. I'll tide myself over with some games until the really A class titles start appearing. I (well, my father got it at his apartment. To entertain himself I guess) already have it, so I might as well make the best of it until the developers make the best of it for me I don't care if MGS4 or GTA4 or whatever come out on 360 too, if it works on my PS3 and it's a good game then it's fine by me. I and my father both love high-def, so we both felt that the PS3 wasn't a "robbery" by Sony since most Blu-ray players cost more than the PS3.

But there are people who don't care for high-def movies. They just want games. So please, don't compare the value of systems by tacking on extra shit. A 360 user could say that if you want full HD without voiding your warranty you need the Official Sony HDMI cable which costs $80 something dollars.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6937|Birmingham, UK

rabee2789b wrote:

Don't get 360, there are alot of problems with it, example...  http://forums.xbox.com/8347347/ShowPost.aspx and http://forums.xbox.com/4411300/ShowPost.aspx .

For ppl who are saying PS3 is more expensive, oh come on. U can't even play HD-DVD without getting HD-drive which costs £130, if u want wireless, u gotta get a wireless adaptar, pluse the 60 hard drive in the PS3.

279+130+40+xbox live(40)= 489. OH and I forgot the memory slots in the PS3. Is that not enough?

Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!
The red light problem doesn't mean anything with the new Xbox360 (shipping soon). Oh, and the freezing problem - as if that doesn't happen with the PlayStation3(!).

1. The new disc drives aren't a big seller of systems - most sensible people will wait until one comes out victor (or, as should happen in a sensible, logical world - DVD will remain), and buy a good quality stand-alone player (and recorder), rather than the cheap tat that is stuffed into the PS3 or the afterthought for the Xbox360. Microsoft did the right thing for now - make it optional, a choice. Most people won't have any reason for it for another year at least, if not two - if at all. And even by that time it'll be outdated and outclassed - so they'd just have to buy another stand-alone player anyway (so...the Blu-Ray choice for Sony actually works out as a disadvantage for consumers - unless you're two lazy to change discs when you start playing a game...)!

2. Yet again, this was a sensible move by Microsoft. Many people may not want to play on-line straight away, and even when they do they may have perfectly good wired connections already in place. This saves the consumer even more money (Microsoft are even making a slight profit now, and will soon drop prices of the current models - hopefully - before they release the new model for the same as the current Premium). Also, if you are a true gamer, you'd stay away from a wireless connection for gaming anyway - most people know that!

3. The HDD! Yes the PlayStation3 has the 60Gb HDD, and the Xbox360 only has a 20Gb HDD (in the Premium, not the Core - but who in their right mind would buy the core anyway?). Yet, Microsoft will soon be releasing a new Xbox360 at the current price of the Premium Xbox360 with a 120Gb and lots of other goodies (more outputs etc. )!

4. Ah, the price! Like I said, in the end Microsoft are passing on savings to the average consumer. If you do want to 'spec-up' your Xbox360 with the HD-DVD drive and a wireless adaptor (and want what is indisputably the best console online gaming experience ever - XboxLive), it will cost you more than a PlayStation3 currently. But when the new Xbox360 model comes out, it'll blow the PlayStation3 out of the water for cost effectiveness.

5. Uses for memory slots? Please, name something that you couldn't do with a PC - and indeed, do better with a PC.

6. Ah, yes. The good ol' "Wii will be the worst out of the 3, its a very boring, childish console!" act! And yet I see when someone else took it upon themselves to call you a fan-boy (mostly because of this statement, I gather), you had the gall and nerve to dispute this! As much as I admire you standing your ground, surely this is the statement that has caused so much resentment of Sony fan-boys? You have no motive or reasoning, and then you suddenly burst out with "Wii will be the worst out of the 3" - a fairly radical statement. Reasoning suggests that you feel you must deal with it now before someone else brings up the topic on you and you lose control - as in you feel threatened by it. Trying to ignore your inner child urges to...dare I say it?...have...fun? Whatever the reasoning, I wonder how 'childish' Manhunt is? Hmm? I suppose you could say the same thing about Mario - a timeless classic. Yet, it does not have blood, gore, and top-end graphics (oh, and it's not on a PlayStation console) so it must be terrible(!). "A very boring, childish console!" - *agape*...have you actually played one of these? Do you own a Wii? Spent some time, loving, caring, cherishing it? Yet again - 'it does not have blood, gore, and top-end graphics (oh, and it's not a PlayStation console) so it must be terrible(!).' Your pragmatic views of gaming, as in...graphics, are so centralised you haven't even given free reign to the idea of either the Xbox360 or Wii being any good.

And so I come to the end. I hope you dear sir/madam enjoyed this read, and that you have taken away at least a modicum of information from this.

As a final note, I do own a Wii (from December 12th) and an Xbox360 from...sometime last year. I have played the PlayStation3 in America, and it truly doesn't live up to the hype machine that is it. Whatever you end up playing with, I hope you can, at least, have a little...fun. For that is what gaming is all about, no?

All the best,
Cowboy from Hell
If you want to buy a system now, buy the Wii, it's the cheapest and it's fun.  The X360 is fine, the games look OK, but almost all of them are out for PC also.  If you want the real deal, wait for the developers to understand the PS3.

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