prince of insufficient light

stryyker wrote:

TehMyke wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Chopper Pilots - How do you conduct YOUR business
M95 for Pilot Seat, Red line gunner, Solo TV/Chain Gun rape bases.

- In before flame
First post I believe in, awesome!

Its all about gunners. I use my shit only when he misses. SF choppers are different though. SF pilots/gunners should have the same amount of kills by the end of the round (Iron Gator exception)
I wonder why you say that?

In SF I agree more responsibility lies on the pilot, but I think most of that is taking out AA sites and staying as far down or up as possible. I say let the gunner rape while you keep your eyes peeled for armor.
bunny hopping nade spammer
1. barrel rolls = yes, keep you alive and if you know how o do them you can do about 5 in a row and only lose about 80 meters elevation, also barrel roll to avoid jets

2. never fly straight in towards AA. stay at a distance where he cant get a lock and let your gunner pwn his ass

3. Spot the other choppers before they spot you, keep at a good height untill you know the other attack chopper is down then go get the infantry

4. Know where the hitbox is when in close range chopper to chopper combat so you can rocket pod his ass

5. Done be a nub, the only thing hovering does is make you an easy target, make sure you are spinning in circles to set your gunner up with the machine gun, theres nothing worse than a pilot who doesnt spin

6. Know where cars and tanks are at all times, tanks will almost kill you in one hit but they are unable to move the turret very high so stay at the right elevation, as for cars if your gunners a nub rocket pods take them out with no problem

Last edited by rambo_killin_SOB (2007-03-05 15:27:05)

+127|6658|Twyford, UK
I usually conduct my business from below, with a PKM, rocket launcher, or a mounted HMG.

Because I can't get the hang of flying, never spawn in time to grab a spot in the gunner seat, and can't be arsed to wait around for one to spawn.
And also because I like the rush of finally knocking the sod out the air, and of duelling against mr. 'im too l33t to walk'.
I also tend to wave rockets at choppers just for the sake of it to try and throw their routine off. If I can save one spawn ticket, that ticket may just win the round.
+72|6809|UK , Birmingham
step 1: snipe pilot out with m95
step 2:red zone the gunner
step 3: so solo and rape the pub

iMPaCT.uK wrote:

step 1: snipe pilot out with m95
step 2:red zone the gunner
step 3: so solo and rape the pub
Marry me <3
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
my missiles go further than yours
Anyone who says

too_money2007 wrote:

Solo > gunner
is a noob.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

iMPaCT.uK wrote:

step 1: snipe pilot out with m95
step 2:red zone the gunner
step 3: so solo and rape the pub
or fly with your clanmates only
I love [fiSh]

fightingw/outfightng. wrote:

Anyone who says

too_money2007 wrote:

Solo > gunner
is a noob.
Most public players are pretty crap gunning, hence this statement isnt that untrue. On the other hand a good chopper crew will always own a good solo-pilot.
my missiles go further than yours

fierce wrote:

a good chopper crew will always own a good solo-pilot.
exactly... meaning a gunner>solo
Notice the fact that he said "good" chopper team will beat a solo-ist. Since when has their ever been a good chopper team on pubs LOL.
+145|6621|Keller, Tx
i wish i had screens of the thousands of times I've owned a good gunner/pilot combo. Soloing is by far the greatest asset to a team. If you want to win, you let us solo and basically take out everything in sight so you infantry pansies can take the flags. When I'm with a gunner or a pilot, there's always a delay to communicating a target. When I solo, I see it and attack. There's no time to sit there and try and convince him to follow along. And, most of the time, they don't even know where you're looking to begin with. So, again:

solo > gunner
my missiles go further than yours
Are we talking about the gunner being a random player from a ranked server? ... I am talking about the best chopper team vs the best solo player.... the 2man team wins everytime, of course i know if you pick up a random guy on a server chances are he will be crap a gunner but im talking about a 2man team that plays together a shit load and know each what the other guy is thinking.

The advantage of having a good gunner is pretty obvious, for starters you can use cover...move out give your gunner a shot and move back behind it e.g. reactor on dalian, cisterns on daqing. Not to mention you dont have to keep turning around quickly after you've ranged out.

+72|6809|UK , Birmingham
yep there referring to pubs mate...fighting is right in competitive play the best soloist wont win v the better 2v2 teams
a fly
+105|6957|The netherlands
I used to be one of the people that said solo > dual pilot.
Well, fuck that. Ever since i started with the 2vs2 ladder, i noticed how much better it is to have a pilot. You dont have to worry about crashing while evading and shooting at the same time anymore.

For pubs however: get in my chopper without asking for permision from me as the pilot, will get you a redzone ticket. The pilot has the right to choice a gunner, that may also be himself.

Now, if you are someone that solo's and is "pretty good", but does not help the team, but just scorefarm, a big FUCK YOU, a chopper's job is agresive defending, or if there are a few good armor pieces Passive attacking.

A choppers job is covering the whole battlefield, just make sure you do it properly wether you are with 1 or 2 people. And always give the chopper to the person that has proven he uses it good if possible, this causes less deaths for the team since the enemy should be dead constandly.
+145|6621|Keller, Tx

fightingw/outfightng. wrote:

Are we talking about the gunner being a random player from a ranked server? ... I am talking about the best chopper team vs the best solo player.... the 2man team wins everytime, of course i know if you pick up a random guy on a server chances are he will be crap a gunner but im talking about a 2man team that plays together a shit load and know each what the other guy is thinking.

The advantage of having a good gunner is pretty obvious, for starters you can use cover...move out give your gunner a shot and move back behind it e.g. reactor on dalian, cisterns on daqing. Not to mention you dont have to keep turning around quickly after you've ranged out.

Yes, I'm talking about all pub servers. Sorry. You cannot trust anyone in a pub server unless you know them, no matter what their rank is.
First of all: Hi everyone!

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Chopper Pilots - How do you conduct YOUR business?
Short answer: Never fly with a gunner! This is the key. Everything else is just a question of detail.

Long answer: Later...
Not sure if i have said this before...But..

Match players > Public players
Pub chopper is usually a bad idea because your going to get a noob in there with you, hence, i never get in one without certain clan mates.  I can understand the solo chopper argument, it usually works very well because theres probably no communication between the gunner/pilot in the enemy chopper and they end up sitting there with their thumbs up their collective ass for me to own.

But then again, I'm a dignified chopper pilot, and have a highly skilled gunner on call 24/7 (unless his lazy ass is drunk, hungover, or napping).  This makes the full chopper much more enjoyable, as i get points for providing pwnage for my gunner.

Anti-Air, unless theres about 2-3 stingers pointed at me all at once, it poses no threat.  Point, click, gone.
Mobile Anti-Air is a much larger threat, the best thing to do is to get the hell out of his visual range, move around him to a very different side, and get him when hes not looking.

Dummy Missiles.  They pretty much own everything.  Jets, Choppers, Tanks, Infantry.  If you have a good feel for your chopper you can put them into just about any enemy target to get you as many kills as your heart desires.  Enemy choppers tend to melt under them.  It at least does significant damage so that your gunner can mow him down with his primary weapon.

Chopper Vs. Chopper

Why wouldn't you barrel roll?  I tend to just strafe unless the enemy gunner proves he can hit a target moving only on two planes.  If hes good enough to hit me in a straight line, i barrel roll, and introduce the 3rd plane.

A favorite trick of mine in closer combat is doing the barrel roll, losing at least 50 meters of height.  At this point the enemy chopper pilot probably wont be able to resist diving to hit me with his dummy missiles.  While this is occurring i do a 180, nose up, and fly backwards so that he passes over me, and my gunner has a positive TV shot on his tail.  Even if the gunner misses you still have the prime opportunity to tear his ass to pieces with your dummy missiles as he shows you his broadside while turning back around to engage you.

Jets, with the right gunner, are very fun!  Simply flare out, follow the jet, let your gunner pump a tv into him, and boom, instant humiliation.
Doing barrel rolls is pointless because you lose so much altitude.

If someone is doing the constant barrel roll crap to me, I just wait until they either hit a mountain/crane/building/tower, or wait until they are 5 feet off the ground and then happily shove a missile through their forehead.

However, it is possible to do a quick barrel roll without losing too much altitude, but it puts you in an almost stand-still position that is pretty easy to hit.

In my opinion, the best way to avoid an enemy missile is to manipulate them. Make them think you're going to do something that you aren't going to. Make them shoot at a distance that is too great to hit you, and then move in quickly to take them out before they reload, etc.

The best maneuver, in my opinion, is one that is quick and unexpected. You can be creative on this, but, a quick and unexpected maneuver will dodge a TV missile most of the time. Gunners tend to lead their targets and point the missile to where they hope for the chopper to be, so if you do something unexpected it can throw him off and make him miss.

Sometimes barrel rolling works, if you do it very quickly and can successfully complete it when the missile is in mid-flight, because by then it's sometimes hard to get a good shot.

Though most of the time if you simply strafe side to side sharply you can avoid most missiles due to laggy hitboxes.

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