Has anyone ever noticed that close to all of the populated servers running are 24/7 maps? I know why most of these are, because everyone likes wake/kark/jalaly/dragon because of the vehicles and high (er) points. I have no issues with people entering them, but I for one will never join one. I can't stand doing the same thing in the same map more than 3 times in a row.
I'm lucky that I have a very active group of guys that I play with who are willing to get our server up and running right away. All maps, 2 rounds each with a team-swich every round. I notice that once we get it up, it fills really quickly. I'm just wondering if the reason why is because we are one of the rare servers out there now. I'm sure there are many players out there like me, who get bored with a map quickly and instead of unloading the server and finding another 24/7 map would rather just join a server that's on a rotation.
I'm lucky that I have a very active group of guys that I play with who are willing to get our server up and running right away. All maps, 2 rounds each with a team-swich every round. I notice that once we get it up, it fills really quickly. I'm just wondering if the reason why is because we are one of the rare servers out there now. I'm sure there are many players out there like me, who get bored with a map quickly and instead of unloading the server and finding another 24/7 map would rather just join a server that's on a rotation.