Well, some of us have some skill and dont need macro's to do basic key pressing.theelviscerator wrote:
I just figured it out, some of us are smart enough to do so.gene_pool wrote:
How did you figure that out?theelviscerator wrote:
I got redlined once on Oman, I told the asshat just quit and drop me off on land on a bldg to snipe from instead...nope not good enough for him had to tk me anyways..
I switched to other side and made his life misery from the mig...
I think Hacro's are main reason people redline anyway.
Redliner=macro user lamer
He redlines hes a macro user. Thats like saying "he gets a 2:1 KDR, hes an aimbotter"
Feeling a tad busted are we? I see you certainly love Knife pistol servers with that "new" account.
Those are the stupidest fucking things ever.
You fail @ gaming, and sense.