The only one in the world. … emate.html
Right in the middle of the US.
Quite possibly the best overall map in the game, Songhua is very well balanced, with much armor and transports for both PLA and USMC. Helicopters are also available to transport or flag hop, and there are RIBs aplenty. This is one of the few maps where medics do not reign supreme. With so much armor abound, someone has to be around to take it out. Enter engineers, anti-tankers, and spec ops. Using the dense jungle as cover, having a few expert marksmen on your team definitely couldn't hurt either, especially if they use their claymores as improvised roadside mines against the lightly armored transport vehicles and unsuspecting foot soldier.
Edited and Stickied by ThomasMorgan
Edit: Snake … emate.html
Right in the middle of the US.
Quite possibly the best overall map in the game, Songhua is very well balanced, with much armor and transports for both PLA and USMC. Helicopters are also available to transport or flag hop, and there are RIBs aplenty. This is one of the few maps where medics do not reign supreme. With so much armor abound, someone has to be around to take it out. Enter engineers, anti-tankers, and spec ops. Using the dense jungle as cover, having a few expert marksmen on your team definitely couldn't hurt either, especially if they use their claymores as improvised roadside mines against the lightly armored transport vehicles and unsuspecting foot soldier.
Edited and Stickied by ThomasMorgan
Edit: Snake

Last edited by Snake (2007-03-24 05:55:16)