99 Problems . . .

What is everyone's opinion on Base raping UNCAPs?

I've started playing on a Server that allows this (and anything else except hacking/glitching/padding) and I'm really starting to enjoy doing it.

I love rolling in as a passenger in a Tank or APC with my SL, getting a couple Kills & fleeing with an enemy tank.

When I first started playing I thought these were "cheap" tactics but I've come to enjoy doing it.  Of course it stinks if you're the one getting raped & can't respawn without getting fragged, such is life.

What are your feelings on the tactic?


+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
I think it's fine.

Everyone does it,it's a fun thing to do.
I think it is OK, if it is the last flag.

Hell, you beat the other team back to their base, why not slap them some more.

Your team earned it.

But you are right, it sucks if it happens to you, or you just joined the losing team.
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6840|Milkystania, yurop
It´s fine just rape and dont complain when ur moved to the raped team the next round
Flamesuit essential

I don't do it, simply because it sucks to be on the receiving end.
Cylons' my kinda frak
Everyone loves it - until they're on the receiving end.

I think it's okay, if you're too slow to get out of the uncap and take a flag it's your team's fault. Though it is quite fun to see a whole team uncap raping, then sneak out in a jeep and take one of their futhermost flags, they nearly shit themselves getting back to it.
The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia
And if you do get sick of it, there exists an ESC key
+947|6825|Gold Coast
I hate it. Thats why I only go on Internode AUS servers... ya get banned for doing it, as I found out while sittin at MEC airfield as a tank for 2 mins while other times people do it for 20+ and laugh. I fucking hate it. But they put screenshot there for a reason 0.o
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

KuSTaV wrote:

I hate it. Thats why I only go on Internode AUS servers... ya get banned for doing it, as I found out while sittin at MEC airfield as a tank for 2 mins while other times people do it for 20+ and laugh. I fucking hate it. But they put screenshot there for a reason 0.o
If you're getting baseraped you can either change team,leave the server or try and kill the enemy.

It's not hard.
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

Macca wrote:

Everyone loves it - until they're on the receiving end.

I think it's okay, if you're too slow to get out of the uncap and take a flag it's your team's fault. Though it is quite fun to see a whole team uncap raping, then sneak out in a jeep and take one of their futhermost flags, they nearly shit themselves getting back to it.
its even funnier when they think "Meh, effort" and then you cap them out and return the favour
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland
It's war. You think Germany just went to Poland and said "loaz we baserapin u!! u gonna kick us?"

it is fine. do it when they don't allow it.
Cylons' my kinda frak

gene_pool wrote:

Macca wrote:

Everyone loves it - until they're on the receiving end.

I think it's okay, if you're too slow to get out of the uncap and take a flag it's your team's fault. Though it is quite fun to see a whole team uncap raping, then sneak out in a jeep and take one of their futhermost flags, they nearly shit themselves getting back to it.
its even funnier when they think "Meh, effort" and then you cap them out and return the favour
Yup, I love doing that.

P.S. Were you on Internode 4 (Wake) today? I think I was on your team.
Missing, Presumed Dead

I do it. Everyone does it. Why the hell shouldnt it be allowed?

The only thing I dont like about it, is when a team is losing by like 2-3 flags and half of their team are sat raping an uncap. That annoys me - not because Im against uncap raping, but because they have no idea of the concept of winning. If thats my team, I have art'ied them in the past to get their asses back helping.
99 Problems . . .

Macca wrote:

Everyone loves it - until they're on the receiving end.

I think it's okay, if you're too slow to get out of the uncap and take a flag it's your team's fault. Though it is quite fun to see a whole team uncap raping, then sneak out in a jeep and take one of their futhermost flags, they nearly shit themselves getting back to it.
That's what happened yesterday. 

We were playing WARLORD and had them pinned down in the Palace (not an UNCAP).  TWICE the same person was able to get out.  He was talking with us on TS & was p****d none of his teammates would follow him, or even attempt to break-out from being pinned.

Side Note -> for 6AM on a Sunday I'm surprised there were already 12 Replies.

I'm working, don't you people ever sleep?      j/k   
Cylons' my kinda frak

T.Pike wrote:

Macca wrote:

Everyone loves it - until they're on the receiving end.

I think it's okay, if you're too slow to get out of the uncap and take a flag it's your team's fault. Though it is quite fun to see a whole team uncap raping, then sneak out in a jeep and take one of their futhermost flags, they nearly shit themselves getting back to it.
That's what happened yesterday. 

We were playing WARLORD and had them pinned down in the Palace (not an UNCAP).  TWICE the same person was able to get out.  He was talking with us on TS & was p****d none of his teammates would follow him, or even attempt to break-out from being pinned.

Side Note -> for 6AM on a Sunday I'm surprised there were already 12 Replies.

I'm working, don't you people ever sleep?      j/k   

We're from the future, we don't need sleep.
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

Macca wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

Macca wrote:

Everyone loves it - until they're on the receiving end.

I think it's okay, if you're too slow to get out of the uncap and take a flag it's your team's fault. Though it is quite fun to see a whole team uncap raping, then sneak out in a jeep and take one of their futhermost flags, they nearly shit themselves getting back to it.
its even funnier when they think "Meh, effort" and then you cap them out and return the favour
Yup, I love doing that.

P.S. Were you on Internode 4 (Wake) today? I think I was on your team.
Yea i was, kept getting kicked for packet loss though
Cylons' my kinda frak

gene_pool wrote:

Macca wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

its even funnier when they think "Meh, effort" and then you cap them out and return the favour
Yup, I love doing that.

P.S. Were you on Internode 4 (Wake) today? I think I was on your team.
Yea i was, kept getting kicked for packet loss though

I was the dude raping in the J-10....JihaadJack ring any bells? I had like 10 kick votes against me.

Edit: I was not "raping" uncap, people were just jealous of my leet J-10 skills.

Last edited by Macca (2007-03-25 03:43:56)

Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
Define - Uncap Rape.

Siting in a tank, APC, or circling in a heli killing anything that spawns before they get to move is not only cheap, but ultimately not fun either.
Bombing the carrier is also not fun.
Sneaking into an opposing base to steal vehicles and destroy assets is one of the most challenging and fun things to do (assuming you go on foot).

The problem I hear with most uncap rules, is they are not clearly defined and its more up to the admins discretion as to the penalty. Its why I like Internode servers, They have a well defined and monitored rules system put in place.

Internode Uncap Rule wrote:

Spawn Camping
On some maps there are uncappable flags. These flags cannot be captured and are indicated on your map by a large red circle with a line through the center. These rules apply to the immediate base area around these flags. Anything outside of this is fair game. To make it easier to understand the actual area, on your mini map at furtherest zoom, anything under the red circle is covered. In addition, the ENTIRE carrier on any map is classed as an uncap...all of it. It is not to be attacked anywhere (except the AA's) with vehicles.

- Players may engage the opposition at an uncapable flag with their kit weapons only. The use of aircraft or vehicles is not permitted.
- Aircraft may engage ground based Anti-Air weapons within an uncapable base - This includes ground and vehicle mounted AA. Failure to move out of the uncapable spawn after the AA has been destroyed will be considered spawn camping.
- A plane, or chopper, that has returned to the airspace above its uncapable flag is not protected under the spawn camping rule.
Its a battlefield for fucks sake, not a dance floor. There are NO RULES. You are a soldier on a battlefield, do not expect your teacher to step in and slap your enemy on the wrist.

I hate over protective whiny BF2 admins. Stop playing BF2 if you do not know how to deal with such situations. You probably were the same gutless wimps who used to get bullied back in school. Go play My Kitty Island Adventures or something.

Personally I do not base rape, the only exception being when my team has all the flags and I have to wait about. Otherwise I focus on the objective.

With regards to spawn camping:
If you got yourself into a situation were you are being raped its you own damn fault. If a tank is spawn camping you, ie. Karkand hotel alley, do not spawn in the same goddamn place. Spawn somewhere else, come in as an anti-tank and fight back. A tank is no match against a salvo of 5 anti-tank rockets being fired up its ass.

Last edited by d3x74 (2007-03-25 03:54:39)

+383|7033|The Netherlands
I played in clanbase bfv in the eu ladder with my old clan. If we managed to get all the enemy's flags, we d rape the hell out of their base and steal all their vehicles. A good tactic in a clanbase match and legit since there are no rules for that. When you do this on a public server, the majority of 'enemy' will simply disconnect and find a different server to play on.

Thats why alot of public servers use a no uncaprape rule. Also some maps are unbalanced, for example wake, if you allow baseraping on that map, the usmc will not get off the carrier in most cases. Its no fun for the guys on the carrier geting insta killed every time they spawn on the deck and its not much fun for the guys on the island who are waiting for something to shoot at. The only people having fun are the 2 j10 pilots and the guys in the chopper.

Rules like these keep playing on a game server fun for everyone and its also to prevent loads of people from disconnecting.
Cylons' my kinda frak

d3x74 wrote:

Its a battlefield for fucks sake, not a dance floor. There are NO RULES.
Wrong, it's a game.

And seeing as these people rent these servers from EA, who let the public play on them. I think they have every right to specify which rules they want on their server.

Macca wrote:

d3x74 wrote:

Its a battlefield for fucks sake, not a dance floor. There are NO RULES.
Wrong, it's a game.

And seeing as these people rent these servers from EA, who let the public play on them. I think they have every right to specify which rules they want on their server.
True it is a game, but this aint exactly a game of good will and roses is it?

Admins can do whatever the hell they want with their servers, but ultimately they are enforcing their own fears and cowardly attitudes onto people who play on their servers.

Last edited by d3x74 (2007-03-25 04:01:47)

Cylons' my kinda frak

d3x74 wrote:

Macca wrote:

d3x74 wrote:

Its a battlefield for fucks sake, not a dance floor. There are NO RULES.
Wrong, it's a game.

And seeing as these people rent these servers from EA, who let the public play on them. I think they have every right to specify which rules they want on their server.
True it is a game, but this aint exactly a game of good will is it?

Admins can do whatever the hell they want with their servers, but ultimately they are enforcing their own fears and cowardly attitudes onto people who play on their servers.
Yeah - I agree with you there. Admins that abuse their power are complete f-wits. But some server do have honest admins, and they're the type that rule with an iron fist.

But my position towards uncap raping in a vehicle is still neutral, I don't think I can make the judgement to be for or against it.
Sure, attacking an uncap with a kit weapon is awesome, especially camping there with an M95 to try and steal a plane or chopper.
Meh, I don't like it. Especially since it goes hand in hand with those high-ranked teamstacking whores.
Da Blooze
It's a war game, and as long as it's an enemy, I'll shoot it, regardless of its location on the battlefield.  If I get kicked or banned from a server because that breaks their rules, then it's off to the next server I go.  Thankfully, pretty much every server I frequent happens to permit the attacking of uncaps...which probably isn't a coincidence.

Honestly, who in their right mind, who is sitting down to play an FPS war game, thinks it needs constraints to the point of making uncappable bases off limits?  If anything, it should be encouraged to try to attack the uncaps....after all, the enemy doesn't have to fear those flags from being taken, so if the defenders actually utilize just a smidgeon of tactics, most threats to an uncappable area can be quickly dispatched by concentrated attacks.

IMO, you honestly can't deal with "baseraping", maybe you should be playing a different game.

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