Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Jet Blast wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Jet Blast wrote:

Guys, I am glad you are happy, but I cannot be too excited until they are actually released.
They will be in UK tomorrow, he is not that stupid.
I think you are correct.  I just want to use the counting chickens analogy.
Tehran at 8:00 am (0430 GMT).

PS: Does this mean oil will come back down?

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-04-04 15:19:57)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Jet Blast

Kmarion wrote:

Tehran at 8:00 am (0430 GMT).
That is like 4 hours from now right?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Jet Blast wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Tehran at 8:00 am (0430 GMT).
That is like 4 hours from now right? 8 am their time.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-04-04 15:25:30)

Xbone Stormsurgezz

rawls2 wrote:

Why are you guys so concerned with the middle east bieng at war. When have they not? Was it diplomacy that ended the Iran-Iraq war?
If an area has been rife with war for many years would that not be more of a reason to avoid further unwarranted conflicts in said area rather than a means to try and justify unwarranted conflicts? Diplomacy may not have resolved the Iran-Iraq war but you have to admit it would've been nicer for all involved if it had.
+3,611|6934|London, England
You know i'll be genuinley surprised if the people who were kidnapped actually say "Yeah, we weren't threated or anything"

Can't wait to find out how they were really treated. Once they're in Britain safe and sound I hope they blow this to peices. Of course, it would be great if Iran actually did treat them well and they admitted that. Less tension, less hatred. Those crazy anti-anything war people would be gobsmacked. It'll all be very interesting.
Mr. Bigglesworth

Braddock wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Why are you guys so concerned with the middle east bieng at war. When have they not? Was it diplomacy that ended the Iran-Iraq war?
If an area has been rife with war for many years would that not be more of a reason to avoid further unwarranted conflicts in said area rather than a means to try and justify unwarranted conflicts? Diplomacy may not have resolved the Iran-Iraq war but you have to admit it would've been nicer for all involved if it had.
That would be great if we were all enlightened spirits. But we are all just simple mammals with the horrible affliction known as reason. As long as that remains we will always go to war, diplomacy or not.

Braddock wrote:

iphtnax wrote:

Here's what Tony Blair should have done: given the Iranians 24 hours to release the sailors plus demanded a compensation payment of £10 million. Should these things not be delievered, then the Iranians would lose a military base every four hours.
Well Rommell, you're quite the military tactician. Where did you get the arbitrary sum of £10 million from? That tactic, as fantastic as it sounds in theory, would have had one result: 15 dead sailors and a war.

iphtnax wrote:

War in itself isn't a bad thing. The bad thing is having to go to war in the first place.
Have you been in many nice wars then? I don't know how successful you would be convincing an Iraqi kid with his arms blown off or a Mother who's lost her son in the military of that theory.

iphtnax wrote:

You're ignoring the fact that the terrorists (Gerry Adams and Co) realise that they can now achieve their goal politically rather than militarily, but do you doubt for a moment that they won't go back to the gun if their political methods fail.
Decommissioning all your weapons and firepower isn't a good idea if you plan on going back to the gun (and btw the INDEPENDENT monitoring commission has verified that the IRA are in compliance with the decommissioning demands).

iphtnax wrote:

Muslims are like Terminators - they can't be bargained or reasoned with.
Bigoted generalisations like this only serve to show people that your opinion is not worth listening to.

iphtnax wrote:

However, should the terrorists ever succeed in stealing part of my country from me (ie. absorbing Ulster into Ireland), then I'll be the first to encourage the Loyalists to go on the rampage against the Republican terrorists and their enablers. If it worked against us, it'll work against them ten times as strong
I'm sure the Loyalist terrorist minority will take great heart in your words of encouragement. I don't doubt that WHEN we absorb the six counties (I say six counties because Ulster covers an area of Ireland that takes in more than the six counties btw) there will be a civil war but you have to face the basic facts, the strength in numbers lies with the Republic, it won't be long before there are more Republicans than Loyalists in the six counties never mind all the people from the South who would take part in a civil war. Or are you going to attempt another plantation? I don't think there would be many volunteers.

iphtnax wrote:

There probably ARE a couple of simpletons (with eyebrows on their cheeks, lol) in Ireland who believe that the IRA has got rid of all it's weapons.

iphtnax wrote:

Did a leprechaun just hop into this thread then hop out again?
Racism, the last refuge of an idiot.
I only read your last sentence. I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on. Exactly how can a native of the British Isles be racist against another native of the British Isles? We're the same race?

Why is it that people have to use the R word so often?
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

rawls2 wrote:

Was it diplomacy that ended the Iran-Iraq war?
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

iphtnax wrote:

I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on.
Im Ron Burgundy?

CameronPoe wrote:

Ahmedinejad is lettin' em go!

He apparently forgives the sailors and is releasing them as a gift to Britain! Sly dog!

Sources and details to follow.

What were those helpful tips from the hostage crisis in the late 70s/80s? Guess we won't be needing them after all...

As for the other suggestions people bandied about - attacking Iran - guess what? Israel tried that with Hezbollah: and guess who still hasn't got their men back? That's right - Israel. This is a victory for diplomacy over stupidity/warmongering.
You just made Fadedsteve or whatever his name is look like an ass. Go you!
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6968|Teesside, UK

iphtnax wrote:

I only read your last sentence. I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on. Exactly how can a native of the British Isles be racist against another native of the British Isles? We're the same race?

Why is it that people have to use the R word so often?
you've owned everyone??  I can see how you would think that considering you admit to not reading peoples posts so don't see their counterarguments and facts which point out how ridiculous your viewpoint is.

Bertster7 wrote:

iphtnax wrote:

I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on.

iphtnax wrote:

I only read your last sentence. I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on. Exactly how can a native of the British Isles be racist against another native of the British Isles? We're the same race?

Why is it that people have to use the R word so often?
LOL. The British Isles were recently redefined thank you very much. It no longer includes Ireland. It was a complete misnomer anyway. My genes are Celtic/Gaeilic - if you're English then you're probably mostly Germanic. Enjoy. You're in good company (your Queen is German).

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-04-04 16:30:51)

Im Ron Burgundy?

iphtnax wrote:

Braddock wrote:

iphtnax wrote:

Here's what Tony Blair should have done: given the Iranians 24 hours to release the sailors plus demanded a compensation payment of £10 million. Should these things not be delievered, then the Iranians would lose a military base every four hours.
Well Rommell, you're quite the military tactician. Where did you get the arbitrary sum of £10 million from? That tactic, as fantastic as it sounds in theory, would have had one result: 15 dead sailors and a war.

iphtnax wrote:

War in itself isn't a bad thing. The bad thing is having to go to war in the first place.
Have you been in many nice wars then? I don't know how successful you would be convincing an Iraqi kid with his arms blown off or a Mother who's lost her son in the military of that theory.

iphtnax wrote:

You're ignoring the fact that the terrorists (Gerry Adams and Co) realise that they can now achieve their goal politically rather than militarily, but do you doubt for a moment that they won't go back to the gun if their political methods fail.
Decommissioning all your weapons and firepower isn't a good idea if you plan on going back to the gun (and btw the INDEPENDENT monitoring commission has verified that the IRA are in compliance with the decommissioning demands).

iphtnax wrote:

Muslims are like Terminators - they can't be bargained or reasoned with.
Bigoted generalisations like this only serve to show people that your opinion is not worth listening to.

iphtnax wrote:

However, should the terrorists ever succeed in stealing part of my country from me (ie. absorbing Ulster into Ireland), then I'll be the first to encourage the Loyalists to go on the rampage against the Republican terrorists and their enablers. If it worked against us, it'll work against them ten times as strong
I'm sure the Loyalist terrorist minority will take great heart in your words of encouragement. I don't doubt that WHEN we absorb the six counties (I say six counties because Ulster covers an area of Ireland that takes in more than the six counties btw) there will be a civil war but you have to face the basic facts, the strength in numbers lies with the Republic, it won't be long before there are more Republicans than Loyalists in the six counties never mind all the people from the South who would take part in a civil war. Or are you going to attempt another plantation? I don't think there would be many volunteers.

iphtnax wrote:

There probably ARE a couple of simpletons (with eyebrows on their cheeks, lol) in Ireland who believe that the IRA has got rid of all it's weapons.

iphtnax wrote:

Did a leprechaun just hop into this thread then hop out again?
Racism, the last refuge of an idiot.
I only read your last sentence. I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on. Exactly how can a native of the British Isles be racist against another native of the British Isles? We're the same race?

Why is it that people have to use the R word so often?
Definition of Ignorant Fool.

iphtnax wrote:

I only read your last sentence. I've already owned all in this thread so there's no need for me to carry on. Exactly how can a native of the British Isles be racist against another native of the British Isles? We're the same race?

Why is it that people have to use the R word so often?
Race (Oxford dictionary definition:

1. each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
2. A group of people sharing the same culture, history, language etc.

Let's start with physical features shall we...

iphtnax wrote wrote:

There probably ARE a couple of simpletons (with eyebrows on their cheeks, lol) in Ireland who believe that the IRA has got rid of all it's weapons.
Do you have eyebrows on your cheeks as well then seen as we're the same race?

Now let's see ...culture, history and language... How's your Gaeilge iphtnax?

And finally...

iphtnax wrote:

Exactly how can a native of the British Isles be racist against another native of the British Isles?
If your implying that Ireland is part of the British Isles: … ng_dispute

Last edited by Braddock (2007-04-04 16:46:38)

+125|6891|Rochester NY USA
I would state my opinion if Campo wasn't looking for a fight.
+271|7069|United States of America

topthrill05 wrote:

I would state my opinion if Campo wasn't looking for a fight.
State it anyway. Just to piss people off and look like a jackass, it's fun.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

King_County_Downy wrote:

We negotiated with terrorists. Great.
I thought the Brits were firm but calm. I just hope they keep their warships closer the next time Iran decides to go plucking them out of the water.
  • Goal (A) Has been accomplished.
  • Goal (B) We can now address Iran without fear of losing lives.

Getting them home safely was priority number one in my mind. Now we can deal with the long term.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-04-04 16:51:26)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Oh man, all you suckers who voted it would end in war got owned by Ahmedinejad!
+59|6959|The United States of America
I think this turned out great in the short term for both sides.  Make no doubt about it, from the short term, diplomacy was the answer here.  However, I am worried that this may have wider repercussions down the road that none of us can predict.  Will Iran be emboldened against the West, leading to a full scale war between all involved powers?  Will this be considered the equivalent of the Cuban Missile Crisis for Iran?  I don't know.  What I do know is that war with Iran is coming.  War with Iran is coming because the President of the United States is selling it yet again, and Americans have short memories.  I know its coming because yet another country is being defiant to the powers that be.  Whether Iran is right or not, whether America and Great Britain is right or not, war is coming.  And nothing will stop it save for rational and intensional diversion by BOTH sides.
Jet Blast
A little more than one hour till release.

CameronPoe wrote:

Ahmedinejad is lettin' em go!

He apparently forgives the sailors and is releasing them as a gift to Britain! Sly dog!

Sources and details to follow.

What were those helpful tips from the hostage crisis in the late 70s/80s? Guess we won't be needing them after all...

As for the other suggestions people bandied about - attacking Iran - guess what? Israel tried that with Hezbollah: and guess who still hasn't got their men back? That's right - Israel. This is a victory for diplomacy over stupidity/warmongering.
Cam... Iran gave the hostages back to avoid an ass beating.  They don't have their Nukes yet and he realized that this would be a great reason (like one is really needed) to fuck up their program. Laser guided FTW!
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Dropped on request
We should all thank Iran for this wonderful dead they have performed....

It's like a man stealing your wallet, giving it back to you a week later, and getting praised for it instead of being arrested.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Pretty much one big shit sandwich, except for the freed people.
this is the best we can do?
Iran did what they had to do.  They saw the writing on the wall.  Blockade on the way to stop the flow of gas.  Not even Ahmedinejad is that stupid to let his people ration gas.  The only thing that would have caused is another revolution, which would not bode well for his (and his friends) survival.

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