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- Poll 2!! Best submachine gun on the game is...?
Best Sub-Machinegun?
P90 | 39% | 39% - 53 | ||||
Mp-7 | 18% | 18% - 25 | ||||
Pp-19 | 15% | 15% - 20 | ||||
Mp-5 | 19% | 19% - 26 | ||||
Type 75 | 6% | 6% - 9 | ||||
Total: 133 |
Null vote i like em all.
Type 85 is like, a gods gift to PLA. Srsly pro.
the Type 85 actually owns. it just that the maps refuse to let it shine
voted for HKMP5
voted for HKMP5
2.Type 85
3.Mp5 (Dust machine)
2.Type 85
3.Mp5 (Dust machine)
MP5, MP7, P90. The type 85 isn't bad but it looks like a pistol on a stick w/ steroids.
and at this stage gun fans (?), the P90 is winning by a long way, and deservedly so!
P90 is better than PP-19 in all aspects, except that it doesnt feel like its better. So i vote PP-19.
It looks like the german MP40 used in WW2, and i wouldnt be surprised if the PLA just bought some of those rusty pieces of shit and gave them a lick of paint.gene_pool wrote:
Type 85 is like, a gods gift to PLA. Srsly pro.
They dont believe in god. Only in Karl Marx.gene_pool wrote:
Type 85 is like, a gods gift to PLA. Srsly pro.
MP7 used to be the best when it had the 20 round magazine and awesome accuracy and damage, now P90 is the best.
Close. From what I know, it's basically a Russian PPS-43 from the same wrote:
It looks like the german MP40 used in WW2, and i wouldnt be surprised if the PLA just bought some of those rusty pieces of shit and gave them a lick of paint.gene_pool wrote:
Type 85 is like, a gods gift to PLA. Srsly pro.
followed closely by the MP5 then PP-19
Unlocks can go get butt raped. then after that can go die.
followed closely by the MP5 then PP-19
Unlocks can go get butt raped. then after that can go die.
Last edited by =NHB=Shadow (17 years, 11 months ago)
For me PP-19 is the best one..
Wow youre rightk30dxedle wrote:
Close. From what I know, it's basically a Russian PPS-43 from the same wrote:
It looks like the german MP40 used in WW2, and i wouldnt be surprised if the PLA just bought some of those rusty pieces of shit and gave them a lick of paint.gene_pool wrote:
Type 85 is like, a gods gift to PLA. Srsly pro.

Type 85:

Last edited by (17 years, 11 months ago)
Upon reading your post you have completely swayed my vote hte mp7 how damm cool does that gun sound!!!! Sorta cool metallic sound is given off when firing the mp7 compared to the pop a diddy pop of the p90, and the pissy sounds of the others.MrE`158 wrote:
The stats for the submachine guns are all very, very similar. Biggest difference in each case is the number of rounds in the magazine, the other notable difference being the P90's red-dot aimpoint. They've all got the same ROF (900rpm), very similar accuracies and the exact same damage (19).Stormscythe wrote:
My list:
1. P90 (50 bullets & the most accurate one, together with the MP7, red dot scope)
2. PP-19 (45 bullets = advantage over all guns but the P90)
3. MP7 (40 bullets & the most accurate one together with the P90, sucky because of the engineers missing body armor)
4. MP5 (30 bullets as a downside)
5. Type whatsoever (30 bullets & full auto as downsides)
The way Stormscythe has them listed really is the right order in terms of the mechanics of the weapons. Personally, I prefer the MP7 to the PP-19, because I play a lot of Engineer and it sounds awesome, but the PP-19's extra 5 rounds might make all the difference. So, other than the feel of them, and a personal preference for the aesthetics of a particular weapon, this is the way they should be listed.
I cant believe people havent realised that the p90 and mp7 have almost identical stats dev,dam etc wise. The only difference is the clip size.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
P90 is the only one that I dare use in a straight-up fight against someone with a rifle. I don't stand a chance with any of the other SMG's. At least with the P90 I've got a 50/50 shot if killing someone with a rifle.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
not if u know how to use it. its the only thing i use for engyjord wrote:
The MP7 is a laugh.
I fail miserably with all of them, but the mp5 feels a bit better.
I say the P90. Mostly because I can see where I aim with it (the MP5s iron sights = hard to line up headshots). Yes, I do like to go long range with my submachine guns (though I usually save my SRAWs for that job).

MP5 is the easiest for me to hit with. It doesn't bounce around as badly as the P90 when indexed and I can actually see down the irons which I have trouble doing with the MP7.
yes indeed i am amazed that quite a handful of people don't know that all the smgs pretty much have ,approximately, the same stats, not the same, but approximately (I guess the effect of looks, sound, feeling, and ironsight is a placebo and makes people pwn with one gun then another despite same stats. The real factor that i would choose is the magazine size ie P90> pp19 > mp7; i really miss the mp7 when it had 20 rounds though....Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Threads like this remind me that people don't know shit about any of the guns. Placebo effect.
mp5 and the chinese type are the worse
Last edited by agent146 (17 years, 11 months ago)
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- Poll 2!! Best submachine gun on the game is...?