If you check the leaderboard, there are yet again more people exploiting the leaderboards. I know this means shitall for people like me who have about 0 care for ranks and "#1 in the world" but, this may mean EA will have to produce a patch to stop all this?
Just a theory, nothing has been proven. But as people find out how to score crazy huge points, its going to get more and more common. And an exploit as large as this is going to cause EA troubles, so hopefully they will patch the game once more? Heck, maybe this time they will be paying attention to the public wants and fix some other stuff too
Just a theory, nothing has been proven. But as people find out how to score crazy huge points, its going to get more and more common. And an exploit as large as this is going to cause EA troubles, so hopefully they will patch the game once more? Heck, maybe this time they will be paying attention to the public wants and fix some other stuff too