Assult definatly, it is a damn auto cannon, im suprised its not able to take down tanks!!!
born there, living in cancowami wrote:
COUGH G3 COUGHauzziekid42 wrote:
it is between
medic assualt and support
though most of the support guns are already pretty good
Ignore Superior Mind, he doesn't know what he's saying . The PKM annoys me with its slow firing rate. Plus, you still get your cool smoke grenades with the G3. And regular hand grenades.
Off topic: How come you're "auzziekid" but your BF2s page says you're Canadian?
umm l85 medic gun. Great gun
PKM.. Now this topic can be closedauzziekid42 wrote:
OK so yea, I know that I am not the greatest BF2 Player. I am about to get my second upgrade what gun should I get?
I have only got BF2
Personally I'd go with the PKM for Support. Great weapon for a fairly new player.
The Assault G3? It's only got a 20 round magazine so you better be a very accurate shooter if you want any success with that weapon. If this is your second upgrade I doubt you have the skills to use the G3. Not to knock you or anything, those 20 round go VERY quickly.
The Assault G3? It's only got a 20 round magazine so you better be a very accurate shooter if you want any success with that weapon. If this is your second upgrade I doubt you have the skills to use the G3. Not to knock you or anything, those 20 round go VERY quickly.
Go with the PKM..
Because even if your accuracy isn't that great you will still have a big clip load to kill people with.
Once you get good at aiming, use it in bursts.
Just remember the longer you hold down the trigger, the more the gun becomes less accurate.
Because even if your accuracy isn't that great you will still have a big clip load to kill people with.
Once you get good at aiming, use it in bursts.
Just remember the longer you hold down the trigger, the more the gun becomes less accurate.
PKM for the pointwhore win! Get PKM so you can get more unlocks. It is the unlock to the unlocks.
im extremely surprised noone has said the l85 medic gun. amazing gun. your all telling him to get the pkm lol . The pkm is a noob awful gun. the g3 or the l85 hands down
You have some time as a support and agreeing with what someone previous said about you playing Karkand, the home of medic/support whores.
You should deffinatly unlock the PKM, you can out snipe snipers, grenade spam...basically be a Karkand whore...TO THE MAX.
And everyone loves everything "TO THE MAX".
You should deffinatly unlock the PKM, you can out snipe snipers, grenade spam...basically be a Karkand whore...TO THE MAX.
And everyone loves everything "TO THE MAX".
if i get SF do i get two unlocks per rank?
because my firend said that if u get SF and you go up a rank you get two upgrades
because my firend said that if u get SF and you go up a rank you get two upgrades
Yes you do. And for each rank you've already gone up, you get to pick an extra unlock.auzziekid42 wrote:
if i get SF do i get two unlocks per rank?
because my firend said that if u get SF and you go up a rank you get two upgrades
And not to be a smartass, but the correct term is unlock.

anything but the engineer or sniper unlocks would be good seeing as how the stock shottys are much better and the m95 is only good for tking, which you dont wanna get into. DAO L85 and PKM all pwn IMO.
Last edited by colt.45 (2007-04-10 21:33:51)
well sorrycowami wrote:
Yes you do. And for each rank you've already gone up, you get to pick an extra unlock.auzziekid42 wrote:
if i get SF do i get two unlocks per rank?
because my firend said that if u get SF and you go up a rank you get two upgrades
And not to be a smartass, but the correct term is unlock.
well i guess then i get 3 upgrades
decisions decisions
ok well i will buy it this weekend seeing that my week is full of school and baseball
and i will get 3 unlocks
so crazy
im thinking 1st support, 1st medic, 1st assault or 2nd medic (cause its so great from what i have heard)
Ok spanner in the works time: I say go for all the sniper rifles first! L96A1 is by far the best sniper rifle in the game and so nice to use once you have it unlocked.
Lets compare each weapon.
G3: Good. Accurate, Powerful, High Survivability Rate against other assault player. Bad. Only 20 rounds per clip no Grenade Launcher(Not really a con if you like reg grenades better)
L85: Good. Scoped(Allowing for headshots) Bad. Accuracy(Even on single shot far targets are hard to hit)
Pkm: Good: Damage and Accuracy. Bad. Over heats easily
DAO-12: Good. Squad killer and has lots of ammo. Bad. 2 shot kill at point blank and reload time sucks.
Jackhammer: Good. Full auto shotgun. Bad. Runs outta ammo quick and reload time is a bitch.
M95: Good. Can shoot through cockpit glass. Bad. Not really an Anti-Material rifle like it should(Same damage as m24 on infantry)
Your call man. Personally since you play Kark I say get the dao since it's at you got one gun to take care of infantry and other one to kill tanks.
G3: Good. Accurate, Powerful, High Survivability Rate against other assault player. Bad. Only 20 rounds per clip no Grenade Launcher(Not really a con if you like reg grenades better)
L85: Good. Scoped(Allowing for headshots) Bad. Accuracy(Even on single shot far targets are hard to hit)
Pkm: Good: Damage and Accuracy. Bad. Over heats easily
DAO-12: Good. Squad killer and has lots of ammo. Bad. 2 shot kill at point blank and reload time sucks.
Jackhammer: Good. Full auto shotgun. Bad. Runs outta ammo quick and reload time is a bitch.
M95: Good. Can shoot through cockpit glass. Bad. Not really an Anti-Material rifle like it should(Same damage as m24 on infantry)
Your call man. Personally since you play Kark I say get the dao since it's at you got one gun to take care of infantry and other one to kill tanks.
L85A1 is your best friend. Everyone complains about the G36E being too easy to use, hardly anyone complains about the L85A1, but in the hands of a competent player (which you will be if you persist, if you want me to explain why that is just ask) the L85 can decimate entire squads. It has a given advantage that it has an awesome scope and plus it's also full auto. Land those shots on the head and you're unstoppable.
Or you could go as support. Get lots of points and leave the tank-killing to those trigger-happy rocket n00bsDavid.Podedworny wrote:
Your call man. Personally since you play Kark I say get the dao since it's at you got one gun to take care of infantry and other one to kill tanks.
PKM is an awesome gun. Once you get SF unlocks, you'll be able to do some serious damage with the 2nd tier Support unlock, the MG36. Basically it's your standard G36 on steroids with 100 rounds in a drum mag. It's accurate for a LMG, and it also comes in 3-shot burst mode, good for sniping, while also effective at close range.
Well since he's new i dont think he should be doing any support roles yet(New players usually get yelled at the most when they go medic or support, I should know i'm a sargeant on my second account and when i medic whore people yell at me for not reviving them when they half a map away) I say let him decide but the DAO-12 would be the best since it is an AT upgrade and you have rockets for fighting vehicles as well. But if he plays IO then support would be a better choice.DeltaForce wrote:
Or you could go as support. Get lots of points and leave the tank-killing to those trigger-happy rocket n00bsDavid.Podedworny wrote:
Your call man. Personally since you play Kark I say get the dao since it's at you got one gun to take care of infantry and other one to kill tanks.
PKM is an awesome gun. Once you get SF unlocks, you'll be able to do some serious damage with the 2nd tier Support unlock, the MG36. Basically it's your standard G36 on steroids with 100 rounds in a drum mag. It's accurate for a LMG, and it also comes in 3-shot burst mode, good for sniping, while also effective at close range.
Alright. I'll chime in. Look at it like this:
If you're a killa, get the G3.
If you're a helpa, get the PKM.
If you're a big helpa, get the L85.
Here comes the 'well duh' part: With support and medic, you get the bonus of point boosting early to get to the other unlocks. Specifically with the medic, you get the chance for twice the helpa points due to the med packs and the revive ability. Although I found that the ammo packs seems to get picked up faster than the med packs for some reason. If you are a good killa, the get the G3 as you will need to focus on shooting rather than switching between kit supplies. So if you couple that with the unlocks, that might steer you in the direction you want to go.
Last piece of advice, map out the guns you want to unlock. Make sure you get all the unlocks you want at 20000. For me, it has been a long hall to get to 50000 and that last unlock. I wish I had made a different choice for a couple of the unlocks. (Or you could make another account!) No pressure though! Best of luck!
If you're a killa, get the G3.
If you're a helpa, get the PKM.
If you're a big helpa, get the L85.
Here comes the 'well duh' part: With support and medic, you get the bonus of point boosting early to get to the other unlocks. Specifically with the medic, you get the chance for twice the helpa points due to the med packs and the revive ability. Although I found that the ammo packs seems to get picked up faster than the med packs for some reason. If you are a good killa, the get the G3 as you will need to focus on shooting rather than switching between kit supplies. So if you couple that with the unlocks, that might steer you in the direction you want to go.
Last piece of advice, map out the guns you want to unlock. Make sure you get all the unlocks you want at 20000. For me, it has been a long hall to get to 50000 and that last unlock. I wish I had made a different choice for a couple of the unlocks. (Or you could make another account!) No pressure though! Best of luck!
Get either the L85 (medic) G3 (assault) or PKM (support). Avoid the M95, it is the worst teir one unlock. The G36C was my first pick aswell and I have never regreted it. And just remeber that the unlocks are alternatives not upgrades. All the guns (except the stock SMGs and blot-action sniper rifles) are great weapons and equally deadly if use properly.
Last edited by doctastrangelove1964 (2007-04-11 12:51:30)
so should i get those 3?doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
Get either the L85 (medic) G3 (assault) or PKM (support). Avoid the M95, it is the worst teir one unlock. The G36C was my first pick aswell and I have never regreted it. And just remeber that the unlocks are alternatives not upgrades. All the guns (except the stock SMGs and blot-action sniper rifles) are great weapons and equally deadly if use properly.
The first level medic rifle is real good (L85) the G3 for Assault is also awesome. But I really wanted to reach the 2nd tier sniper rifle so I went for that. Go medic/assault IMO.
but the thing is that i barly play medic
and thats wht my friend was telling me today
because i dont play medic, what is the point to the upgrade.
though he said the second medic unlock is godly..
and thats wht my friend was telling me today
because i dont play medic, what is the point to the upgrade.
though he said the second medic unlock is godly..
Depends, always depends. Like sniping, go for m95 or g3. they both have good accuracy. Like being support, get the PKM. Good power and can never run out of ammo. Like playing close combat, get a shotgun. DAO-12 if you don't use nades much and Jackhammer if you do. I prefer the DAO-12 though. Don't get the medic unlock. Out of all of these, I recommend the G3 for it's accuracy and power. Runs out of ammo quick if u just unload on someone but you can learn to use your ammo wisely over time. I once was on Fushee Pass sitting ontop of one of those huge smoke stacks (chimney). I killed like 7 out of 9 or 10 people up there in under 10 min. just put it on semi-auto (roll your mouse wheel down and then back up and click on the G3 again). Just remember to switch it back the same way when you're on the ground. After G3, get PKM, then M95, then DAO-12, then Jackhammer, then medic unlock. I've been playing since this game since it came out (summer of 2005) I got all of the unlocks for both expansions. My favorite out of both is the G36c for medic from Special Forces expansion. then the MG36 support, from the Xpack.
Not any SP unlocks, just normal bf2.ethrion wrote:
Ok spanner in the works time: I say go for all the sniper rifles first! L96A1 is by far the best sniper rifle in the game and so nice to use once you have it unlocked.