Some quick Q & A for some replies here:
How is using the bomber to kill tanks, infantry, and cobras not fun? What do you mean by had to kill infantry? I had no gunner most of the time, so why wouldn't I bomb anything that moves - the ammo reload time on Oman is literally the time it takes you to make an arc, you can bomb every vehicle before it can respawn and cap a new flag lol. I heartily disagree with you not wanting to kill infantry with a plane - Esp. on a bigger server you can reap even more then just one or two.
The whole point of the video is to make you want to play BF2 and fly - It's not supposed to be a showcase, its all clips recompiled from 1 round of Oman and 2 rounds of Wake. Obviously, its not going to have the most stellar moves and amazing kills.
I use fraps, virtualdub, video edit magic, and I am new to it, so obviously the video is an amateur result - it's my first one and I don't have audio mixing software installed anymore to cleanup the track transitions etc. I wanted to do it because when I stop playing bf2 I want to look back and remember what it was like to fly in this game compared to whatever I take up next.
Fraps drops my framerate from 70-90 FPS down to 33 FPS and 25 FPS in lag situations you can see in the videos. 1 min of RGB video (uncompressed from fraps) takes up about 500 MB of space - and while you're flying you never know when you're going to get an awesome 6 people kill etc. so you can't afford to fraps everything - you have to painfully go through the huge chunks of video later to find it and edit it etc. Hence 1 Oman 2 Wake runs thats all I wanted to do lol.
If you watch the videos those clips came from it wasn't spawn killing - I chased that Bhawk to the carrier for repair, which makes it a fair kill. The guy standing for the cobra was a departure gift to their team with my heart-felt love! Also, if USA has one or more flags then its generally agreed the J10's may attack the carrier anyways as all the F35s do is make runs on the Airfield.
The reason there is not much dying is simple - once you're in the air your pretty hard to take out, and most deaths result from air collisions all of which you saw, or much rarer, crashes into the ocean. Every pilot knows what its like to get a freeze while your doing a loop and you unfreeze finding yourself in the drink lmao. Fortunately most of the time my freezes occur while im flying up or level, its unlucky when your facing downwards and it freezes. At any rate, why would I start recording video on the runway getting spawn camped over and over - thats not even fun while it happens nevermind watching a video to remember the joys of your J10 exploding before it rolls an inch forward.
The reason why my KD 10ish is two-fold, I have to deal with spawn killing, and getting tked until I can get in the air. For each of those runway deaths you have to take out ten enemies - so if you get spawn killed twice, you end up needing 20kills before you can die again, follow me? It starts to add up fast like on Oman where your guaranteed to get spawn killed 3 or 4 times a round before you can actually fly. My plane KD has slowly been rising ever since I left Oman for Wake.
The important thing to do though, is calculate your KPM in a plane ~1.57 - this shows how effective you are in that plane once you're off the ground. Granted different maps and planes will vary for people's stats, but you should be tracking your own and you can see if you are improving or not. You can fly around for 30 minutes and get 15 kills joyriding choosing only the no risk targets, or you can fly around for 30 minutes, crash once, get tk'ed once, get spawn killed twice, and get 45ish kills and your K/D maybe worse off but your KPM will show that you're helping your team much more.
Capitalistpride, who I never actually saw apparently killed me continually for an hour while I was afk eating dinner spawning in an uncap base. I left the spawn cursor (that white thingy) on the base so I kept spawning over and over while he and others killed me. I didn't know anything was wrong because when I came back the map had changed and so I kept on playing and there's no autospawn when you change maps. Later I saw that in my stats and I put 2+2 together to figure out what happened. I like it as little as you do lol.