Ah Xietso I remember you so well. From our Splinter Cell days, I remember you used to exploit it's glitches as well. For instance, there was a glitch in which the people running the server could auto launch a ranked game repeatedly so that he could get some cheap points. But when he lost some, boy did you hear about it. He bitched and bitched and bitched it was ALWAYS someone else's fault. And you make say i was a noob Xietsu but i'm at 1st place for Splinter Cell so stfu. Now I know all this superiority bullshit and all these fancy words you use to lengthen your waffle and make it sound intellectual but as most people pointed out you've used a lot of words in the wrong context so there we have it. And I know your sort, I know you're probably going to reply with another long speech about how petty I am and how I'm supposed to be wrong in every way. But I know that you=noob and maybe you will look at my stats and say hmm yeah well i got more points and my K ratio blah blah blah is rubbish but at least i make a contribution to my team and have a blast playing the game. Not just statspadding with tanks.
That's my two cents.
That's my two cents.